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M31RBCGC - M31 Revised Bologna Clusters and Candidates Catalog (Version 5) |
HEASARC Archive |
Please acknowledge the use of this catalog. The proper reference is: Galleti S., Federici L., Bellazzini M., Fusi Pecci F., Macrina S. "2MASS NIR photometry for 693 candidate globular clusters in M 31 and the Revised Bologna Catalogue (V.1.0)", Astron.&Astrophys., 2004, 416, 917 (2004A&A...416..917G)
Revised Bologna Catalogue of M 31 globular clusters and candidates (RBC, V.5, August 2012) Galleti S., Federici L., Bellazzini M., Fusi Pecci F., Macrina S., Buzzoni A. <Astron. Astrophys. 416, 917 (2004); 456, 985 (2006); 508, 1285 (2009)> =2006A&A...456..985G =2014yCat.5143....0G
A unique number identifying the globular cluster or
globular cluster candidate.
The name of the globular cluster or globular cluster candidate. These
are the names as given in the original catalog, and most of the prefixes are
not recognized by Simbad. Thus, the HEASARC has constructed this mapping from
the prefixes used herein to their corresponding Simbad designations (which it
believes is likely correct) as follows:
RBC Prefix Simbad Prefix Reference Bibcode AU ACH Auriere et al. (1992) 1992A&A...256...95A B Bol Battistini et al. (1980) 1980A&AS...42..357B " Battistini et al. (1987) 1987A&AS...67..447B " Battistini et al. (1993) 1993A&A...272...77B BA BA Baade & Arp (1964) 1964ApJ...139.1027B BH [BHB2000] Barmby & Huchra (2001) 2001AJ....122.2458B C Kang et al. (2012) 2012ApJS..199...37K DA(O) [CCS85] Crampton et al. (1985) 1985ApJ...288..494C G [SKHB] Sargent et al. (1977) 1977AJ.....82..947S M [MKK98] M 31 Mochejska et al. (1998) 1998AcA....48..455M NB NBol Battistini et al. (1993) 1993A&A...272...77B SH [S73] Sharov (1973) 1973SvA....17..174S Sharov & Lyutyi (1983) 1983Ap&SS. 90..371S [S73] Sharov & Lyutyi (1985) 1985AstL...11..248S SK [KLG2007] Kim et al. (2007 2007AJ....134..706K V [V62} Vetesnik (1962) 1962BAICz..13..180VThe meaning of other name prefixes used herein, e.g. '2M', is not known to the HEASARC.
An alternative designation for the globular cluster or candidate.
See the discussion on source nomenclature given in the text for the name
parameter above.
A source flag parameter containing a code indicating the
source classification, as follows:
0 = no data; 1 = globular cluster; 2 = candidate globular cluster; 3 = controversial object; 4 = galaxy; 5 = HII region 6 = star(s) 7 = asterism; 8 = extended cluster; 9 = blank
A source flag parameter containing a code indicating a
possible source classification for a candidate globular cluster, as follows:
0 = other classification; 1 = possible globular cluster; 2 = no classification; 4 = possible galaxy; 5 = possible HII region; 6 = possible star(s)
A source flag parameter containing a code indicating
a confirmation of the source classification, as follows:
0 = no data; 1 = globular cluster; 2 = candidate globular cluster; 3 = controversial object; 4 = galaxy; 5 = HII region 6 = star(s) 7 = asterism; 8 = extended cluster; 9 = blank
The age classification from the Fusi Pecci et al. (2005,
AJ, 130, 554) blue luminous compact cluster (BLCC), other confirmed and
reportedly young cluster, and unconfirmed M 31 globular clusters and reportedly
young and/or possible candidate BLCCs with (B - V)0 < 0.45 samples (given in
their Tables 1, 2 and 3, respectively), coded as follows:
1 = only sample A (color selected); 2 = only sample B (H{beta} > 3.5 selected); 3 = sample A and B; BLCC from table 2: 4 = confirmed GCs and candidate BLCCs; from table 3: 5 = unconfirmed GCs and candidate BLCCs 6 = data from SK07 that have (B-V)0<0.45 color with E(B-V) = 0.11; 7 = candidate BLCCs by Beccari et al. (2007).
The age classification from Caldwell et al. (2009, AJ,
137, 94), coded as follows:
0 = not considered in the paper; 1 = "young" cluster with age < 1 Gyr; 2 = "intermediate " cluster with 1Gyr < age < 2 Gyr; 3 = "old" cluster with age > 2 Gyr; 8 = not available or no data; 9 = other classification.
The age classification from Peacock et al.
(2010, MNRAS, 402, 803) coded as follows:
0 = not considered in the paper; 1 = old cluster 2 = candidate cluster 3 = young cluster 4 = background galaxy
The Right Ascension of the globular cluster or candidate
in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000.0 equatorial coordinates to
a precision of 0.001 seconds of time in the original reference.
The Declination of the globular cluster or candidate
in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000.0 equatorial coordinates to
a precision of 0.01 arcseconds in the original reference.
The Galactic Longitude of the globular cluster or candidate.
The Galactic Latitude of the globular cluster or candidate.
