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M31DEEPXMM - M 31 Deep XMM-Newton Survey X-Ray Source Catalog



The largest Local Group spiral galaxy, M 31, has been completely imaged for the first time, with an obtained luminosity lower limit ~1035erg/s in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV band. This XMM-Newton EPIC survey combines archival observations along the major axis, from June 2000 to July 2004, with observations taken between June 2006 and February 2008 that cover the remainder of the D25 ellipse. The main goal of the present paper was to study the X-ray source populations of M31.

An X-ray catalog of 1897 sources was created ('the XMM LP-total catalog'), with 914 sources detected for the first time. Source classification and identification were based on X-ray hardness ratios, spatial extents of the sources, and cross correlation with catalogs in the X-ray, optical, infrared and radio wavelengths. The authors also analysed the long-term variability of the X-ray sources and this variability allowed them to distinguish between X-ray binaries and active galactic nuclei (AGN). Furthermore, supernova remnant classifications of previous studies that did not use long-term variability as a classification criterion could be validated. Including previous Chandra and ROSAT observations in the long-term variability study allowed the authors to detect additional transient or at least highly variable sources, which are good candidate X-ray binaries.

Fourteen of the 30 supersoft source (SSS) candidates represent supersoft emission of optical novae. Many of the 25 supernova remnants (SNRs) and 31 SNR candidates lie within the 10 kpc dust ring and other star-forming regions in M 31. This connection between SNRs and star-forming regions implies that most of the remnants originate in type II supernovae. The brightest sources in X-rays in M 31 belong to the class of X-ray binaries (XRBs). Ten low-mass XRBs (LMXBs) and 26 LMXB candidates were identified based on their temporal variability. In addition, 36 LMXBs and 17 LMXB candidates were identified owing to correlations with globular clusters and globular cluster candidates. From optical and X-ray colour-colour diagrams, possible high-mass XRB (HMXB) candidates were selected. Two of these candidates have an X-ray spectrum as expected for an HMXB containing a neutron star primary.

While this survey has greatly improved our understanding of the X-ray source populations in M 31, at this point 65% of the sources can still only be classified as "hard" sources; i.e. it is not possible to decide whether these sources are X-ray binaries or Crab-like supernova remnants in M 31 or X-ray sources in the background. Deeper observations in X-ray and at other wavelengths would help to classify these sources.

Catalog Bibcode



The deep XMM-Newton Survey of M31.
    Stiele H., Pietsch W., Haberl F., Hatzidimitriou D., Barnard R.,
    Williams B.F., Kong A.K.H., Kolb U.
    <Astron. Astrophys. 534, A55 (2011)>
    =2011A&A...534A..55S        (SIMBAD/NED BibCode)


This table was created by the HEASARC in October 2011 based on CDS Catalog J/A+A/534/A55 files table5.dat and table8.dat.

HEASARC Implementation

This table contains the union of Tables 5 and 8 from the reference paper. Table 5 ('the XMM LP-total catalog') lists the X-ray source properties based on the observation in which the highest source detection likelihood was obtained (in either a combined or single observation). For variable sources, this means that the source properties are those observed during their brightest state. Table 8 contains the information on the X-ray variability of the detected sources, i.e., the count rates, fluxes and hardness ratios of the X-ray sources in up to 10 individual observations of the sources, and contain the characters 'obs' in the parameter names, e.g., the parameter ep_hr4_ob8 is the combined EPIC hardness ratio HR4 of the source in the 8th observation. Sources were only included in Table 8, notice, if they were observed more than once. Thus, for singly observed sources, only the parameters given in Table 5 of the reference table are populated.

Energy Bands and Hardness Ratios

For each observation, the data were split into five energy bands:
Band   Energy Range

1      0.2 - 0.5 keV
2      0.5 - 1.0
3      1.0 - 2.0
4      2.0 - 4.5
5      4.5 - 12.
To classify the source spectra, the authors computed four hardness ratios, HR1, HR2, HR3 and HR4. The hardness ratios and their errors e are defined as: HRi = (Bi+1 - Bi)/(Bi+1 + Bi), and e(HRi) = 2*(sqrt[(Bi+1 * EBi)2 + (Bi * EBi+1)2]/(Bi+1 + B1)2, for i = 1 to 4, where Bi and EBi denote the count rates and their corresponding errors in the energy band i.


A unique running identification number for each source in the catalog in order of increasing J2000.0 Right Ascension.

The identification code of the M 31 field in which the source was detected. The key to these codes is given in Table 2 of the reference paper

The J2000.0 position-based XMM-Newton source name using the XMMM31 prefix registered with the Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects, e.g., 'XMMM31 JHHMMSS.s+DDMMSS'.

The Right Ascension of the XMM-Newton source in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000.0 equatorial coordinates to a precision of 0.01 seconds of time in the original reference table.

The Declination of the XMM-Newton source in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000.0 equatorial coordinates to a precision of 0.1 aecseconds in the original reference table.

The Galactic Longitude of the XMM-Newton source.

