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BMWHRICAT - Brera Multi-scale Wavelet (BMW) ROSAT HRI Source Catalog



The Brera Multi-scale Wavelet ROSAT High Resolution Imager Source Catalog (BMW-HRI) is derived from all ROSAT HRI pointed observations with exposure time longer than 100 seconds available in the ROSAT public archives. The data were analyzed automatically using a wavelet detection algorithm suited to the detection and characterization of both point-like and extended sources. This algorithm is able to detect and disentangle sources in very crowded fields and/or in presence of extended or bright sources. Images have been also visually inspected after the analysis to ensure verification. The final catalog, derived from 4,303 observations, consists of 29,089 sources detected with a detection probability of greater or equal 4.2 sigma. For each source, the primary catalog entries provide name, position, count rate, flux and extension along with the relative errors. In addition, results of cross-correlations with existing catalogs at different wavelengths (FIRST, IRAS, 2MASS, and GSC2) are also reported. As an external check, the authors compared their catalog with the previously available ROSHRICAT catalog (both in its short and long versions) and were able to recover, for the short version, ~90% of the entries. The sky coverage of the entire HRI data set was computed by means of simulations. The complete BMW-HRI catalog provides a sky coverage of 732 square degrees down to a limiting flux of ~1x10-12 erg/s/cm2 and of 10 square degrees down to ~1x10-14 erg/s/cm2. The authors were able to compute the cosmological log(N)-log(S) distribution down to a flux of about 1.2x10-14 erg/s/cm2.

Catalog Bibcode



The Brera Multi-scale Wavelet ROSAT HRI source catalogue (BMW-HRI).
    Panzera M.R., Campana S., Covino S., Lazzati D., Mignani R.P.,
    Moretti A., Tagliaferri G.
   <Astron. Astrophys. 399, 351 (2003)>


This catalog was ingested by the HEASARC in March 2003, based upon the CDS Catalog IX/34 file catalog.dat.gz.


The BMW-HRI catalog was generated from US and German ROSAT HRI observations for which data have been released to the US ROSAT archive at GSFC and to the German ROSAT archive at MPE up to December 2001. A total number of 4,303 observations with exposure times longer than 100 s were analyzed automatically using a wavelet detection algorithm. The catalog consists of 29,089 sources (detection probability greater or equal 4.2 sigma). For each source name, position, count rate, flux and extension along with the relative errors are given. The catalog also reports results of cross-correlations with existing catalogs at different wavelengths (FIRST, GSC2, 2MASS, and IRAS).

HEASARC Implementation

The original table contained a number of version parameters that appear to have the same value for every entry, and thus the HEASARC has not retained these in its version, but lists their values here:
Parameter             Value

Catalog Version      BMW_2.0
BMW-GSC2 Version     BMWGSC2_1.0 or 1 BMWGSC2_1
BMW-2MASS Version    BMW2MASS_1.0
BMW-IRAS Version     BMWIRAS_1.0
BMW CC Version       BMW_X_1.0


The BMWHRI catalog designation of the X-ray source, following the IAU naming convention with the prefix 1BMW.

The Right Ascension of the X-ray source in the selected equinox. In the original table this was given in J2000 equatorial coordinates to a precision of 0.01 seconds of time.

The Declination of the X-ray source in the selected equinox. In the original table this was given in J2000 equatorial coordinates to a precision of 0.1 arcseconds.

The Galactic Longitude of the X-ray source.

The Galactic Latitude of the X-ray source.

The error in Right Ascension of the position of the X-ray source, in arcseconds.

The error in Declination of the position of the X-ray source, in arcseconds.

The total positional error of the X-ray source, in arcseconds.

For each HRI event file, the catalog authors extracted and separately analyzed 4 concentric images at increasing rebinning factors of 1, 3, 6, and 10, corresponding to pixel sizes of 0.5, 1.5, 3 and 5 arcsec, respectively, in order to follow the instrumental PSF and to avoid the analysis of unnecessarily large images. This parameter represents the rebin factor at which the source was found.

The X-ray source X coordinate, in pixels.

The X-ray Source Y coordinate, in pixels.

The X-ray source angular offset from the nominal pointing direction or target position, in arcminutes.

The field name, i.e., the name of the nominal target of the observation.

The Right Ascension (in J2000 equatorial coordinates) of the nominal target of the observation.

The Declination (in J2000 equatorial coordinates) of the nominal target of the observation.

The ROSAT Observation Request (ROR) number of the observation, e.g., 200005.

The full observation sequence identifier, e.g., rh200005a00.

The date and time of the start of the observation.

The date and time of the end of the observation.

The nominal exposure time of the HRI observation, in seconds.

The exposure time of the HRI observation as calculated from the exposure map, in seconds.

The number of X-ray sources detected with a rebin factor of 1 (pixel size of 0.5 arcseconds).

The number of X-ray sources detected with a rebin factor of 3 (pixel size of 1.5 arcseconds).

