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COSXFIRMWC - COSMOS Field X-Ray & FIR Detected AGN Multiwavelength Properties Catalog



The coeval AGN and galaxy evolution and the observed local relations between super-massive black holes (SMBHs) and galaxy properties suggest some connection or feedback between SMBH growth and galaxy build-up. The authors looked for correlations between properties of X-ray detected AGN and their far-infrared (FIR) detected host galaxies, to find quantitative evidences for this connection, highly debated in recent years. They exploit the rich multi-wavelength data set (from X-ray to FIR) that is available in the COSMOS field for a large sample (692 sources) of AGN and their hosts, in the redshift range 0.1 < z < 4, and use X-ray data to select AGN and determine their properties (intrinsic luminosity and nuclear obscuration), and broad-band (from UV to FIR) spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting to derive host galaxy properties, viz., the stellar mass (M*) and the star formation rate (SFR). The authors find that the AGN 2-10 keV luminosity (LX) and the host galaxy 8-1000 um star formation luminosity (LSFIR) are significantly correlated. However, the average host LSFIR has a flat distribution in bins of AGN LX, while the average AGN LX increases in bins of host LSFIR, with a logarithmic slope of ~ 0.7, in the redshifts range 0.4 < z < 1.2. In the reference paper, the authors also discuss the comparison between the distribution of these two quantities and the predictions from hydrodynamical simulations. Finally, they find that the average column density (NH) shows a positive correlation with the host M*, at all redshifts, but not with the SFR (or LSFIR). This translates into a negative correlation with specific SFR. These results are in agreement with the idea that BH accretion and SFRs are correlated, but occur with different variability time scales. The presence of a positive correlation between NH and host M* suggests that the X-ray NH is not entirely due to the circumnuclear obscuring torus, but may also include a contribution from the host galaxy.

This table summarizes the multiwavelength properties of the 692 AGN-host systems detected in the COSMOS field both in the X-ray and in the FIR (the X-FIR sample).

Catalog Bibcode



AGN vs. host galaxy properties in the COSMOS field.
    Lanzuisi G., Delvecchio I., Berta S., Brusa M., Comastri A., Gilli R.,
    Gruppioni C., Marchesi S., Perna M., Pozzi F., Salvato M., Symeonidis M.,
    Vignali C., Vito F., Volonteri M., Zamorani G.
    <Astron. Astrophys. 602, A123 (2017)>
    =2017A&A...602A.123L        (SIMBAD/NED BibCode)


This table was created by the HEASARC in July 2017, based on CDS Catalog J/A+A/602/A123 file table1.dat, which contains the multiwavelength properties of the 692 sources in the X-FIR sample.


The source number of the AGN from either the COSMOS multiwavelength photometry catalog of Capak et al. (2007, ApJS, 172, 99, CDS Cat. II/284) or the COSMOS photometric redshift catalog of Ilbert et al. (2009, ApJ, 690, 1236).

The source designation using the '[LDB2017]' prefix (for Lanzuisi, Delvecchio, Berta 2017) and the source number value. This was created by the HEASARC in the general style recommended by the Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects.

The Right Ascension of the AGN in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000.0 coordinates to a precision of 10-5 degrees (36 mas) in the original table.

The Declination of the AGN in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000.0 coordinates to a precision of 10-6 degrees (3.6 mas) in the original table.

The Galactic Longitude of the AGN.

The Galactic Latitude of the AGN.

The redshift of the AGN.

This flag is set to 'spec' to indicate that the quoted redshift is spectroscopic or to 'phot' if it is photometric.

The logarithm of the IR luminosity of the host galaxy due to star formation (SF), in erg s-1. Recent studies have shown that AGN may contribute significantly to the IR emission and in some cases even in the FIR band. Therefore, the SFR derived directly from FIR photometry can be overestimated, especially in high-luminosity AGN hosts. Thanks to the SED decomposition available, the authors use the LIR computed only for the SF component, LSFIR, after subtracting the AGN IR contribution, modeled with the SED templates of Fritz et al. (2006, MNRAS, 366, 767; see also Feltre et al. 2012, MNRAS, 426, 120). This avoids introducing a spurious correlation between the AGN and SF luminosity, especially at the highest luminosities.

The uncertainty in the logarithm of the IR luminosity of the host galaxy due to star formation (SF), in erg s-1

The logarithm of the stellar mass (log M*) of the host galaxy, in solar masses. This is derived from the SED decomposition, and based on Bruzual & Charlot (2003, MNRAS, 344, 1000) models, with a consistent initial mass function (IMF).

The uncertainty in the logarithm of the stellar mass (log M*) of the host galaxy, in solar masses.

The logarithm of the star formation rate (SFR) of the host galaxy, in solar masses per year. The SFR has been derived by converting the IR luminosity (rest frame 8 - 1000 m) of the best-fitting galaxy SED (i.e., subtracting the AGN emission when present) with the SF law of Kennicutt (1998, ApJ, 498, 541), scaled to a Chabrier (2003, ApJ, 586, L133) initial mass function (IMF).

This parameter is set to '<' if the corresponding value of log_nh is an upper limit.

The logarithm of the inferred X-ray absorbing column density of the AGN, in atoms cm-2.

The negative error in the logarithm of the inferred X-ray absorbing column density of the AGN, in atoms cm-2. This is set to null if the corresponding value of log_nh is an upper limit, i.e., if log_nh_limit = '<'.

The positive error in the logarithm of the inferred X-ray absorbing column density of the AGN, in atoms cm-2. This is set to null if the corresponding value of log_nh is an upper limit, i.e., if log_nh_limit = '<'.

The logarithm of the absorption-corrected 2-10 keV X-ray luminosity of the AGN, log LX, in erg s-1.

The uncertainty in the logarithm of the absorption-corrected 2-10 keV X-ray luminosity of the AGN, in erg s-1.

The logarithm of the bolometric luminosity, Lbol, of the AGN computed from LX, in erg s-1, using Marconi et al. (2004, MNRAS, 351, 169).

The number NNNNN of the X-ray source from the XMM-COSMOS Catalog (Brusa et al., 2010, ApJ, 716, 348, available at the HEASARC as the XMMCOSMOID table). The full name of the source in Simbad is 'XMMC NNNNN'.

The identification of the X-ray source from the Chandra COSMOS Legacy Survey Catalog (Marchesi et al. 2016, APJ, 832, 70; Civano et al. 2016, ApJ, 819, 62, available at the HEASARC as the CLSCAT table).

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Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:26:19 EDT