The Galactic Latitude of the XMM-Newton source.

The 3-sigma (99.73%) positional uncertainty radius, with both statistical and systematic errors included, in arcseconds.

The source detection likelihood L of the combined EPIC detection of the X-ray source. If P is the probability that a Poissonian fluctuation in the background is detected as a spurious source, L = - ln P. The detection threshuld used herein is 7.

The combined EPIC pn, MOS1 and MOS2 count rate of the XMM-Newton source in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band, in ct/s.

The uncertainty in the combined EPIC count rate in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band, in ct/s.

The combined EPIC flux in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band, in erg s-1 cm-2.

The uncertainty in the combined EPIC flux in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band, in erg s-1 cm-2.

The combined EPIC hardness ratio HR1 of the XMM-Newton source. Hardness ratios are calculated only for sources for which at least one of the two band count rates has a significance greater than 2 sigma. The error is the properly combined statistical error in each band and can extend beyond the range of allowed values of hardness ratios (-1.0 to +1.0).

The uncertainty in the combined EPIC hardness ratio HR1 of the XMM-Newton source.

The combined EPIC hardness ratio HR2 of the XMM-Newton source. Hardness ratios are calculated only for sources for which at least one of the two band count rates has a significance greater than 2 sigma. The error is the properly combined statistical error in each band and can extend beyond the range of allowed values of hardness ratios (-1.0 to +1.0).

The uncertainty in the combined EPIC hardness ratio HR2 of the XMM-Newton source.

The combined EPIC hardness ratio HR3 of the XMM-Newton source. Hardness ratios are calculated only for sources for which at least one of the two band count rates has a significance greater than 2 sigma. The error is the properly combined statistical error in each band and can extend beyond the range of allowed values of hardness ratios (-1.0 to +1.0).

The uncertainty in the combined EPIC hardness ratio HR3 of the XMM-Newton source.

The combined EPIC hardness ratio HR4 of the XMM-Newton source. Hardness ratios are calculated only for sources for which at least one of the two band count rates has a significance greater than 2 sigma. The error is the properly combined statistical error in each band and can extend beyond the range of allowed values of hardness ratios (-1.0 to +1.0).

The uncertainty in the combined EPIC hardness ratio HR4 of the XMM-Newton source.

The EPIC instruments contributing to the source detection, i.e., in which the source was within ('T') or outside ('F') of the field of view, in order of the pn, MOS1 and MOS2 detectors. Thus, 'TFT' means that the source was not detected by the MOS1 instrument.

The effective exposure time of the EPIC pn detector at the X-ray source position, in seconds.

The source detection likelihood L of the EPIC pn detection of the X-ray source. If P is the probability that a Poissonian fluctuation in the background is detected as a spurious source, L = - ln P. The detection threshuld used herein is 7.

The EPIC pn count rate of the XMM-Newton source in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band, in ct/s.

The uncertainty in the EPIC pn count rate of the XMM-Newton source in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band, in ct/s.

The EPIC pn flux of the XMM-Newton source in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band, in erg s-1 cm-2.

The uncertainty in the EPIC pn flux of the XMM-Newton source in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band, in erg s-1 cm-2.

The EPIC pn hardness ratio HR1 of the X-ray source.

The uncertainty in the EPIC pn hardness ratio HR1 of the X-ray source.

The EPIC pn hardness ratio HR2 of the X-ray source.

The uncertainty in the EPIC pn hardness ratio HR2 of the X-ray source.

The EPIC pn hardness ratio HR3 of the X-ray source.

The uncertainty in the EPIC pn hardness ratio HR3 of the X-ray source.

The EPIC pn hardness ratio HR4 of the X-ray source.

The uncertainty in the EPIC pn hardness ratio HR4 of the X-ray source.

The effective exposure time of the EPIC MOS1 detector at the X-ray source position, in seconds.

The source detection likelihood L of the EPIC MOS1 detection of the X-ray source. If P is the probability that a Poissonian fluctuation in the background is detected as a spurious source, L = - ln P. The detection threshuld used herein is 7.

The EPIC MOS1 count rate of the XMM-Newton source in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band, in ct/s.

The uncertainty in the EPIC MOS1 count rate of the XMM-Newton source in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band, in ct/s.

The EPIC MOS1 flux of the XMM-Newton source in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band, in erg s-1 cm-2.

The uncertainty in the EPIC MOS1 flux of the XMM-Newton source in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band, in erg s-1 cm-2.

The EPIC MOS1 hardness ratio HR1 of the X-ray source.

The uncertainty in the EPIC MOS1 hardness ratio HR1 of the X-ray source.

The EPIC MOS1 hardness ratio HR2 of the X-ray source.

The uncertainty in the EPIC MOS1 hardness ratio HR2 of the X-ray source.

The EPIC MOS1 hardness ratio HR3 of the X-ray source.

The uncertainty in the EPIC MOS1 hardness ratio HR3 of the X-ray source.

