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AMIGPS16GH - AMI Galactic Plane Survey 16-GHz Source Catalog |
HEASARC Archive |
In their paper, the authors describe in detail the drift-scan observations which have been used to construct the maps, including the techniques used for observing, mapping and source extraction, and summarize the properties of the finalized data sets. These observations constitute the most sensitive Galactic plane survey of large extent at centimeter-wave frequencies greater than 1.4 GHz.
AMI Galactic Plane Survey at 16GHz: I. Observing, mapping and source extraction. Perrott Y.C., Scaife A.M.M., Green D.A., Davies M. L., Franzen T.M.O., Grainge K.J.B., Hobson M.P., Hurley-Walker N., Lasenby A.N., Olamaie M., Pooley G.G., Rodriguez-Gonzalez C., Rumsey C., Saunders R.D.E., Schammel M.P., Scott P.F., Shimwell T.W., Titterington D.J., Waldram E.M. <Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 429, 3330 (2013)> =2013MNRAS.429.3330P (SIMBAD/NED BibCode)
The position-based source designation recommended by the authors using
the CDS Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects style, viz., 'AMIGPS
JHHMMSS+DDMMSS', where the prefix stands for Arcminute Microkelvin Imager
Galactic Plane Survey and the numerical part of the name is the truncated
J2000.0 position of the radio source (to 1 second of time in RA and 1
arcsecond in Declination), e.g., 'AMIGPS JHHMMSS+DDMMSS'.
The Right Ascension of the source peak flux density in the selected
equinox. This was given in J2000.0 equatorial coordinates to a precision of
0.01 seconds of time in the original table.
This is the appropriate quantity to use for point-like sources.
The Declination of the source peak flux density in the selected
equinox. This was given in J2000.0 equatorial coordinates to a precision of
0.1 arcseconds in the original table.
This is the appropriate quantity to use for point-like sources.
The Galactic Longitude corresponding to the location of the peak flux
density of the source.
The Galactic Latitude corresponding to the location of the peak flux
density of the source.
The error in the Right Ascension of the source peak flux density,
in arcseconds.
The error in the Declination of the source peak flux density,
in arcseconds.
The peak 15.7-GHz flux density of the radio source, in mJy.
This is the appropriate quantity to use for point-like sources.
The error in the peak 15.7-GHz flux density of the radio
source, in mJy.
The Right Ascension of the fitted centroid of the elliptical Gaussian model
of the radio source in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000.0
equatorial coordinates to a precision of 0.01 seconds of time in the original
table. This is the appropriate quantity to use for extended sources.
The Declination of the fitted centroid of the elliptical Gaussian model of
the radio source in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000.0
equatorial coordinates to a precision of 0.1 arcseconds in the original
table. This is the appropriate quantity to use for extended sources.
The error in the Right Ascension of the
fitted centroid of the elliptical Gaussian model of the radio source, in
The error in the Declination of the
fitted centroid of the elliptical Gaussian model of the radio source, in
The integrated 15.7-GHz flux density of the radio source, in
mJy. This is the appropriate quantity to use for extended sources.
The error in the integrated 15.7-GHz flux density of
the radio source, in mJy.
The critical source size ecrit, in arcseconds, as
defined in equation (2) of the reference paper. A source is classified as
extended if the fitted major axis size emaj >= ecrit, where ecrit =
3.0 * bmaj * rho-0.5 if this quantity is greater than 100.0 arcseconds,
or to 100.0 arcseconds otherwise, where rho is the signal-to-noise ratio and
bmaj is the synthesized beam major axis size.
The deconvolved source major axis FWHM emaj, in arcseconds.
A null value for the deconvolved size indicates that the source was not found
to be wider than the synthesized beam in this direction.
The deconvolved source minor axis FWHM emin, in arcseconds.
A null value for the deconvolved size indicates that the source was not found
to be wider than the synthesized beam in this direction.
The position angle of the deconvolved source major axis, in
degrees. A null value for this parameter indicates that the source was not
The chi-squared statistic indicating the goodness of fit
of the elliptical Gaussian model to the radio source, as defined in equation
(3) of the reference paper. As discussed in Section 5.1 (op. cit.), this is
not a formal reduced chi-squared, but should be treated as an indicator of
the quality of the fit.
The source classification flag, where 'P' indicates a point-like
source and 'E' an extended source.