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MONR2CXO - Monoceros R2 Cloud Chandra X-Ray Point Source Catalog |
HEASARC Archive |
X-ray observation on the Monoceros R2 star-forming region with the Chandra ACIS-I array. Nakajima H., Imanishi K., Takagi S., Koyama K., Tsujimoto M. <Publ. Astron. Soc. Jap., 55, 635 (2003)> =2003PASJ...55..635N
A running source number in order of increasing J2000.0
Right Ascension.
The X-ray source name based on the '[NIT2003]' prefix (for Nakajima,
Imanishi, Takagi... 2003) and the source number, as recommended by the
CDS Dictionary of Astronomical Nomenclature.
The Right Ascension of the X-ray source in the selected equinox.
This was given in J2000.0 coordinates to a precision of 0.01 seconds of
time in the original table. An astrometric correction of -0.87" was applied
to the original ACIS-I RAs in order to register them to the 2MASS frame.
The Declination of the X-ray source in the selected equinox.
This was given in J2000.0 coordinates to a precision of 0.1 arcseconds
in the original table. An astrometric correction of -0.75" was applied
to the original ACIS-I Declinations in order to register them to the
2MASS frame.
The Galactic Longitude of the X-ray source.
The Galactic Latitude of the X-ray source.
The background-subtracted photon counts for the X-ray source in
the 0.5 - 10.0 keV band. Sources were detected using the wavdetect
algorithm in the CIAO package, version 2.2, in this energy band with a
threshold significance of 10-6 and wavelet scales from 1 to 16 pixels in
multiple of sqrt(2). Sources with X-ray counts of less than 3 times the
background were discarded. The X-ray photons of each source were
accumulated in a circular region with a radius of 0.7" - 15.4, depending
on the point-sprread function (PSF), which is a function of the angular
distance from the telescope optical axis direction of 6 07 50.86,
-06 22 50.0 (J2000). The background photons were extracted from a source-free
circle of ~42" in radius.
Previous X-ray identifications for the X-ray source, where
KKH stands for a source listed by Kohno et al. (2002, CDS Cat.
<J/ApJ/567/423>), identified as [KKH2002] NNN in Simbad, and GMCF for
a source from Gregorio-Hetem et al. (1998A&A...331..193G), identified as
[GMC98] Mon X-NN in Simbad.
The identification of the NIR counterpart to the X-ray source, as follows:
CMDSH: Carpenter et al. (1997, CDS Cat. <J/AJ/114/198>), [CMD97] NNNN in Simbad 2MASSI: 2MASS Point Source Catalog in the Second Incremental Data Release, Cat. <II/241> NIR source names such as d_N and IRS4 are from Beckwith et al. (1976ApJ...208..390B, [BEB76] IRS N), Howard et al. (1994ApJ...425..707H, [AW90] aW, [BEB76] IRS NWW), and Carpenter et al. (1997, CDS Cat. <J/AJ/114/198>). (i.e. d_N = [AW90] dN, IRS 4 = [BEB76] IRS 4 in Simbad)NIR counterparts to X-ray sources were selected using the criterion that the angular distance between the X-ray and NIR sources be smaller than the root mean square of the positional uncertainty derived from the wavdetect program and the PSF radius. In cases with multiple counterparts, the closest one was always chosen.