The U-band magnitude of the globular cluster or candidate.
The reference for the U-band magnitude of the globular cluster or
candidate, coded as follows:
0 = Barmby et al. 2000AJ....119..727B, 2001AJ....122.2458B 1 = Battistini et al. 1987A&AS...67..447B (pg) 2 = Buonanno et al. 1982A&AS...47..451B(pg) 3 = Battistini et al. 980A&AS...42..357B (eye) 4 = F300W photometry (ccd) 5 = Kim et al. 2007AJ....134..706K (SK07 or SCK07) 6 = Fan et al. 2010ApJ...725..200F (F10) 7 = Peacock et al. 2010MNRAS.402..803P (P10) 8 = Beccari et al. 2007A&A...476..193B (Be07) 11-18 = Sharov et al. 1975-1996: 1975SvAL....1...69S (SL75); 1976SvAL....2..128S (SL76); 1978SvA....22..548S (SL78A); 1978SvAL....4..163S (SL78B); 1979SvAL....5..308S (SL79); 1980SvAL....6..299S (SL80); 1981SvAL....7..367S (SL81); 1982SvAL....8..243S (SL82); 1983Ap&SS..90..371S (SL83); 1984SvAL...10..243S (SL84); 1985AstL...11..248S (SL85); 1987SvAL...13..270S (SL87); 1992SvAL...18...41S (SL92); 1995AstL...21..240S (SL95); 1996AstL...22..409S (SL96) 19 = RH92-94: Reed et al. 1992AJ....103..824R (RHH92); 1994AJ....107..555R (RHH94) 20 = Cohen et al. 1994AJ....108..128C (C93 ) 21 = Battistini et al. 1993A&A...272...77B (B93) 22 = Auriere et al. 1992A&A...256...95A (AU92) 23 = Racine & Harris 1992AJ....104.1068R (R92) 24 = Mochejska et al. 1998AcA....48..455M (M98) 30 = Caldwell et al. 2009AJ....137...94C (C09) 31 = new data G12 (Galleti et al., this catalog)
The B-band magnitude of the globular cluster or candidate.
The reference for the B-band magnitude of the globular cluster or
candidate, using the same codes as for the ref_umag parameter (see above).
The V-band magnitude of the globular cluster or candidate.
The reference for the V-band magnitude of the globular cluster or
candidate, using the same codes as for the ref_umag parameter (see above).
The R-band magnitude of the globular cluster or candidate.
The reference for the R-band magnitude of the globular cluster or
candidate, using the same codes as for the ref_umag parameter (see above).
The I-band magnitude of the globular cluster or candidate.
The reference for the I-band magnitude of the globular cluster or
candidate, using the same codes as for the ref_umag parameter (see above).
The J-band magnitude of the globular cluster or candidate.
The reference for the J-band magnitude of the globular cluster or
candidate, coded as follows:
0 = 2Mass (Cutri et al. CDS Cat. II/246) 1 = Barmby et al. 2000AJ....119..727B (B00) 2 = Cohen & Matthews 1994AJ....108..128C (CM94) 3 = Bonoli et al. 1992A&AS...96..163B (Bo92) 4 = Barmby et al. 2001AJ....121.1496B (B01a) 5 = new data as in G04 (Galleti et al. 2004, A&A, 416, 917).
The H-band magnitude of the globular cluster or candidate.
The reference for the H-band magnitude of the globular cluster or
candidate, coded as follows:
0 = 2Mass (Cutri et al. CDS Cat. II/246) 1 = Barmby et al. 2000AJ....119..727B (B00) 2 = Cohen & Matthews 1994AJ....108..128C (CM94) 3 = Bonoli et al. 1992A&AS...96..163B (Bo92) 4 = Barmby et al. 2001AJ....121.1496B (B01a) 5 = new data as in G04 (Galleti et al. 2004, A&A, 416, 917).
The K-band magnitude of the globular cluster or candidate.
The reference for the K-band magnitude of the globular cluster or
candidate, coded as follows:
0 = 2Mass (Cutri et al. CDS Cat. II/246) 1 = Barmby et al. 2000AJ....119..727B (B00) 2 = Cohen & Matthews 1994AJ....108..128C (CM94) 3 = Bonoli et al. 1992A&AS...96..163B (Bo92) 4 = Barmby et al. 2001AJ....121.1496B (B01a) 5 = new data as in G04 (Galleti et al. 2004, A&A, 416, 917).
The GALEX NUV-band (0.23-um) magnitude of the globular cluster or
The mean error in the NUV magnitude of the globular cluster
or candidate.
The reference for the GALEX NUV magnitude of the globular
cluster or candidate, coded as follows:
0 = Rey et al. 2007ApJS..173..643R (R07; Cat. J/ApJS/173/643) 1 = Kang et al. 2012ApJS..199...37K (K12; Cat. J/ApJS/199/37) null= (no far-UV data)
The GALEX FUV-band (0.15-um) magnitude of the globular cluster or
The mean error in the GALEX FUV magnitude of the globular
cluster or candidate.
