Instrument | Description
1NS 001 | Imaging Spectrometric Observatory
1NS 002 | Space Experiments with Particle Accelerators
1NS 003 | Atmospheric Emission Photometric Images
1NS 005 | Far Ultraviolet Space Telescope
1NS 008 | [1NA 008] Active Cavity Radiometer
1ES 013 | Grille Spectrometer |
1ES 014 | Waves in the hydroxyl emissive layer
1ES 017 | Investigation of atmospheric Lyman-alpha emissions
1ES 029 | Micro-organisms in hard space environment
1ES 027 | Advanced biostack experiment
1ES 024 | Stack-measurement of heavy cosmic ray isotopes
1ES 019A | Low energy electron flux on the Spacelab
1ES 019B | DC magnetic field vector measurement
1ES 020 | Phenomena Induced by Charged Particle Beams
1ES 023 | Spectroscopy in X-ray astronomy
1ES 021 | Measurement of the solar constant
1ES 016 | Solar spectrum from 170 to 3200 nanometres
1ES 034 | Microwave Remote Sensing Experiment