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CMBMASTER - LAMBDA Master Catalog of CMB Experiments



This table contains a list of known cosmic microwave background (CMB) experiments, with links to their home pages (if available), a brief description, some of the more important properties of the experiment, and, whenever possible, links to internal Legacy Archive for Microwave Background Data Analysis (LAMBDA: pages which provide the publicly available data from these experiments. LAMBDA serves as a long-term repository for these archives. If an experiment of interest to you is missing from the list, or there is experimental data you would like to provide, please contact the LAMBDA team via the suggestion form at

The table contains links to the individual project websites, which will typically provide the most comprehensive collections of data. The data_type and lambda_data_link parameters contains descriptions of the type of data from the specified experiment that is available at LAMBDA, and the link to that data held at LAMBDA, respectively. Initially the data at LAMBDA might be a subset of the data at the project website, but the LAMBDA holdings will grow with time and they will be maintained as a permanent archive.

Two of the listed LAMBDA data sets, namely those from the IRAS and SWAS satellites, are not, strictly speaking, directly related to the CMB, but, for historical reasons, are (partially in the case of IRAS, fully in the case of SWAS) located at LAMBDA.


The CMBMASTER database table was last updated on 19 January 2022.


The contents of this table are provided and maintained by the Legacy Archive for Microwave Background Data Analysis (LAMBDA) and the High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC) at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.


This table was created by the LAMDBA and HEASARC teams based on the Web page summary of CMB experiments at, as well as on other LAMBDA metadata. It is updated automatically within a day after any changes are made to that Web page.

Data Products

A general description of the available LAMBDA data products together with links to those for specific missions can be found at


A unique LAMBDA identifier for each CMB experiment.

The URL of the website for the CMB experiment.

The link to the website for the CMB experiment.

The acronym and/or short designation for the CMB experiment.

The full designation for the CMB experiment.

The type of data from the experiment that is available at LAMBDA.

The URL for the LAMBDA web page from which the available data from the experiment can be downloaded.

The link to the LAMBDA web page from which the available data from the experiment can be downloaded.

The year(s) that the CMB experiment was active.

The first year of the CMB experiment (the month and day parts should be ignored).

The last year of the CMB experiment (the month and day parts should be ignored).

The status of the CMB experiment: Completed, Active, Future or Cancelled.

The minimum accessible spherical harmonic l_min_: this is a function of the largest angular scale thetamax to which the experiment is sensitive, i.e., lmin ~ pi/thetamax. For experiments which are mainly for Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (S-Z) effect observations and observations of individual sources rather than for mapping large contiguous regions for power spectrum determination, e.g., AMI and AMiBA, no lmin values are listed.

The maximum accessible spherical harmonic l_max_: this is a function of the smallest angular scale thetamin to which the experiment is sensitive, i.e., lmax ~ pi/thetamin. For experiments which are mainly for Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (S-Z) effect observations and observations of individual sources rather than for mapping large contiguous regions for power spectrum determination, e.g., AMI and AMiBA, the l_max values listed are pi/(beam width in radians).

The observing frequency, frequency range or individual frequencies used in the CMB experiment, in GHz.

The minimum observing frequency used in the CMB experiment, in GHz.

The maximum observing frequency used in the CMB experiment, in GHz.

The type(s) of detector used in the CMB experiment: Bolometer, HEMT (high electron mobility transistor), Interferometer, Polariser, etc.

This flag is set to 'Y' to indicates that the experiment has/had a polarization measurement capability.

The type of CMB experiment: ground-based, balloon-borne, or on a satellite.

The overall category of the CMB experiment, e.g., 'Ground- or Balloon-based Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect', 'Ground- or Balloon-based Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropy', 'Large Scale Structure Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropy', 'Space-based Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropy', 'Space-based Infrared' or 'Space-based Submillimeter'.

Contact Person

Questions regarding the CMBMASTER database table should be addressed to the LAMBDA User Hotline.
Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:26:10 EDT