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ARXA - Atlas of Radio/X-Ray Associations (ARXA)



The Atlas of Radio/X-Ray Associations (ARXA) is a compendium of all cataloged or APM/USNO-A optical objects which are found to be associated with XMM-Newton, Chandra, RASS, HRI, PSPC or WGACAT X-ray detections, or with NVSS, FIRST or SUMSS radio detections. All detections are listed, plus double radio lobes where found. The source number counts are:
  Optical objects - 602,570.
  NVSS - 266,148 core associations, plus 8309 double lobes.
  FIRST - 173,383 core associations, plus 12,844 double lobes.
  SUMSS - 59,138 core associations, plus 2529 double lobes.
  XMM associations - 57,778.
  Chandra associations - 32,951.
  ROSAT RASS - 47,486.
  ROSAT HRI - 15,523.
  ROSAT PSPC - 35,607.
  WGA - 24,226.
Each optical object is given as one entry in this catalog, containing the sky coordinates, the object name (from the literature where available), APM and USNO-A sourced red and blue photometry, redshift, the source catalogs for the name and redshift, the calculated odds that the object is a quasar, galaxy, star, or erroneous association, and the radio & X-ray identifiers, up to 10 of them possible although usually just 1 or 2.

This catalog supersedes the previous similar compilation by the same author, the (QORG) Catalog, called QORGCAT in the HEASARC's Browse (see

Questions or comments on ARXA may be directed to

See also:

     APM home page
     USNO-A home page
     NVSS home page
     FIRST home page
     SUMSS home page
     XMM-Newton home page
     HRI & PSPC home page
     WGA home page
     RASS-FSC home page
     RASS-BSC home page
     Chandra home page
     XAssist home page
                            (XMMX & CXOX sources are from XAssist)
If using this catalog in published research, please add a small mention in the acknowledgements.

This table is based on research which made use of the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED) operated by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under contract with NASA.

Catalog Bibcode



An All-Sky Atlas of Radio/X-Ray Associations
    Flesch, E.
   <Pub. Astr. Soc. Australia, 27, 283 (2010)>


This online catalog was created by the HEASARC in January 2010 based on a machine-readable table obtained from the author's ARXA web site at


The designation of the source from the literature, when one exists, else the ARXA or QORG source designation.

The designation of the object in the QORG Catalog, else the newly created ARXA designation of the source, in bothe cases using the J2000.0 equatorial source coordinates, e.g., 'ARXA J000002.3-473423'.

The Right Ascension of the optical object in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000.0 coordinates to a precision of 0.1 seconds of time in the original table.

The Declination of the optical object in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000.0 coordinates to a precision of 1 arcsecond in the original table.

The Galactic Longitude of the optical object.

The Galactic Latitude of the optical object.

The classification of the object, where the classification from the Veron catalog takes precedence over other values. The following abbreviations are used:

            Q = QSO from the literature, with redshift. (21735 of these)
            A = AGN (from Veron, or Seyfert galaxy). (6941)
            B = Bl Lac object. (803)
            q = NBCKDE photometric quasar (>60%). Redshift rounded to 0.1z.
            G = galaxy. (89,731)
            L = lenticular liner galaxy. (3 stated)
            N = narrow emission line galaxy. (93 stated)
            M = multiple-galaxy cluster. (179)
            g = MegaZLRG photometric galaxy (>80%). Redshift rounded to 0.01z.
            S = star. (13,841)
            W = white dwarf star.
            H = HI/starburst region.
            R = radio association displayed.
            X = X-ray association displayed.
            2 = double radio lobe identified.

The red optical magnitude of the object. The type and source of this magnitude is specified in the optical_flag parameter value. Magnitudes have been recalibrated from the original APM/USNO-A values. However, USNO-A UKST objects fainter than 18.5 can have large errors. Extended objects brighter than 13th magnitude can be represented as far too bright. If the optical_flag parameter value contains r/b/g/i/w, then the magnitudes are from the object's source catalog.