The reference for the GALEX FUV magnitude of the globular
cluster or candidate, coded as follows:
0 = Rey et al. 2007ApJS..173..643R (R07; Cat. J/ApJS/173/643) 1 = Kang et al. 2012ApJS..199...37K (K12; Cat. J/ApJS/199/37) null= (no far-UV data)
The heliocentric radial velocity of the globular cluster or
candidate, in km/s.
The error in the heliocentric radial velocity of the
globular cluster or candidate, in km/s.
The reference for the heliocentric radial velocity of
the globular cluster or candidate, coded as follows:
0 = Dubath & Grillmair 1997A&A...321..379D (HR); 1 = Huechra et al. 1991ApJ...370..495H (H91; 2 = Perrett et al. 2002AJ....123.2490P (P02; 3 = Federici et al. 1993A&A...274...87F (F93; 4 = Jablonka et al. 1998A&A...335..867J (J98; 5 = Barmby et al. 2000AJ....119..727B (B00); 6 = Galleti et al. 2006A&A...456..985G (G06; see J/A+A/456/985); 7 = Galleti et al. 2007A&A...471..127G (G07; see J/A+A/471/127); 8 = Barmby, (BW00); 10 = Caldwell et al. 2009AJ....137...94C (C09; 11 = Kim et al. 2007AJ....134..706K (SK07 or SCK07); 13 = Alves-Brito et al. 2009MNRAS.395L..34A (A09; 14 = G12 new data as G06 (Galleti et al. 2012, this catalog); 15 = Caldwell et al. 2011AJ....141...61C (C11; 20 = average (see G06 = J/A+A/456/985); null = no velocity.
The estimated E(B-V) color excess of the globular cluster or
candidate, in magnitudes.
The mean error in the estimated E(B-V) color excess of the
globular cluster or candidate, in magnitudes.
The reference for the estimated E(B-V) color excess of the
globular cluster or candidate, E(B-V)1, coded as follows:
0 = from Barmby et al. (2000) = 2000AJ....119..727B; 1 = new data from Fan et al. (2010) = 2010ApJ...725..200F; null = no data.
A second estimate of the E(B-V) color excess of the globular cluster
or candidate, E(B-V)2, in magnitudes.
The reference for the second estimate of the E(B-V) color excess
of the globular cluster or candidate, E(B-V)2, coded as follows:
0 = Caldwell et al. (2011) = 2011AJ....141...61C; 2 = Barmby et al. (2000) = 2000AJ....119..727B; 3 = median from the references
The iron abundance ([Fe/H]) of the globular cluster
or candidate, taken from Galleti et al. (2009) = 2009A&A...508.1285G.
The mean error in the iron abundance ([Fe/H]) of the
globular cluster or candidate, taken from Galleti et al. (2009) =
The H_Beta index of the globular cluster
or candidate, taken from Galleti et al. (2009) = 2009A&A...508.1285G.
The mean error in the H_Beta index of the globular
cluster or candidate, taken from Galleti et al. (2009) = 2009A&A...508.1285G.
The reference for the source of the position of
the globular cluster or candidate, coded as follows:
1 = 2MASS (Cutri et al. 2003, CDS Cat. II/246); 2MASS-6X (2006, II/281) 2 = SDSS (Sloan Digital Sky Survey, see CDS Cat. V/139) 3 = GSC-II (Lasker et al. 2008, CDS Cat. I/305) 4 = LGS (Massey et al. 2006, CDS Cat. J/AJ/131/2478) 5 = HST (archives from Hubble Space Telescope observations) 8 = RBCV4 (Revised Bologna Catalog, V.4) null = none.
The projected X position x of the globular cluster or
candidate from the center of M 31, in arcminutes. The following assumptions
have been made:
* M 31 PA = 38 deg from Kent (1989) = 1989 AJ.....97.1614K; * Center of M 31: RA, Dec (J2000) = 00:42:44.31, +41:16:09.4 * M 31 distance modulus = 24.47 mag (783 kpc)
The projected Y position y of the globular cluster or
candidate from the center of M 31, in arcminutes. The following assumptions
have been made:
* M 31 PA = 38 deg from Kent (1989) = 1989 AJ.....97.1614K; * Center of M 31: RA, Dec (J2000) = 00:42:44.31, +41:16:09.4 * M 31 distance modulus = 24.47 mag (783 kpc)
The projected radial position r of the globular cluster or
candidate from the center of M 31, in arcminutes, where r = sqrt(x2 + y2).
The following assumptions have been made:
* M 31 PA = 38 deg from Kent (1989) = 1989 AJ.....97.1614K; * Center of M 31: RA, Dec (J2000) = 00:42:44.31, +41:16:09.4 * M 31 distance modulus = 24.47 mag (783 kpc)
The projected radial distance R_p of the globular
cluster or candidate from the center of M 31, in kpc.
The following assumptions have been made:
* M 31 PA = 38 deg from Kent (1989) = 1989 AJ.....97.1614K; * Center of M 31: RA, Dec (J2000) = 00:42:44.31, +41:16:09.4 * M 31 distance modulus = 24.47 mag (783 kpc)
The HEASARC Browse object classification, based on the value of the
source_class_flag parameter.