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AGNSDSSXM2 - Sloan Digital Sky Survey/XMM-Newton Type1 AGN X-Ray and Radio Properties Catalog



X-ray emission from active galactic nuclei (AGN) is dominated by the accretion disk around a supermassive black hole. The radio luminosity, however, has not such a clear origin except in the most powerful sources where jets are evident. The origin (and even the very existence) of the local bi-modal distribution in radio-loudness is also a debated issue. By analyzing X-ray, optical and radio properties of a large sample of type 1 AGN and quasars (QSOs) up to z > 2, where the bulk of this population resides, the authors aim to explore the interplay between radio and X-ray emission in AGN, in order to further our knowledge on the origin of radio emission, and its relation to accretion. They analyze a large (~800 sources) sample of type 1 AGN and QSOs selected from the 2XMMi XMM-Newton X-ray source catalog, cross-correlated with the SDSS DR7 spectroscopic catalog, covering a redshift range from z ~ 0.3 to z ~ 2.3. Supermassive black hole masses are estimated from the Mg II emission line, bolometric luminosities from the X-ray data, and radio emission or upper limits from the FIRST catalog. Most of the sources accrete close to the Eddington limit and the distribution in radio-loudness does not appear to have a bi-modal behavior. This study confirms that radio-loud AGN are also X-ray loud, with an X-ray-to-optical ratio up to twice that of radio-quiet objects, even excluding the most extreme strongly jetted sources. By analyzing complementary radio-selected control samples, the authors find evidence that these conclusions are not an effect of the X-ray selection, but are likely a property of the dominant QSO population.

The authors of this catalog conclude that their findings are best interpreted in a context where radio emission in AGN, with the exception of a minority of beamed sources, arises from very close to the accretion disk and is therefore heavily linked to X-ray emission. They also speculate that the radio-loud/radio-quiet dichotomy might either be an evolutionary effect that developed well after the QSO peak epoch, or an effect of incompleteness in small samples.

Basic information and derived properties are presented for the sample of X-ray selected type 1 AGN (as well as for the 11 X-ray undetected type 1 AGN in the "control sample"): coordinates, redshift, X-ray and radio fluxes, optical magnitudes, from the SDSS, 2XMMi, and FIRST catalogs; continuum luminosities at 3000 Angstroms and in the X-ray band, black hole masses, bolometric luminosities, Eddington ratios; for the sources falling in the FIRST field, optical fluxes at 2500 and 4400 Angstroms, X-ray-to-optical index, radio classification, and the ratios between the radio and the UV, optical, and X-ray fluxes.

Catalog Bibcode



Exploring X-ray and radio emission of type 1 AGN up to z ~ 2.3.
     Ballo L., Heras F.J.H., Barcons X., Carrera F.J.
    <Astron. Astrophys. 545, A66 (2012)>
    =2012A&A...545A..66B      (SIMBAD/NED BibCode)


This table was created by the HEASARC in October 2012 based on CDS Catalog J/A+A/545/A66 files table3.dat, table4.dat and table5.dat.


The XMM-Newton Serendipitous Source Catalog incremental 2nd release (2XMMi) source identification number for the (852) X-ray detected sources.

For the 11 X-ray-undetected sources, this is an arbitrary identification number, viz., 01X to 11X.

The HEASARC-constructed CDS-style source designation for the type 1 AGN, using the prefix of '[BHB2012]' for Ballo, Heras, Barcons (2012) and the srcid_2xmmi identification (for the 852 X-ray-detected sources) or the srcid_noxmm (for the 11 X-ray-undetected sources), e.g., '[BHB2012] 100067', or '[BHB2012] 9X', respectively.

The Right Ascension of the XMM-Newton source position in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000.0 coordinates to a precision of 10-6 degrees (0.0036 arcseconds) in the original table.

The Declination of the XMM-Newton source position in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000.0 coordinates to a precision of 10-6 degrees (0.0036 arcseconds) in the original table.

The Galactic Longitude of the XMM-Newton source position.

The Galactic Latitude of the XMM-Newton source position.

This flag parameter is set to '<' if the corresponding parameter value is an upper limit.

The XMM-Newton EPIC pn flux of the type 1 AGN between 0.2 and 12 keV (XMM-Newton Band 8) of the source, in erg cm-2 s-1, specifically the value of the xmm_pn_8_flux parameter in the 2XMMi Catalog, or, for the X-ray-undetected sources, the upper limit to this quantity from FLIX.

The uncertainty in the corresponding parameter value for the source, in the same units as the latter.

The redshift for the SDSS counterpart of the type 1 AGN.

The uncertainty in the corresponding parameter value for the source, in the same units as the latter.

The unique spectroscopic identification number for the SDSS counterpart of the type 1 AGN.

The Right Ascension of the SDSS source position in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000.0 coordinates to a precision of 10-6 degrees (0.0036 arcseconds) in the original table.

