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MOSTSNRCAT - Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope Supernova Remnant Catalog |
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The MOST supernova remnant catalogue (MSC). Whiteoak J.B.Z., Green A.J. <Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 118, 329 (1996)> =1996A&AS..118..329W (SIMBAD/NED BibCode)
This status flag takes the following possible values:
k: Known SNR (Table MSC.A of the paper) n: New SNR (Table MSC.B of the paper) p: Possible SNR (Table MSC.C of the paper) r: Reclassifed (section 3.3 of the paper)
This parameter is set to 'Y' to indicate that a note exists for
this SNR in the associated notes file
The name of the supernova remnant using the designation 'MSC LLL.l+B.b'
(Most Supernova Catalog and the galactic coordinates of the SNR), as
recommended by the CDS Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects.
In the original reference paper, the generic 'G' prefix was used instead
of 'MSC '.
The Right Ascension of the position of the geometric center of the SNR in
the selected equinox. When the object does not have a complete shell, the
center and dimensions of the ring which best describes the remnant were used.
The RA was given in J2000.0 coordinates to a precision of 1 second of time in
the original table.
The Declination of the position of the geometric center of the SNR in
the selected equinox. When the object does not have a complete shell, the
center and dimensions of the ring which best describes the remnant were used.
The Declination was given in J2000.0 coordinates to a precision of 1 arcminute
in the original table, except for the possible SNR (objects with snr_status =
'p') where it was given to a precision of 1 arcsecond.
The Galactic Longitude of the SNR.
The Galactic Latitude of the SNR.
This parameter is set to '>' if the quoted integrated
flux density of the SNR at 0.843 GHz is a lower limit (typically for large
The integrated flux density of the SNR at 0.843 GHz, in mJy.
The major diameter of the SNR's shell or equivalent elliptical
ring, at 0.843 GHz, in arcminutes.
The minor diameter of the SNR's shell or equivalent elliptical
ring, at 0.843 GHz, in arcminutes.
This parameter is set to '>' if the quoted mean surface
brightness of the SNR at 0.843 GHz is a lower limit (typically for large
The mean surface brightness of the SNR at 0.843 GHz, in Jy/sr.
This parameter indicates the type of SNR:
S: shell P: plerion or filled-centre C: composite M: apparent multiple shell structure
The figure number in the reference paper in wich the SNR is
depicted (not given for possible SNR, i.e., objects with snr_status='p').
A reference code for references to previous MOST publications
on the specified SNR as follows (given for known SNRs only, i.e., objects with
1: Caswell et al., 19833MNRAS.204..915C 2: Caswell et al., 1983PASAu...5..227C 3: Caswell et al., 1992ApJ...399L.151C 4: Haynes, 1987AuJPh..40..741H 5: Kesteven & Caswell, 1987A&A...183..118K 6: Kesteven et al., 1987AuJPh..40..855K 7: Manchester & Durdin, 1983IAUS..101..421M 8: Milne et al., 1985PASAu...6...78M 9: Milne et al., 1988, in: Kundt W. (ed.) Supernova Shells and their Birth Events,. Spinger-Verlag, p.98 10: Milne et al., 1989PASAu...8..187M 11: Roger at al., 1985Natur.316...44R 12: Roger et al., 1986MNRAS.219..815R 13: Whiteoak et al., 1989PASAu...8..176W 14: Whiteoak, 1990Natur.347..157W 15: Whiteoak, 1992MNRAS.256..121W 16: Whiteoak, 1993ApJ...415..701W
This parameter contains remarks on the SNR, including common names
by which the remnants are known, or, for possible SNR, brief descriptions
of the morphology.
The HEASARC Browse object classification, based on the value of the
snr_type parameter.