The EPIC MOS1 hardness ratio HR4 of the X-ray source.

The uncertainty in the EPIC MOS1 hardness ratio HR4 of the X-ray source.

The effective exposure time of the EPIC MOS2 detector at the X-ray source position, in seconds.

The source detection likelihood L of the EPIC MOS2 detection of the X-ray source. If P is the probability that a Poissonian fluctuation in the background is detected as a spurious source, L = - ln P. The detection threshuld used herein is 7.

The EPIC MOS2 count rate of the XMM-Newton source in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band, in ct/s.

The uncertainty in the EPIC MOS2 count rate of the XMM-Newton source in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band, in ct/s.

The EPIC MOS2 flux of the XMM-Newton source in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band, in erg s-1 cm-2.

The uncertainty in the EPIC MOS2 flux of the XMM-Newton source in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band, in erg s-1 cm-2.

The EPIC MOS2 hardness ratio HR1 of the X-ray source.

The uncertainty in the EPIC MOS2 hardness ratio HR1 of the X-ray source.

The EPIC MOS2 hardness ratio HR2 of the X-ray source.

The uncertainty in the EPIC MOS2 hardness ratio HR2 of the X-ray source.

The EPIC MOS2 hardness ratio HR3 of the X-ray source.

The uncertainty in the EPIC MOS2 hardness ratio HR3 of the X-ray source.

The EPIC MOS2 hardness ratio HR4 of the X-ray source.

The uncertainty in the EPIC MOS2 hardness ratio HR4 of the X-ray source.

This field contains information on cross-correlations with other published M 31 X-ray catalogs, together with some codes ('sv', 't' and 'v') indicating variability information, using the following abbreviations:

             [DKG2002]: Di Stefano et al., 2002ApJ...570..618D
             [DKG2004]: Di Stefano et al., 2004ApJ...610..247D
             [GMP2000]: Garcia et al., 2000ApJ...537L..23G
             [K2002]:   Kaaret, 2002ApJ...578..114K
             [KGP2002]: Kong et al., 2002ApJ...577..738K
             [KGPM02]:  Kong et al., 2002ApJ...580L.125K
             [KSW2003]: Kong et al., 2003ApJ...590L..21K
             [O2006,i]: Orio, 2006ApJ...643..844O, Table i
             [OBT2001]: Osborne et al, 2001A&A...378..800O
             [PFH2005]: Pietsch et al., 2005A&A...434..483P
             [PFJ93]:   Primini et al., 1993ApJ...410..615P
             [SBK2009]: Shaw-Greening et al., 2009A&A...495..733S
             [SHL2001]: Supper et al., 2001A&A...373...63S
             [SHP97]:   Supper et al., 1997A&A...317..328S
             [SPH2008]: Stiele et al., 2008A&A...480..599S
             [TBP2001]: Trudolyubov et al., 2001ApJ...563L.119T
             [TF91]:    Trinchieri et al., 1991ApJ...382...82T
             [TP2004]:  Trudolyubov et al., 2004ApJ...616..821T
             [TPC2006]: Trudolyubov et al., 2006ApJ...645..277T
             [VG2007]:  Voss et al., 2007A&A...468...49V
             [WGK2004]: Williams et al., 2004ApJ...609..735W
             [WSK2004]: Williams et al., 2004ApJ...615..720W
             [WGC2005]: Williams et al., 2005ApJ...632.1086W
             [WNG2006]: Williams et al., 2006ApJ...637..479W
             v:         variable
             sv:        spectral variable
             t:         transient

The designation of the brightest (in the B2 band) USNO-B1.0 (Monet et al. 2003, AJ, 125, 984) source within the search area for the X-ray source. The criteria used for the cross-correlations of the XMM-Newton sources with the other catalogs are discussed in Section 3.8 of the reference paper.

The number of USNO-B1.0 correlated sources found within the search area for the X-ray source.

The angular distance between the XMM-Newton source and the brightest USNO-B1.0 source within the search area, in arcseconds.

The B2 magnitude of the brightest USNO-B1.0 source within the search area.

The R2 magnitude of the brightest USNO-B1.0 source within the search area.

The I magnitude of the brightest USNO-B1.0 source within the search area.

The designation of the brightest 2MASS (Skrutskie et al. 2006, 131, 1163) source within the search area for the X-ray source. The criteria used for the cross-correlations of the XMM-Newton sources with the other catalogs are discussed in Section 3.8 of the reference paper.

The number of 2MASS correlated sources found within the search area for the X-ray source.

The angular distance between the XMM-Newton source and the brightest 2MASS source within the search area, in arcseconds.

The designation of the brightest LGGS (Local Group Galaxy Survey: Massey et al. 2006, AJ, 131, 2478) source within the search area for the X-ray source. The criteria used for the cross-correlations of the XMM-Newton sources with the other catalogs are discussed in Section 3.8 of the reference paper.

The number of LGGS correlated sources found within the search area for the X-ray source.

The angular distance between the XMM-Newton source and the brightest LGGS source (in the B band) within the search area, in arcseconds.