The blue optical magnitude of the object. The type and source of this magnitude is specified in the optical_flag parameter value. Magnitudes have been recalibrated from the original APM/USNO-A values. However, USNO-A UKST objects fainter than 18.5 can have large errors. Extended objects brighter than 13th magnitude can be represented as far too bright. If the optical_flag parameter value contains r/b/g/i/w, then the magnitudes are from the object's source catalog.

This field contains coded information on the optical source properties, as follows:

       p = optical magnitudes are POSS-I E and O.
       r/b/g/i/w = optical magnitudes from the source catalog, e.g. SDSS,2QZ,etc.
                   This is presented if object was not found in APM/USNO-A.
      (none of the above) = optical magnitudes are UKST R and Bj.
       v = variability nominally detected for both red & blue
       m = proper motion nominally detected.
       ? = "inferred" object -- position and magnitude is approximate for one
           or both colors where PSF is listed as "n".

A coded representation for the point spread function (PSF) of the optical source in the red. The APM provides PSF class, the USNO-A does not. Some QSO catalogs like the SDSS give morphology which are used here for objects not found in the APM. The codes are as follows:

       - = stellar PSF (usually from APM)
       1 = fuzzy PSF (usually from APM)
       2 = extended PSF.  Can be galaxies, merged stars, etc.
       n = no PSF available, usually USNO-A sourced.
       x = not seen in this color (fainter than plate depth, or confused, etc.)

A coded representation for the point spread function (PSF) of the optical source in the blue. The APM provides PSF class, the USNO-A does not. Some QSO catalogs like the SDSS give morphology which are used here for objects not found in the APM. The codes are as follows:

       - = stellar PSF (usually from APM)
       1 = fuzzy PSF (usually from APM)
       2 = extended PSF.  Can be galaxies, merged stars, etc.
       n = no PSF available, usually USNO-A sourced.
       x = not seen in this color (fainter than plate depth, or confused, etc.)

The redshift of the object, taken from the literature as specified in the ref_redshift parameter.

The literature reference from which the name was taken, using the following abbreviations:

       2d/2G: 2dFGRS, Colless M. et al, 2001,MNRAS,328,1039
       2Q/6Q: 2QZ and 6QZ, Croom S.M. et al, 2004,MNRAS,349,1397
       2S: 2SLAQ, Croom S.M. et al, 2009,MNRAS,392,19
       3C: 3CRR, Laing R.A., Riley J.M., Longair M.S., 1983, MNRAS, 204, 151
       6d/6D: 6dF Galaxy Survey, Jones D.H. et al, 2009,arXiv,0903.5451
       BU: Burbidge E.M., October 2003, Keck-I LRIS, unpublished.
       CF: Huchra J.P. et al, 1999,ApJS,121,287(
       CN: Common Names, Smith, W.B., 1996
       CO: Lopez-Corredoira M. et al, 2008, A&A, 480, 61
       CV: Cataclysmic Variables, Downes R.A. et al, 2001, PASP, 113, 764
       CX: CXSEXSI, Eckart M.E. et al, 2006,ApJS,165,19
       EN: ENEAR, Wegner G. et al, 2003,AJ,126,2268
       F2: FIRST-2MASS QSOs, Glikman et al, 2007,ApJ,667,673
       FA: FIRST-APM-SDSS hi-z survey, Carballo, R. et al, 2006,MNRAS,370,1034
       GC: GCVS, Samus, N.N., et al., 2002, Ast. Lett., 28, 174
       HD: Harvey Draper Ext: Nesterov V.V. et al, 1995, A&AS, 110, 367
       LB: LBQS, Hewett P.C., Foltz C.B., Chaffee F.H., 1995, AJ, 109, 1498
       LC: Las Campanas, Shectman, S.A. et al, 1996, ApJ, 470, 172
       MZ: MegaZLRG, Abdalla F.B. et al, 2008 arXiv0812.3831, submitted MNRAS
       N1: NPM1, Klemola A.R.,Hanson R.B.,Jones B.F., 1994,yCat,1200,0
       N2: NPM2, Hanson R.B. et al, 2004, AJ, 128, 1430
       NB: NBCKDE, Richards G.T. et al, 2009,ApJS,180,67
       NE: NASA/IPEC Extragalactic Database,
       NL: NLTT, Salim, S., Gould, A. 2003, ApJ, 582, 1011
       PG: Principal Galaxy Catalogue, Paturel G. et al, 2003,A&A,412,45
       PS: PSCz, Saunders W. et al, 2000,MNRAS,317,55
       QO: QORG, Flesch E. and Hardcastle M., 2004,A&A,427,387
       SD: SDSS DR-7, Abazajian K. et al, 2008,arXiv,0812.0649 (
       SN: SNUQSO, Lee I. et al, 2008, ApJS, 175, 116
       SW: SWIRE-hiz, Siana B. et al, 2008, ApJ, 675, 49
       TY: Tycho, Hog et al, 2000,A&A,355,27
       UG: UGC Galaxies, Cotton W.D. and Condon J.J., 1999,ApJS,125,409
       VE: Veron 12th edition, Veron-Cetty M-P. and Veron P., 2006,A&A,455,773
       WD: White Dwarfs, McCook G.P., Sion E.M., 1999, ApJS, 121, 1
       XB: XBSS, Caccianiga A. et al, 2008, A&A, 477, 735
       XH: XMMSSC (hard spectrum), Page M.J. et al, 2007, MNRAS, 378, 1335
       XM: XMSS, Barcons X. et al, 2007, A&A, 476, 1191
       YL: Yale Bright Star, Hoffleit E.D., Warren Jr. W.H., 1991,
       ZW: the Updated Zwicky Catalog, Falco E.E. et al, 1999,PASP,111,438