The number of X-ray sources detected with a rebin factor of 6 (pixel size of 3 arcseconds).

The number of X-ray sources detected with a rebin factor of 10 (pixel size of 5 arcseconds).

The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the detected X-ray source.

The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in wavelet space.

The wavelet probability in gaussian sigmas of the signal being spurious, given the signal to noise in wavelet space and the mean number of counts per pixel. The detection algorithm and its application are fully described in papers by Lazzati et al., 1999ApJ...524..414L and Campana et al., 1999ApJ...524..423C.

The estimated net count rate of the X-ray source, in counts/second.

The error in the count rate derived from the fit procedure, Err1, in counts/second.

The statistical error in the count rate, Err2, in counts/second.

The error in the X-ray source count rate calculated from the maximum of the fit error and the statistical error, i.e, max(Err1,Err2).

The total counts detected for the X-ray source, i.e., the product of the count rate and the exposure.

The vignetting correction.

The Point Spread Function (PSF) correction.

The source count rate obtained from the counting procedure, in counts/second.

The error in the source count rate from the counting procedure, in counts/second.

The estimated background count rate, in counts/second.

The number of other X-ray sources within 2 sigma of the X-ray source.

The weighted average interstellar hydrogen column density, NH, in H atoms/cm2 (or 104 H atoms/m2).

The count rate to flux conversion factor as determined assuming as a reference a Crab-like X-ray spectrum (power law with photon index 2.0), and a very low interstellar column density NH of 5x1019 cm-2, in units of erg/cm2/count (or mJ/m2/count).

The HRI X-ray flux, as calculated using the conversion factor CF_Low, in erg/cm2/s (or mW/m2).

The count rate to flux conversion factor as determined assuming as a reference a Crab-like X-ray spectrum (power law with photon index 2.0), and the full Galactic interstellar column density NH, in units of erg/cm2/count (or mJ/m2/count).

The HRI X-ray flux, as calculated using the conversion factor CF_Full, in erg/cm2/s (or mW/m2).

The sigma of the source extent as derived from the fit procedure, in arcseconds.

The error in the source extent sigma, in arcseconds.

A Y/N flag parameter indicating whether or not the source extent sigma was fixed.

A flag parameter indicating that the source is either "Point" or "Extended". To assess the source extension criterion, the catalog authors considered the distribution of the source extent as a function of the source off-axis angle (the off_axis parameter). Firstly, they derived the mean value of the source extent (that is the HRI PSF), then they determined the 3 sigma dispersion about the mean. The mean value plus the 3 sigma dispersion provides the threshold for a source possibly being extended. They conservatively classified a source as extended if the source extent error bar was "more than twice from the threshold". For extended sources, the extent_significance parameter reports the number of sigma from the threshold.

The significance of the source being extended, i.e., the number of sigma from the threshold for a source possibly being extended.

The Chi2 statistic from the fit procedure.

The version of the ROSAT SASS processing system that was used to process the HRI field in which the X-ray source was found.

The cross-correlated FIRST (CDS Catalog VIII/59) source name. A full description of all FIRST parameters can be found at the Web URL As the number of FIRST sources that cross-correlate with each BMW-HRI sources can be, in several cases, more than one, the catalog authors decided to adopt the minimum distance approach. In this way, all the FIRST parameters are for the nearest FIRST source to the X-ray source position.

The Right Ascension (J2000) of the cross-correlated FIRST source, in degrees.

The Declination (J2000) of the cross-correlated FIRST source, in degrees.

This parameter is a warning flag indicating that the FIRST source may be a sidelobe of a nearby bright source.

The FIRST source peak flux density, in milliJanskies (mJy).

The FIRST source integrated flux density, in milliJanskies (mJy).

The local rms noise estimate at the FIRST source position, in milliJanskies (mJy).

The FWHM of the major axis of the FIRST source, found using an elliptical Gaussian model, after deconvolution, in arcseconds. Noise can cause the fitted values of the major and minor axes (before deconvolution) to be smaller than the beam size. The corresponding deconvolved size values are given as zero in those cases.

The FWHM of the minor axis of the FIRST source, found using an elliptical Gaussian model, after deconvolution, in arcseconds. Noise can cause the fitted values of the major and minor axes (before deconvolution) to be smaller than the beam size. The corresponding deconvolved size values are given as zero in those cases.

The position angle of the FIRST source, found using an elliptical Gaussian model, after deconvolution, in degrees.

The measured FWHM of the major axis of the FIRST source, i.e., before deconvolution, in arcseconds.

The measured FWHM of the minor axis of the FIRST source, i.e., before deconvolution, in arcseconds.

The measured position angle of the FIRST source, i.e., before deconvolution, in degrees.

The angular distance between the FIRST source and the BMW-HRI X-ray source position, in arcseconds.

The number of FIRST cross-correlated objects associated with the BMW-HRI X-ray source.