The V magnitude of the broightest LGGS source within the search area for the X-ray source.

The V-R color index of the brightest LGGS source within the search area for the X-ray source.

The B-V color index of the brightest LGGS source within the search area for the X-ray source.

The logarithm of the ratio of the X-ray to the optical flux log(FX/Fopt) for the X-ray source assuming it is correlated with the USNO-B1.0 source defined as log(FX/Fopt) = log fX + (mB2 + mR2)/(2 * 2.5) + 5.37.

The logarithm of the ratio of the X-ray to the blue-band (presumably B2) flux log(FX/Fblue) for the X-ray source assuming it is correlated with the USNO-B1.0 source.

The logarithm of the ratio of the X-ray to the red-band (presumably R2) flux log(FX/Fred) for the X-ray source assuming it is correlated with the USNO-B1.0 source.

The logarithm of the ratio of the X-ray to the optical flux log(FX/Fopt) for the X-ray source assuming it is correlated with the LGGS source defined as log(FX/Fopt) = log fX + (mV)/2.5 + 5.37.

The classification of the X-ray source using the following schema:

               fg Star  = foreground star
              <fg Star> = foreground star candidate
              AGN       = active galactic nucleus
              <AGN>     = AGN candidate
              Gal       = galaxy
              <Gal>     = galaxy candidate
              GCl       = galaxy cluster
              <GCl>     = galaxy cluster candidate
              SSS       = supersoft source in M 31
              <SSS>     = supersoft source candidate in M 31
              SNR       = supernova remnant in M 31
              <SNR>     = supernova remnant candidate in M 31
              GlC       = source in globular cluster
              <GlC>     = source in globular cluster candidate
              XRB       = X-ray binary in M 31
              <XRB>     = X-ray binary candidate in M 31
              <hard>    = HR2-e_HR2>-0.2 or only HR3 and HR4 defined, and
                           no other classification

The criteria used to identify and/or classify the X-ray sources and the numbers of sources in each class are discussed in detail in Scetion 5 and Table 6 of the reference paper.

Additional remarks on the X-ray source, including references to previous publications and classifications using the following abbreviations:

      2MASX      = Skrutskie et al., 2006AJ....131.1163S
      5C 3.nn    = Pooley, 1969MNRAS.144..101P
      [B90]      = Braun, 1990ApJS...72..761B
      [BA64]     = Baade & Arp, 1964ApJ...139.1027B
      [BA87]     = Battistini et al., 1987A&AS...67..447B
      BD         = Argelander, 1903BD....C......0A, Schonfeld, 1886BD....C......0S
      [BHG88]    = Berkhuijsen et al., 1988A&AS...76...65B
      [BHP2009]  = Bonfini et al., 2009A&A...507..705B
      [BKO2003]  = Barnard et al., 2003A&A...411..553B
      [Br1992]   = Walterbos & Braun, 1992A&AS...92..625W,
                    Braun & Walterbos, 1993A&AS...98..327B
      [BSH2008]  = Barnard et al., 2008ApJ...689.1215B
      BW93       = Braun & Walterbos, 1993A&AS...98..327B
      CCDM       = Dommanget, 1983BICDS..24...83D,
                    Dommanget & Nys, 1994CoORB.115....1D
      [CHM09]    = Caldwell et al., 2009AJ....137...94C
      DDB80      = Dodorico et al., 1980A&AS...40...67D
      [FMZ2005]  = Fan et al., 2005PASP..117.1236F
      [FRS2006]  = Fliri et al., 2006A&A...445..423F
      [GFB2004]  = Galetti et al., 2004A&A...416..917G
      [GGS2007]  = Galache et al., 2007ATel.1147....1G
      GLG        = Gelfand et al., 2005ApJS..159..242G, 2004ApJS..155...89G
      GPM        = Rybka & Yatsenko, 1997KFNT...13e..70R
      [H29]      = Hubble, 1929ApJ....69..103H
      HD         = Cannon & Pickering, 1918AnHar..91....1C
      [HIB95]    = Hill et al., 1995ApJS...98..595H
      [HKB2009]  = Hodge et al, 2009AJ....138..770H
      [HPJ88]    = Humphreys et al., 1988AJ.....96.1884H
      [HPH2009]  = Henze et al., 2009A&A...500..769H
      [HPM06]    = Hatzidimitriou et al., 2006A&A...451..835H
      [JPN2003]  = Joshi et al., 2003A&A...402..113J
      [K2002]    = Kaaret, 2002ApJ...578..114K
      [KGP2002]  = Kong et al., 2002ApJ...577..738K
      KHM31      = Krienke & Hodge, 2008PASP..120....1K, 2007PASP..119....7K
      [KLG2007]  = Kim et al., 2007AJ....134..706K
      [KMV98]    = Kodaira et al., 1998ApJS..118..177K
      [KPM2002]  = Kraemer et al., 2002AJ....124.2990K
      [KSK98]    = Kaluzny et al., 1998AJ....115.1016K
      [KTV2006]  = Kotov et al., 2006ApJ...641..756K
      LGS, LGGS  = Local Group (Galaxy) Survey; Massey et al., 2006AJ....131.2478M
      MA93       = Magnier, 1993, 1993PhDT........41M
      [Ma93]     = Magnier, 1993, 1993PhDT........41M
      mita       = Magnier, 1993, 1993PhDT........41M
      [MBG2008,i]= Mould et al., 2008ApJ...687..230M; Table i
      [MHB2010]  = Meusinger et al., 2010A&A...512A...1M
      [MIS2004]  = Mangano et al., 2004A&A...419.1045M
      [MLA93]    = Meyssonnier et al., 1993A&AS..102..251M
      [MLV92]    = Magnier et al., 1992A&AS...96..379M, 1994A&A...286..725H
      [MPV95]    = Magnier et al., 1995A&AS..114..215M
      [MS83]     = Moffat & Shara, 1983ApJ...273..544M
      [MSH2004]  = Mould et al., 2004ApJS..154..623M
      NED        = NASA Extragalactic Database
      [NKS2001]  = Nowotny et al., 2001A&A...367..557N
      [NTK96]    = Nedialkov et al., 1996IBVS.4411....1N
      NVSS       = Condon et al., 1998AJ....115.1693C
      [OBT2001]  = Osborne et al., 2001A&A...378..800O
      [PAV78]    = Pellet et al., 1978A&AS...31..439P
      [PFF2005]  = Pietsch et al., 2005A&A...442..879P
      [PFH2005]  = Pietsch et al., 2005A&A...434..483P
      [PH2004]   = Pietsch & Haberl, 2005A&A...430L..45P
      [PHS2007]  = Pietsch et al., 2007A&A...465..375P
      Pul        = Khrutskaya et al., 2004A&A...418..357K
      [R73]      = Rosino, 1973A&AS....9..347R
      RadioS     = Kimball & Ivezíc, 2008AJ....136..684K
      RBC3.5     = Galleti et al., 2004A&A...416..917G, 2005A&A...436..535G,
                    2006A&A...456..985G, 2007A&A...471..127G
      RBC4       = 2009A&A...508.1285G
      [SAZ2006]  = Smirnova et al., 2006IBVS.5737....1S
      [SD2009]   = Samus et al., 2009yCat....102025S
      [SK98]     = Shokin & Kulagina, 1998PAZh...24...93S
      [SKK99]    = Stanek et al., 1999AJ....117.2810S
      SIM        = SIMBAD Database
      [TBP2001]  = Trudolyubov et al., 2001ApJ...563L.119T
      [TBP2002]  = Trudolyubov et al., 2002ApJ...581L..27T
      [TKP2004]  = Trudolyubov et al., 2005ApJ...634..314T
      [TP2008]   = Trudolyubov et al., 2008ApJ...676.1218T
      [TPB2002]  = Trudolyubov et al., 2002IAUC.7798....2T
      [TPC2006]  = Trudolyubov et al., 2006ApJ...645..277T
      TYC        = Hog et al., 2000A&A...355L..27H
      USNO-B1    = United States Naval Observatory all sky catalogue
      [WB92a]    = Walterbos & Braun, 1992A&AS...92..625W
      [WGC2005]  = Williams et al., 2005ApJ...632.1086W
      [WGC2006]  = Williams et al., 2006ApJ...637..479W
      [WGK2004]  = Williams et al., 2004ApJ...609..735W
      [WNG2006]  = Williams et al., 2006ApJ...643..356W
      [WSB85]    = Wirth et al., 1985ApJ...290..140W
      [WSK2004]  = Williams et al., 2004ApJ...615..720W
      WSTB 36W   = Bystedt et al., 1984A&AS...56..245B
      WSTB 37W   = Walterbos et al., 1985A&AS...61..451W
      [V62]      = Vetesnik, 1962BAICz..13..180V
      [VG2007]   = Voss & Gilfanov 2007A&A...468...49V
      [VRJ2006]  = Vilardell et al., 2006A&A...459..321V
      BH         = black hole
      BL Lac     = special type of AGN where the jet points to the observer
      cand.      = candidate
      corr.      = correlation
      EmO        = emission line object
      Em*        = emission line star
      F0, F2, F5, F6, F7, F8 = spectral stellar types
      FoV        = field of view
      FRI        = radio galaxy, whose core-dominated radio emission is powered
                    by a central AGN
      FRII       = radio galaxy, whose lobe-dominated radio emission is powered
                    by a central AGN
      G0, G2, G6, G8, G9 = spectral stellar types
      g, GCC     = globular cluster candidate
      Ha         = H alpha
      HFV        = high-frequency variable
      HR         = hardness ratio
      HzRG       = high-z radio galaxy
      IR-S, IR   = infra-red source
      K0, K1, K2, K3 = spectral stellar type
      LFV        = low-frequency variable
      LMXRB      = low mass X-ray binary
      M1 V       = spectral stellar type
      na         = probably a cluster, but not sure what type
      NULL       = source without classification
      PM star    = high proper-motion star
      PN         = planetary nebula
      PWN        = pulsar wind nebula
      QSO        = quasi stellar object
      Seyfert 1  = AGN located in spiral or irregular galaxy that show broad lines
      src        = source
      UV         = ultraviolet emission source
      WeCAPP     = Wendelstein Calar Alto Pixellensing Project
      WR star    = Wolf-Rayet star
      Z-source   = Low-mass X-ray binary that is named after the pattern traced
                    on its colour-colour diagram.

