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CHASFRXRAY - ROSAT All-Sky Survey: Chamaeleon Star Forming Region Study



This catalog contains a source list derived from observations of the ROSAT all-sky survey (RASS) in the direction of the Chamaeleon star-forming region cloud complex, as well as spectroscopic identifications for the detected X-ray sources. The main purpose of this identification program was the search for low-mass pre-main sequence stars. Sixteen previously known PMS stars were detected with high confidence by ROSAT: eight are classical T Tauri stars and eight are weak-line T Tauri stars. Seventy-seven new weak-line T Tauri stars were identified on the basis of the presence of strong Li 6707 Angstrom absorption, a spectral type later than F0, and chromospheric emission. In addition, 6 new dKe-dMe candidates were found among the RASS sources. Coordinates and count rates are given for all of the X-ray sources.

Catalog Bibcode



A study of the Chamaeleon star forming region from the ROSAT all-sky survey. I. X-ray observations and optical identifications Alcala J.M., Krautter, J., Schmitt J.H.M.M., Covino E., Wichmann R., Mundt R. <Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 114, 109 (1995)> =1995A&AS..114..109A (SIMBAD/NED BibCode)


This online catalog was created by the HEASARC in September 1999 based on a machine-readable table obtained from the ADC/CDS data centers (J/A+AS/114/109).


The RXJ X-ray source designation.

The Right Ascension of the X-ray source.

The Declination of the X-ray source.

The galactic longitude of the X-ray source.

The galactic latitude of the X-ray source.

The ROSAT PSPC count rate in cts/s.

The RMS uncertainty in the count rate, in cts/s.

The proposed optical identification for the X-ray source.

The offset between the positions of the X-ray source and the proposed optical counterpart, in arcseconds.

The spectral type of the (stellar) optical counterpart.

A code describing the type of the optical counterpart in those cases when it could be identified with no ambiguity:

            W  : previously known weak-line T Tauri star
            C  : previously known classical T Tauri star
            Wn : new weak-line T Tauri star
            UAS: unrelated active star
            UBS: unrelated bright star
            IR : infrared source
            QS : quasar
            RS : radio source
            G  : galaxy

A note describing the appearance of the optical counterpart in the finding chart:

          ST.: Stellar
         GAL.: galaxy
        FAINT: object fainter than V~20.
          A  : source investigated spectroscopically, but without stellar
               counterpart found.
          B  : source not investigated. Its corresponding error circle contains
               objects fainter than our limit for the spectroscopic
               observations (V~17mag).
          C  : very strong spectroscopic and photometric variability
               (Alcala et al. 1993A&A...272..225A).
          D  : H-alpha filled-in with emission but no Li I 6707A absorption.
          E  : Li I 6707A absorption to be confirmed because of low S/N of
               the spectrum.

A code for references to the object:

            1: this catalog
            2: Simbad catalog (see ROSAT PSPC, Cat. <IX/11>)
            3: Gauvin and Strom (1992ApJ...385..217G)
            4: Feigelson and Kriss (1989ApJ...338..262F)
            5: Hyland et al. (1982MNRAS.201.1095H)
            6: Hughes and Hartigan (1992AJ....104..680H)
            7: Walter (1992AJ....104..758W)
            8: Feigelson et al. (1993ApJ...416..623F)
            9: Huenemoerder et al. (1994MNRAS.271..967H)

BROWSE classification type. The classification is based on the Object_Type parameter.

Contact Person

Questions regarding the CHASFRXRAY database table can be addressed to the HEASARC Help Desk.
Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:25:56 EDT