The literature reference for the redshift, using the same abbreviations as for the ref_name parameter (q.v.).

The calculated probability that this object is a QSO, in percent. These probabilities are calculated as described in the QORG paper (Flesch 2004, A&A, 427, 387), but the final correction described in section A.6.1 (page 28) has been made source catalog specific, and on average about halved, after comparison of QORG to subsequent SDSS findings showed the author had excluded too many objects.

The calculated probability that this object is a galaxy, in percent. These probabilities are calculated as described in the QORG paper (Flesch 2004, A&A, 427, 387), but the final correction described in section A.6.1 (page 28) has been made source catalog specific, and on average about halved, after comparison of QORG to subsequent SDSS findings showed the author had excluded too many objects.

The calculated probability that this object is a star, in percent. These probabilities are calculated as described in the QORG paper (Flesch 2004, A&A, 427, 387), but the final correction described in section A.6.1 (page 28) has been made source catalog specific, and on average about halved, after comparison of QORG to subsequent SDSS findings showed the author had excluded too many objects.

The calculated probability that the association is erroneous, in percent. These probabilities are calculated as described in the QORG paper (Flesch 2004, A&A, 427, 387), but the final correction described in section A.6.1 (page 28) has been made source catalog specific, and on average about halved, after comparison of QORG to subsequent SDSS findings showed the author had excluded too many objects.

The NVSS radio identification of the source, if any.

The FIRST or SUMSS radio identification of the source, if any.

The XMM-Newton X-ray identification of the source, if any.

The ROSAT RASS X-ray identification of the source, if any.

The ROSAT PSPC X-ray identification of the source, if any.

The ROSAT WGACAT X-ray identification of the source, if any.

The ROSAT HRI X-ray identification of the source, if any.

The Chandra X-ray identification of the source, if any.

The identification of the first radio lobe associated with the optical object, if any.

The identification of the second radio lobe associated with the optical object, if any.

The HEASARC Browse object classification, based on the information given in the broad_type parameter.

Contact Person

Questions regarding the ARXA database table can be addressed to the HEASARC Help Desk.
Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:24:21 EDT