The identification code of the M 31 field for the first observation. The key to these codes is given in Table 2 of the reference paper.

The EPIC instruments contributing to the source detection in the corresponding observation, i.e., in which the source was within ('T') or outside ('F') of the field of view, in order of the pn, MOS1 and MOS2 detectors. Thus, 'TFT' means that the source was not detected by the MOS1 instrument

The combined EPIC pn, MOS1 and MOS2 count rate of the XMM-Newton source in the corresponding observation and in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band, in ct/s.

The uncertainty in the combined EPIC pn, MOS1 and MOS2 count rate of the XMM-Newton source in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band in the corresponding observation, in ct/s.

The combined EPIC pn, MOS1 and MOS2 flux of the XMM-Newton source in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band in the corresponding observation, in erg s-1 cm-2.

The uncertainty in the combined EPIC pn, MOS1 and MOS2 flux of the XMM-Newton source in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band in the corresponding observation, in erg s-1 cm-2.

The EPIC hardness ratio HR1 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The uncertainty in the EPIC hardness ratio HR1 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The EPIC hardness ratio HR2 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The uncertainty in the EPIC hardness ratio HR2 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The EPIC hardness ratio HR3 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The uncertainty in the EPIC hardness ratio HR3 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The EPIC hardness ratio HR4 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The uncertainty in the EPIC hardness ratio HR4 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The identification code of the M 31 field for the second observation. The key to these codes is given in Table 2 of the reference paper.

The EPIC instruments contributing to the source detection in the corresponding observation, i.e., in which the source was within ('T') or outside ('F') of the field of view, in order of the pn, MOS1 and MOS2 detectors. Thus, 'TFT' means that the source was not detected by the MOS1 instrument.

The combined EPIC pn, MOS1 and MOS2 count rate of the XMM-Newton source in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band, in ct/s, in the corresponding observation.

The uncertainty in the combined EPIC pn, MOS1 and MOS2 count rate of the XMM-Newton source in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band in the corresponding observation, in ct/s.

The combined EPIC pn, MOS1 and MOS2 flux of the XMM-Newton source in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band in the corresponding observation, in erg s-1 cm-2.

The uncertainty in the combined EPIC pn, MOS1 and MOS2 flux of the XMM-Newton source in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band in the corresponding observation, in erg s-1 cm-2.

The EPIC hardness ratio HR1 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The uncertainty in the EPIC hardness ratio HR1 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The EPIC hardness ratio HR2 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The uncertainty in the EPIC hardness ratio HR2 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The EPIC hardness ratio HR3 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The uncertainty in the EPIC hardness ratio HR3 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The EPIC hardness ratio HR4 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The uncertainty in the EPIC hardness ratio HR4 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The identification code of the M 31 field for the third observation. The key to these codes is given in Table 2 of the reference paper.

The EPIC instruments contributing to the source detection in the corresponding observation, i.e., in which the source was within ('T') or outside ('F') of the field of view, in order of the pn, MOS1 and MOS2 detectors. Thus, 'TFT' means that the source was not detected by the MOS1 instrument.

The combined EPIC pn, MOS1 and MOS2 count rate of the XMM-Newton source in the corresponding observation and in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band, in ct/s.

The uncertainty in the combined EPIC pn, MOS1 and MOS2 count rate of the XMM-Newton source in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band in the corresponding observation, in ct/s.

The combined EPIC pn, MOS1 and MOS2 flux of the XMM-Newton source in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band in the corresponding observation, in erg s-1 cm-2.

The uncertainty in the combined EPIC pn, MOS1 and MOS2 flux of the XMM-Newton source in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band in the corresponding observation, in erg s-1 cm-2.

The EPIC hardness ratio HR1 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The uncertainty in the EPIC hardness ratio HR1 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The EPIC hardness ratio HR2 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The uncertainty in the EPIC hardness ratio HR2 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The EPIC hardness ratio HR3 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The uncertainty in the EPIC hardness ratio HR3 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The EPIC hardness ratio HR4 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The uncertainty in the EPIC hardness ratio HR4 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The identification code of the M 31 field for the fourth observation. The key to these codes is given in Table 2 of the reference paper.

The EPIC instruments contributing to the source detection in the corresponding observation, i.e., in which the source was within ('T') or outside ('F') of the field of view, in order of the pn, MOS1 and MOS2 detectors. Thus, 'TFT' means that the source was not detected by the MOS1 instrument.