The Declination of the SDSS source position in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000.0 coordinates to a precision of 10-6 degrees (0.0036 arcseconds) in the original table.

The SDSS g-filter magnitude of the type 1 AGN.

The SDSS r-filter magnitude of the type 1 AGN.

The SDSS i-filter magnitude of the type 1 AGN.

The standard deviation of the Gaussian fitted to the Mg II 2799 Angstrom emission line of the type 1 AGN, in Angstroms.

The uncertainty in the corresponding parameter value for the source, in the same units as the latter.

The monochromatic continuum flux of the type 1 AGN at 2799 Angstroms beneath the Mg II emission line, in erg cm-2 s-1 A-1.

The FIRST Catalog integrated radio flux density of the type 1 AGN at 1.5 GHz (observed frame), in mJy.

This flag parameter gives the reason why no 20-cm FIRST flux density is listed for the type 1 AGN: 'O' means that the object was in a region of the sky not covered by FIRST, while 'u' means the object was in a region of the sky covered by FIRST, but was undetected.

The uncertainty in the corresponding parameter value for the source, in the same units as the latter.

The Galactic column density in the direction of the type 1 AGN from Kalberla et al. (2005, A&A, 440, 775), in H atoms cm-2.

This flag parameter is set to 'Y' to indicate that the value of the Mg II 2799 Angstrom emission line FWHM is taken from the SDSS DR7, while, if set to ' ', it is taken from Shen et al. (2011, ApJS, 194, 45).

The full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of the Mg II 2799 Angstrom emission line in the type 1 AGN, in km s-1.

The uncertainty in the corresponding parameter value for the source, in the same units as the latter.

This flag parameter is set to 'Y' to indicate that the value of the monochromatic continuum luminosity at 3000 Angstroms in the rest frame has been recovered as described in Section 3 of the reference paper, while, if set to ' ', it is taken from Shen et al. (2011, ApJS, 194, 45).

The logarithm of the monochromatic continuum luminosity of the type 1 AGN at 3000 Angstroms in the rest frame, in erg s-1 A-1.

The uncertainty in the corresponding parameter value for the source, in the same units as the latter.

This flag parameter is set to 'Y' to indicate that the value of the central black hole mass in the type 1 AGN has been computed using equation (1) of the reference paper, while, if set to ' ', it is taken from Shen et al. (2011, ApJS, 194, 45).

The logarithm of the mass of the central black hole in the type 1 AGN, in solar masses.

The uncertainty in the corresponding parameter value for the source, in the same units as the latter.

This flag parameter is set to '<' if the corresponding parameter value is an upper limit.

The logarithm of the hard X-ray luminosity LX of the type 1 AGN in the 2 - 10 keV band, in erg s-1, recovered as described in Section 3 of the reference paper.

The uncertainty in the corresponding parameter value for the source, in the same units as the latter.

This flag parameter is set to '<' if the corresponding parameter value is an upper limit.

The logarithmic ratio of the hard X-ray luminosity LX of the type 1 AGN in the 2 - 10 keV band to the Eddington luminosity LEdd of its central black hole, where LEdd = 1.3 x 1038 (MBH/MSun) erg s-1.

The uncertainty in the corresponding parameter value for the source, in the same units as the latter.

This flag parameter is set to '<' if the corresponding parameter value is an upper limit.

The logarithm of the luminosity-dependent X-ray (2-10 keV) bolometric correction, kX = Lbol/LX, calculated using equation (2) of the reference paper based on Marconi et al. (2004, MNRAS, 351, 169).

The uncertainty in the corresponding parameter value for the source, in the same units as the latter.

This flag parameter is set to '<' if the corresponding parameter value is an upper limit.

The logarithm of the bolometric luminosity of the type 1 AGN, in erg s-1, recovered as described in Section 3 of the reference paper.

The uncertainty in the corresponding parameter value for the source, in the same units as the latter.

This flag parameter is set to '<' if the corresponding parameter value is an upper limit.

The Eddington ratio, Lambda = Lbol/LEdd, i.e., the ratio of the bolometric and Eddington luminosities, for the type 1 AGN.

The uncertainty in the corresponding parameter value for the source, in the same units as the latter.

The monochromatic optical continuum flux of the type 1 AGN at 2500 Angstroms in the rest frame of the type 1 AGN, in mJy, recovered as described in Sections 3 and 4 of the reference paper.

The uncertainty in the corresponding parameter value for the source, in the same units as the latter.

This flag parameter is set to '<' if the corresponding parameter value is an upper limit.

The X-ray-to-optical spectral index of the type 1 AGN, alphaox = log (F2keV/F2500A)/log(nu2keV/nu2500A).

The uncertainty in the corresponding parameter value for the source, in the same units as the latter.

