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ACTSOUTH - Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) Extragalactic Southern Sources Catalog



The ACTSOUTH catalog is a multi-frequency, multi-epoch catalog of extragalactic sources, based on 150, 220 and 280 GHz observations carried out in 2008, 2009 and 2010 using the Millimeter Bolometric Array Camera on the Atacama Cosmology Telescope. The catalog contains 695 sources, found in a sky area of ~600 square degrees. It is obtained by cross-matching sources found in 11 sub-catalogs, one for each season and frequency band. Also include are co-added data from ~150 and ~160 square degrees using 2 and 3 years of overlapping observations. The authors divide the sources into two populations, synchrotron and dusty emitters, based on their spectral behavior in the 150 - 220 GHz frequency range. They find 374 synchrotron sources and 321 dusty source candidates. Cross-matching with catalogs from radio to X-ray results in 264 synchrotron sources (71%) and 89 dusty sources (28%) with counterparts, suggesting that 232 dusty candidates are not in existing catalogs.

Catalog Bibcode



The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Extragalactic Point Sources
in the Southern Surveys at 150, 220 and 280 GHz observed between 2008-2010
    Vargas, C., Lopez-Caraballo, C. H., Battistelli, E. S., Dunner, R.,
    Farren, G., Gralla, M., Hall, K. R., Hervias-Caimapo, C., Hilton, M.,
    Hincks, A. D., Huffenberger, K., Marriage, T., Mroczkowski, T.,
    Niemack, M. D., Page, L., Partridge, B., Rojas, F., Rizzo, F.,
    Sifon, C., Staggs, S.,  Wollack, E. J.
    <arXiv e-prints(2023)>


This table was ingested by the HEASARC in November 2023 based upon the files downloaded from the LAMBDA archive at


The source designation of the ACT detection, in the format ACT-S JHHMMSS+/-DDMMSS.

The right ascension for the ACT source in decimal degrees in J2000 coordinates.

The declination for the ACT source in decimal degrees in J2000 coordinates.

The Galactic Longitude of the ACT source. This parameter was added by the HEASARC and is computed from the provided right ascension and declination.

The Galactic Latitude of the ACT source. This parameter was added by the HEASARC and is computed from the provided right ascension and declination.

The flux density, in mJy, measured for the source based on the 150 GHz frequency in 2008.

The uncertainty in the flux density, in mJy, measured for the source based on the 150 GHz frequency in 2008.

The flux density, in mJy, measured for the source based on the 220 GHz frequency in 2008.

The uncertainty in the flux density, in mJy, measured for the source based on the 220 GHz frequency in 2008.

The flux density, in mJy, measured for the source based on the 280 GHz frequency in 2008.

The uncertainty in the flux density, in mJy, measured for the source based on the 280 GHz frequency in 2008.

The flux density, in mJy, measured for the source based on the 150 GHz frequency in 2009.

The uncertainty in the flux density, in mJy, measured for the source based on the 150 GHz frequency in 2009.

The flux density, in mJy, measured for the source based on the 220 GHz frequency in 2009.

The uncertainty in the flux density, in mJy, measured for the source based on the 220 GHz frequency in 2009.

The flux density, in mJy, measured for the source based on the 150 GHz frequency in 2010.

The uncertainty in the flux density, in mJy, measured for the source based on the 150 GHz frequency in 2010.

The flux density, in mJy, measured for the source based on the 220 GHz frequency in 2010.

The uncertainty in the flux density, in mJy, measured for the source based on the 220 GHz frequency in 2010.

The flux density, in mJy, measured for the source based on the 280 GHz frequency in 2010.

The uncertainty in the flux density, in mJy, measured for the source based on the 280 GHz frequency in 2010.

The coadded flux density, in mJy, measured for 150 GHz frequency.

The uncertainty in the coadded flux density, in mJy, for 150 GHz frequency.

The coadded flux density, in mJy, measured for 220 GHz frequency.

The uncertainty in the coadded flux density, in mJy, for 220 GHz frequency.

The coadded flux density, in mJy, measured for 280 GHz frequency.

The uncertainty in the coadded flux density, in mJy, for 280 GHz frequency.

The signal-to-noise ratio for the detected source in 150 GHz frequency band for 2008.

The signal-to-noise ratio for the detected source in 220 GHz frequency band for 2008.

The signal-to-noise ratio for the detected source in 280 GHz frequency band for 2008.

The signal-to-noise ratio for the detected source in 150 GHz frequency band for 2009.

The signal-to-noise ratio for the detected source in 220 GHz frequency band for 2009.

The signal-to-noise ratio for the detected source in 150 GHz frequency band for 2010.

The signal-to-noise ratio for the detected source in 220 GHz frequency band for 2010.

The signal-to-noise ratio for the detected source in 280 GHz frequency band for 2010.

The signal-to-noise ratio for the detected source in the coadded 150 GHz frequency observations.

The signal-to-noise ratio for the detected source in the coadded 220 GHz frequency observations.

The signal-to-noise ratio for the detected source in the coadded 280 GHz frequency observations.

The flux density boosting, in mJy, inferred from simulated 150 GHz observations for 2008 (see Section 3.3.2 from reference paper). This is only available for detected sources.

The flux density boosting, in mJy, inferred from simulated 220 GHz observations for 2008 (see Section 3.3.2 from reference paper). This is only available for detected sources.

The flux density boosting, in mJy, inferred from simulated 280 GHz observations for 2008 (see Section 3.3.2 from reference paper). This is only available for detected sources.