The combined EPIC pn, MOS1 and MOS2 count rate of the XMM-Newton source in the corresponding observation and in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band, in ct/s.

The uncertainty in the combined EPIC pn, MOS1 and MOS2 count rate of the XMM-Newton source in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band in the corresponding observation, in ct/s.

The combined EPIC pn, MOS1 and MOS2 flux of the XMM-Newton source in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band in the corresponding observation, in erg s-1 cm-2.

The uncertainty in the combined EPIC pn, MOS1 and MOS2 flux of the XMM-Newton source in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band in the corresponding observation, in erg s-1 cm-2.

The EPIC hardness ratio HR1 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The uncertainty in the EPIC hardness ratio HR1 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The EPIC hardness ratio HR2 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The uncertainty in the EPIC hardness ratio HR2 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The EPIC hardness ratio HR3 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The uncertainty in the EPIC hardness ratio HR3 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The EPIC hardness ratio HR4 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The uncertainty in the EPIC hardness ratio HR4 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The identification code of the M 31 field for the fifth observation. The key to these codes is given in Table 2 of the reference paper.

The EPIC instruments contributing to the source detection in the corresponding observation, i.e., in which the source was within ('T') or outside ('F') of the field of view, in order of the pn, MOS1 and MOS2 detectors. Thus, 'TFT' means that the source was not detected by the MOS1 instrument.

The combined EPIC pn, MOS1 and MOS2 count rate of the XMM-Newton source in the corresponding observation and in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band, in ct/s.

The uncertainty in the combined EPIC pn, MOS1 and MOS2 count rate of the XMM-Newton source in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band in the corresponding observation, in ct/s.

The combined EPIC pn, MOS1 and MOS2 flux of the XMM-Newton source in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band in the corresponding observation, in erg s-1 cm-2.

The uncertainty in the combined EPIC pn, MOS1 and MOS2 flux of the XMM-Newton source in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band in the corresponding observation, in erg s-1 cm-2.

The EPIC hardness ratio HR1 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The uncertainty in the EPIC hardness ratio HR1 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The EPIC hardness ratio HR2 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The uncertainty in the EPIC hardness ratio HR2 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The EPIC hardness ratio HR3 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The uncertainty in the EPIC hardness ratio HR3 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The EPIC hardness ratio HR4 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The uncertainty in the EPIC hardness ratio HR4 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The identification code of the M 31 field for the sixth observation. The key to these codes is given in Table 2 of the reference paper.

The EPIC instruments contributing to the source detection in the corresponding observation, i.e., in which the source was within ('T') or outside ('F') of the field of view, in order of the pn, MOS1 and MOS2 detectors. Thus, 'TFT' means that the source was not detected by the MOS1 instrument.

The combined EPIC pn, MOS1 and MOS2 count rate of the XMM-Newton source in the corresponding observation and in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band, in ct/s.

The uncertainty in the combined EPIC pn, MOS1 and MOS2 count rate of the XMM-Newton source in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band in the corresponding observation, in ct/s.

The combined EPIC pn, MOS1 and MOS2 flux of the XMM-Newton source in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band in the corresponding observation, in erg s-1 cm-2.

The uncertainty in the combined EPIC pn, MOS1 and MOS2 flux of the XMM-Newton source in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band in the corresponding observation, in erg s-1 cm-2.

The EPIC hardness ratio HR1 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The uncertainty in the EPIC hardness ratio HR1 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The EPIC hardness ratio HR2 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The uncertainty in the EPIC hardness ratio HR2 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The EPIC hardness ratio HR3 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The uncertainty in the EPIC hardness ratio HR3 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The EPIC hardness ratio HR4 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The uncertainty in the EPIC hardness ratio HR4 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The identification code of the M 31 field for the seventh observation. The key to these codes is given in Table 2 of the reference paper.

The EPIC instruments contributing to the source detection in the corresponding observation, i.e., in which the source was within ('T') or outside ('F') of the field of view, in order of the pn, MOS1 and MOS2 detectors. Thus, 'TFT' means that the source was not detected by the MOS1 instrument.

The combined EPIC pn, MOS1 and MOS2 count rate of the XMM-Newton source in the corresponding observation and in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band, in ct/s.

The uncertainty in the combined EPIC pn, MOS1 and MOS2 count rate of the XMM-Newton source in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band in the corresponding observation, in ct/s.

The combined EPIC pn, MOS1 and MOS2 flux of the XMM-Newton source in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band in the corresponding observation, in erg s-1 cm-2.

The uncertainty in the combined EPIC pn, MOS1 and MOS2 flux of the XMM-Newton source in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band in the corresponding observation, in erg s-1 cm-2.

The EPIC hardness ratio HR1 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The uncertainty in the EPIC hardness ratio HR1 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The EPIC hardness ratio HR2 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The uncertainty in the EPIC hardness ratio HR2 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The EPIC hardness ratio HR3 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The uncertainty in the EPIC hardness ratio HR3 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The EPIC hardness ratio HR4 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The uncertainty in the EPIC hardness ratio HR4 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The identification code of the M 31 field for the eighth observation. The key to these codes is given in Table 2 of the reference paper.