The monochromatic optical continuum flux of the type 1 AGN at 4400 Angstroms in the rest frame of the type 1 AGN, in mJy, recovered as described in Sections 3 and 4.2 of the reference paper. No value is given for those sources lacking an H-beta line in their spectra.

The uncertainty in the corresponding parameter value for the source, in the same units as the latter. No value is given for those sources lacking an H-beta line in their spectra.

The monochromatic radio flux density of the type 1 AGN at 5 GHz in the rest frame, in mJy, recovered from the integrated flux density at 1.5 GHz by assuming a power-law spectrum Fnu ~ nu-alpha, where alpha = 0.5, as described in Section 4 of the reference paper.

This flag parameter gives the reason why no rf 6-cm flux density is listed for the type 1 AGN: 'O' means that the object was in a region of the sky not covered by FIRST, while 'u' means the object was in a region of the sky covered by FIRST, but was undetected.

The uncertainty in the corresponding parameter value for the source, in the same units as the latter.

For sources not detected by FIRST, the upper limit to the monochromatic radio flux at 5 GHz (rest frame), in mJy, calculated from the 1 mJy flux limit at 1.5 GHz of the FIRST survey, assuming the same spectral shape as for the , viz., a power-law spectrum Fnu ~ nu-alpha, where alpha = 0.5,

This flag parameter gives the reason why no limiting rf 6-cm flux density is listed for the type 1 AGN: 'O' means that the object was in a region of the sky not covered by FIRST.

The uncertainty in the corresponding parameter value for the source, in the same units as the latter.

The radio-to-UV radio loudness parameter value for the type 1 AGN, defined as the ratio between the radio flux at 5 GHz and the optical flux at 2500 Angstroms, both in the rest frame.

This flag parameter gives the reason why no radio-to-UV radio loudness parameter value is listed for the type 1 AGN: 'O' means that the object was in a region of the sky not covered by FIRST, while 'u' means the object was in a region of the sky covered by FIRST, but was undetected.

The uncertainty in the corresponding parameter value for the source, in the same units as the latter.

For sources not detected by FIRST, the upper limit to the radio-to-UV radio loudness parameter, calculated from the limit to the radio flux at 5 GHz and the optical flux at 2500 Angstroms, both in the rest frame.

This flag parameter gives the reason why no limiting radio-to-UV radio loudness parameter is listed for the type 1 AGN: 'O' means that the object was in a region of the sky not covered by FIRST.

The uncertainty in the corresponding parameter value for the source, in the same units as the latter.

The radio classification of the type 1 AGN, coded as follows:

     RL   = radio-loud;
     dRI  = detected radio-intermediate;
     ndRI = non-detected with 1 < lim_ru_radio_loud <= 10;
     RQ   = radio-quiet;
     NC   = non-classified.

The radio-to-optical radio loudness parameter value for the type 1 AGN, defined as the ratio between the radio flux at 5 GHz and the optical flux at 4400 Angstroms, both in the rest frame.

This flag parameter gives the reason why no radio-to-optical radio loudness parameter value is listed for the type 1 AGN: 'O' means that the object was in a region of the sky not covered by FIRST, while 'u' means the object was in a region of the sky covered by FIRST, but was undetected.

The uncertainty in the corresponding parameter value for the source, in the same units as the latter.

For sources not detected by FIRST, the upper limit to the radio-to-optical radio loudness parameter, calculated from the limit to the radio flux at 5 GHz and the optical flux at 4400 Angstroms, both in the rest frame.

This flag parameter gives the reason why no limiting radio-to-optical radio loudness parameter is listed for the type 1 AGN: 'O' means that the object was in a region of the sky not covered by FIRST.

The uncertainty in the corresponding parameter value for the source, in the same units as the latter.

The radio-to-X-ray radio loudness parameter value for the type 1 AGN, defined as the ratio between the radio luminosity at 5 GHz and the X-ray luminosity in the 2 - 10 keV energy range.

This flag parameter gives the reason why no radio-to-X-ray radio loudness parameter value is listed for the type 1 AGN: 'O' means that the object was in a region of the sky not covered by FIRST, while 'u' means the object was in a region of the sky covered by FIRST, but was undetected.

The uncertainty in the corresponding parameter value for the source, in the same units as the latter.

This flag parameter is set to '>' if the corresponding parameter value is a lower limit.

The limit to the radio-to-X-ray radio loudness parameter, calculated from the limit to the radio luminosity at 5 GHz and the X-ray luminosity in the 2 - 10 keV energy range. Note that, for the X-ray detected AGN not detected by FIRST, it is an upper limit, while for the X-ray-undetected and radio-detected sources, it is a lower limit.

This flag parameter gives the reason why no limiting radio-to-X-ray radio loudness parameter is listed for the type 1 AGN: 'O' means that the object was in a region of the sky not covered by FIRST.

The uncertainty in the corresponding parameter value for the source, in the same units as the latter.

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Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:24:10 EDT