The flux density boosting, in mJy, inferred from simulated 150 GHz observations for 2009 (see Section 3.3.2 from reference paper). This is only available for detected sources.

The flux density boosting, in mJy, inferred from simulated 220 GHz observations for 2009 (see Section 3.3.2 from reference paper). This is only available for detected sources.

The flux density boosting, in mJy, inferred from simulated 150 GHz observations for 2010 (see Section 3.3.2 from reference paper). This is only available for detected sources.

The flux density boosting, in mJy, inferred from simulated 220 GHz observations for 2010 (see Section 3.3.2 from reference paper). This is only available for detected sources.

The flux density boosting, in mJy, inferred from simulated 280 GHz observations for 2010 (see Section 3.3.2 from reference paper). This is only available for detected sources.

The flux density boosting, in mJy, inferred from simulated coadded 150 GHz observations (see Section 3.3.2 from reference paper). This is only available for detected sources.

The flux density boosting, in mJy, inferred from simulated coadded 220 GHz observations (see Section 3.3.2 from reference paper). This is only available for detected sources.

The flux density boosting, in mJy, inferred from simulated coadded 280 GHz observations (see Section 3.3.2 from reference paper). This is only available for detected sources.

The standard deviation in the flux density, in mJy, inferred from the simulated 150 GHz observation for 2008.

The standard deviation in the flux density, in mJy, inferred from the simulated 220 GHz observation for 2008.

The standard deviation in the flux density, in mJy, inferred from the simulated 280 GHz observation for 2008.

The standard deviation in the flux density, in mJy, inferred from the simulated 150 GHz observation for 2009.

The standard deviation in the flux density, in mJy, inferred from the simulated 220 GHz observation for 2009.

The standard deviation in the flux density, in mJy, inferred from the simulated 150 GHz observation for 2010.

The standard deviation in the flux density, in mJy, inferred from the simulated 220 GHz observation for 2010.

The standard deviation in the flux density, in mJy, inferred from the simulated 280 GHz observation for 2010.

The standard deviation in the flux density, in mJy, inferred from the simulated coadded 150 GHz observation.

The standard deviation in the flux density, in mJy, inferred from the simulated coadded 220 GHz observation.

The standard deviation in the flux density, in mJy, inferred from the simulated coadded 280 GHz observation.

The uncertainty in the flux density, in mJy, related to the calibration of the 150 GHz map for 2008.

The uncertainty in the flux density, in mJy, related to the calibration of the 220 GHz map for 2008.

The uncertainty in the flux density, in mJy, related to the calibration of the 280 GHz map for 2008.

The uncertainty in the flux density, in mJy, related to the calibration of the 150 GHz map for 2009.

The uncertainty in the flux density, in mJy, related to the calibration of the 220 GHz map for 2009.

The uncertainty in the flux density, in mJy, related to the calibration of the 150 GHz map for 2009.

The uncertainty in the flux density, in mJy, related to the calibration of the 220 GHz map for 2010.

The uncertainty in the flux density, in mJy, related to the calibration of the 280 GHz map for 2010.

The uncertainty in the flux density, in mJy, related to the calibration of the coadded 150 GHz map.

The uncertainty in the flux density, in mJy, related to the calibration of the coadded 220 GHz map.

The uncertainty in the flux density, in mJy, related to the calibration of the coadded 280 GHz map.

The spectral index between 150 and 220 GHz calculated using both fluxes from the season (e.g. 2008, 2009, 2010) with the highest signal-to-noise.

The spectral index between 220 and 280 GHz calculated using both fluxes from the season (e.g. 2008, 2009, 2010) with the highest signal-to-noise.

Classification of the galaxy (Synchrotron or Dusty) based on the spectral index between 150 and 220 GHz (i.e. spectral_index_150_220)

Reference note to the external catalog(s) where a source has a spatial cross-match with an offset smaller than the association radius, as follows:

      1 = The Sydney University Molonglo Sky Survey (SUMSS) at 843 MHz (Mauch et al. 2003)
      2 = The Parkes-MIT-NRAO southern survey (PMN) at 4850 MHz (Wright et al. 1994)
      3 = The Australia Telescope 20 GHz survey (AT20G) at 20 GHz (Murphy et al. 2010)
      4 = The Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) Faint Source catalog at 60 and 100 um (Moshir & et al. 1990)
      5 = The Wide Field Infrared Explorer (WISE) Source catalog at 22 um (Wright et al. 2010)
      6 = The AKARI/FIS All-Sky Survey Bright Source catalog at 65,90, 140, and 160 um (Yamamura et al. 2010)
          and The AKARI/IRC All-Sky Survey Point Source catalog at 9 and 18 um (Ishihara et al. 2010)
      7 = The Planck multi-frequency catalog of non thermal Sources (PCNT) at 30, 44, 70, 100, 143, 217,
          353, 545 and 857 GHz (1 cm to 350 um) (Planck Collaboration et al. 2018)
      8 = The South Pole Telescope Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SPT-SZ) survey point source catalog at 95, 150 and 220 GHz
          (Everett et al. 2020)
      9 = The Second ROSAT All-Sky Survey Point Source catalog (2RXS) at X-ray energies 0.1-2.4 keV
          (Boller et al. 2016)

Contact Person

Questions regarding the ACTSOUTH database table can be addressed to the HEASARC Help Desk.
Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:24:04 EDT