The EPIC instruments contributing to the source detection in the corresponding observation, i.e., in which the source was within ('T') or outside ('F') of the field of view, in order of the pn, MOS1 and MOS2 detectors. Thus, 'TFT' means that the source was not detected by the MOS1 instrument.

The combined EPIC pn, MOS1 and MOS2 count rate of the XMM-Newton source in the corresponding observation and in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band, in ct/s.

The uncertainty in the combined EPIC pn, MOS1 and MOS2 count rate of the XMM-Newton source in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band in the corresponding observation, in ct/s.

The combined EPIC pn, MOS1 and MOS2 flux of the XMM-Newton source in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band in the corresponding observation, in erg s-1 cm-2.

The uncertainty in the combined EPIC pn, MOS1 and MOS2 flux of the XMM-Newton source in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band in the corresponding observation, in erg s-1 cm-2.

The EPIC hardness ratio HR1 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The uncertainty in the EPIC hardness ratio HR1 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The EPIC hardness ratio HR2 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The uncertainty in the EPIC hardness ratio HR2 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The EPIC hardness ratio HR3 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The uncertainty in the EPIC hardness ratio HR3 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The EPIC hardness ratio HR4 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The uncertainty in the EPIC hardness ratio HR4 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The identification code of the M 31 field for the ninth observation. The key to these codes is given in Table 2 of the reference paper.

The EPIC instruments contributing to the source detection in the corresponding observation, i.e., in which the source was within ('T') or outside ('F') of the field of view, in order of the pn, MOS1 and MOS2 detectors. Thus, 'TFT' means that the source was not detected by the MOS1 instrument.

The combined EPIC pn, MOS1 and MOS2 count rate of the XMM-Newton source in the corresponding observation and in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band, in ct/s.

The uncertainty in the combined EPIC pn, MOS1 and MOS2 count rate of the XMM-Newton source in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band in the corresponding observation, in ct/s.

The combined EPIC pn, MOS1 and MOS2 flux of the XMM-Newton source in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band in the corresponding observation, in erg s-1 cm-2.

The uncertainty in the combined EPIC pn, MOS1 and MOS2 flux of the XMM-Newton source in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band in the corresponding observation, in erg s-1 cm-2.

The EPIC hardness ratio HR1 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The uncertainty in the EPIC hardness ratio HR1 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The EPIC hardness ratio HR2 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The uncertainty in the EPIC hardness ratio HR2 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The EPIC hardness ratio HR3 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The uncertainty in the EPIC hardness ratio HR3 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The EPIC hardness ratio HR4 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The uncertainty in the EPIC hardness ratio HR4 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The identification code of the M 31 field for the tenth observation. The key to these codes is given in Table 2 of the reference paper.

The EPIC instruments contributing to the source detection in the corresponding observation, i.e., in which the source was within ('T') or outside ('F') of the field of view, in order of the pn, MOS1 and MOS2 detectors. Thus, 'TFT' means that the source was not detected by the MOS1 instrument.

The combined EPIC pn, MOS1 and MOS2 count rate of the XMM-Newton source in the corresponding observation and in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band, in ct/s.

The uncertainty in the combined EPIC pn, MOS1 and MOS2 count rate of the XMM-Newton source in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band in the corresponding observation, in ct/s.

The combined EPIC pn, MOS1 and MOS2 flux of the XMM-Newton source in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band in the corresponding observation, in erg s-1 cm-2.

The uncertainty in the combined EPIC pn, MOS1 and MOS2 flux of the XMM-Newton source in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band in the corresponding observation, in erg s-1 cm-2.

The EPIC hardness ratio HR1 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The uncertainty in the EPIC hardness ratio HR1 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The EPIC hardness ratio HR2 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The uncertainty in the EPIC hardness ratio HR2 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The EPIC hardness ratio HR3 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The uncertainty in the EPIC hardness ratio HR3 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The EPIC hardness ratio HR4 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The uncertainty in the EPIC hardness ratio HR4 of the X-ray source in the corresponding observation.

The number of observations in which the source was detected. A null value means that it was observed (and detected) only once.

The maximum significance of variation for the X-ray source.

The maximum flux ratio for the X-ray source. A value in excess of 100 indicates that the source is an X-ray transient.

The number of observations in which the source was observed but not detected, i.e., only upper limits were obtained.

The maximum combined EPIC pn, MOS1 and MOS2 flux of the XMM-Newton source in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band, in erg s-1 cm-2.

The uncertainty in the maximum combined EPIC pn, MOS1 and MOS2 flux of the XMM-Newton source in the 0.2 - 4.5 keV (XID) band, in erg s-1 cm-2.

The HEASARC Browse object classification of the X-ray source, based on the value of the source_type parameter (q.v.).

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Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:30:28 EDT