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GMRTSPXFLS - Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope Spitzer Extragalactic First Look Survey Field 610-MHz Radio Source Catalog |
HEASARC Archive |
This table contains the xFLS catalog of 3944 610-MHz radio sources detected by the GMRT, the 05-May-2008 (Release 1.1) version provided to the CDS by the co-author Sally Hales (MRAO, Cambridge). In this version, a rounding error in the right ascension and declination positions listed for some sources in the original 10-May-2007 (Release 1.0) version has been corrected. The source IAU designations remain unchanged, having been based on the correctly computed positions throughout. The main purpose in correcting the positions was to eliminate sporadic mismatches between IAU designation and listed position in the first data release. In other respects the effect on the positions is negligible.
Deep 610-MHz Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope observations of the Spitzer extragalactic First Look Survey field. I. Observations, data analysis and source catalogue. Garn T., Green D.A., Hales S.E.G., Riley J.M., Alexander P. <Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 376, 1251-1260 (2007)> =2007MNRAS.376.1251G
The name of the radio source using the IAU-style designation for the source
based on the truncated J2000.0 equatorial coordinates of its centroid, viz.,
'FLSGMRT JHHMMSS.s+DDMMSS', as registered with the CDS Dictionary of
Nomenclature of Celestial Objects, where the FLSGMRT prefix stands for 'First
Look Survey Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope'.
The Right Ascension of the source in the selected equinox, calculated using
first moments of the relevant pixel brightnesses to give the centroid
position. This was given in J2000.0 coordinates to a precision of 0.01
seconds of time in the original table.
The Declination of the source in the selected equinox, calculated using first
moments of the relevant pixel brightnesses to give the centroid position.
This was given in J2000.0 coordinates to a precision of 0.1 arcseconds in the
original table.
The Galactic Longitude of the radio source centroid.
The Galactic Latitude of the radio source centroid.
The radio brightness of the peak pixel in the 610-MHz radio source, in
The local rms noise near the source position, in mJy/beam (converted by the
HEASARC from the µJy/beam units used in the original table).
The integrated flux density of the 610-MHz radio source, in mJy, calculated
from the mosaic and applying the flux density correction factor described in
Appendix B of the reference paper.
The error in the integrated flux density of the 610-MHz radio source, in mJy,
calculated from the local noise level and the source size, and taking into
account the correction factor.
The X pixel coordinate from the mosaic image which was closest to the source
The Y pixel coordinate from the mosaic image which was closest to the source
The SEXTRACTOR (Source Extractor) deblended object flag, 0 for most
(unblended) objects, else coded as follows:
1 = source has been split up into two or more componentsThere are 211 sources present in the catalog with non-zero deblend flags, and it is necessary to examine the GMRT mosaic image, available at, to distinguish between the case where one extended object has been represented by 2 or more entries, compared to the case where two astronomically different objects are actually present.