The cross-correlated Guide Star Catalog II (GSC-2, CDS Catalog <I/271>) source name. A full description of GSC-2 can be found at the URL: As the number of GSC-2 sources that cross-correlate with each BMW-HRI source can be, in several cases, more than one, the catalog authors decided to adopt the minimum distance approach. In this approach, all the GSC-2 parameters refer to the source nearest to the position of the BMW-HRI X-ray source.

The Right Ascension (J2000) of the cross-correlated GSC-2 source, in degrees.

The Declination (J2000) of the cross-correlated GSC-2 source, in degrees.

The error in the Right Ascension of the cross-correlated GSC-2 source, in arcseconds.

The error in the Declination of the cross-correlated GSC-2 source, in arcseconds.

The epoch of observation of the GSC-2 source, in years.

The proper motion in the Right Ascension direction of the cross-correlated GSC-2 source, in mas/yr.

Th proper motion in the Declination direction of the cross-correlated GSC-2 source, in mas/yr.

The error in the proper motion in the Right Ascension direction of the cross-correlated GSC-2 source, in mas/yr.

The error in the proper motion in the Declination direction of the cross-correlated GSC-2 source, in mas/yr.

The F Magnitude of the cross-correlated GSC-2 source.

The error in the F Magnitude of the cross-correlated GSC-2 source.

The J Magnitude of the cross-correlated GSC-2 source.

The error in the J Magnitude of the cross-correlated GSC-2 source.

The V Magnitude of the cross-correlated GSC-2 source.

The error in the V Magnitude of the cross-correlated GSC-2 source.

The N Magnitude of the cross-correlated GSC-2 source.

The error in the N Magnitude of the cross-correlated GSC-2 source.

The semi-major axis of the cross-correlated GSC-2 source, in arcseconds.

The eccentricity of the cross-correlated GSC-2 source.

The position angle of the cross-correlated GSC-2 source, in degrees.

The GSC-2 Catalog class code of the cross-correlated GSC-2 source using the following scheme:

             0: star
             1: galaxy
             2: blend
             3: non-star
             4: unclassified
             5: defect

The angular distance between the GSC-2 source and the BMW-HRI X-ray source position, in arcseconds.

The number of GSC-2 cross-correlated objects associated with the BMW-HRI X-ray source.

The Right Ascension (J2000) of the cross-correlated Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) source, in degrees. A full description of the 2MASS project can be found at the Web URL: As the number of 2MASS sources that cross-correlate with each BMW-HRI X-ray source can be, in several cases, more than one, the catalog authors decided to adopt the minimum distance approach. In this approach, all the 2MASS parameters refer to the 2MASS source nearest to the position of the BMW-HRI X-ray source.

The Declination (J2000) of the cross-correlated 2MASS source, in degrees. A full description of the 2MASS project can be found at the Web URL: As the number of 2MASS sources that cross-correlate with each BMW-HRI X-ray source can be, in several cases, more than one, the catalog authors decided to adopt the minimum distance approach. In this approach, all the 2MASS parameters refer to the 2MASS source nearest to the position of the BMW-HRI X-ray source.

The J magnitude of the cross-correlated 2MASS source.

The error in the J magnitude of the cross-correlated 2MASS source.

The H magnitude of the cross-correlated 2MASS source.

The error in the H magnitude of the cross-correlated 2MASS source.

The K magnitude of the cross-correlated 2MASS source.

The error in the K magnitude of the cross-correlated 2MASS source.

The angular distance between the 2MASS source and the BMW-HRI X-ray source position, in arcseconds.

The number of 2MASS cross-correlated objects associated with the BMW-HRI X-ray source.

The cross-correlated IRAS Point Source Catalog (IRASPSC, CDS Catalog II/125) source name. See the Web URL for a description of this catalog. As the number of IRASPSC sources that cross-correlate with each BMW-HRI source can be, in several cases, more than one, the catalog authors decided to adopt the minimum distance approach. In this approach, all the IRASPSC parameters refer to the nearest IRASPSC source to the position of the BMW-HRI X-ray source.

The Right Ascension (J2000) of the cross-correlated IRASPSC source, in degrees.

The Declination (J2000) of the cross-correlated IRASPSC source, in degrees.

The 12-micron, non-color-corrected flux density of the cross-correlated IRASPSC source, in Janskies.

The 25-micron, non-color-corrected flux density of the cross-correlated IRASPSC source, in Janskies.

The 60-micron, non-color-corrected flux density of the cross-correlated IRASPSC source, in Janskies.

The 100-micron, non-color-corrected flux density of the cross-correlated IRASPSC source, in Janskies.

The angular distance between the IRASPSC source and the BMW-HRI X-ray source, in arcseconds.

The number of IRASPSC cross-correlated objects associated with the BMW-HRI X-ray source.

Contact Person

Questions regarding the BMWHRICAT database table can be addressed to the HEASARC Help Desk.
Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:25:07 EDT