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LBN - Lynds Catalog of Bright Nebulae



The Lynds' Catalog of Bright Nebulae lists the coordinates of the center of the cloud, the dimensions of the nebulae as measured on the photograph on which it appeared at its brightest, the area of nebulosity in square degrees, color as compared between the blue and red Palomar plates, a brightness index on a scale from 1 to 6, an identification number that indicates the complexity of the nebulosity, and a cross reference to NGC (Cat. <VII.1>), Index Catalogue (IC), Sharpless (1959) Catalogue of HII Regions (Cat. <VII/20>), Cederblad (1956) Catalogue of Diffuse Galactic Nebulae, and Dorschner and Gurtler (1963).

Catalog Bibcode



Catalogue of bright nebulae
     Lynds B.T.
    <Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 12, 163 (1965)>

Additional References:
  Cederblad, S. 1956, Medd. Lund, Ser. 2, No. 119
  Sharpless, S. 1959, ApJS, 6, 257 (Catalog <VII/20>)
  Dorschner, J., and Gurtler, J. 1963, AN, 287, 257


This database originates from the NASA/ADC CD-ROM "Selected Astronomical Catalogs Vol. 1", dated 09-July-1992. The CDS made several corrections to this and added the LBN sequence number. The current HEASARC version of this table was revised in February 2001 and is based on the CDS version.


The designation of the nebula based on the catalog entry number.

The designation of the nebula as cross-referenced from one of the following catalogs:

  NGC      New General Catalogue
  IC       The Index Catalog
  S        The Catalogue of H II Regions, Sharpless (1959)
  C        The Catalogue of Diffuse Galactic Nebulae, Cederblad (1956)
  DG       Dorschner and Gurlter (1963)

The right ascension of the cloud center.

The declination of the cloud center.

The galactic latitude of the cloud center.

The galactic longitude of the cloud center.

This is the length of the largest dimension of the cloud, as measured in minutes of arc.

This is the length of the smallest dimension of the cloud, as measured in minutes of arc.

The area of nebulosity in square degrees.

The color index from the Palomar plates, as follows:

            1      Brighter on blue palomar plate
            2      About equal on both red and blue palomar plates.
            3      Brighter on red palomar plate
            4      Visible only on red palomar plate.
Note: This parameter is 0 only for two nebulae in this catalog: LBN 191 (074.53-08.42 = NGC 6960) and LBN 844 (189.13+02.97 = IC 443). No color or brightness information was provided in the original catalog for these two entries.

The brightness, on a scale of 1 to 6, where 1 is brightest and 6 is barely detectable. Note: This parameter is 0 only for the two nebulae in this catalog: brightness information was provided in the original catalog for these two entries.

This identification number indicates whether or not the object is an isolated region (=0) or a region of different brightnesses located in a more extensive complex of nebulosities. For example, the entire Orion region with its many brief areas of emission and reflection has the identification number 73.

The Browse classification. All entries are classified as nebulae.

Contact Person

Questions regarding the LBN database table can be addressed to the HEASARC Help Desk.
Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:29:50 EDT