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RASSHGSFT2 - ROSAT All-Sky Survey: Soft High Galactic-Latitude X-Ray Sources 2 |
HEASARC Archive |
Identification of soft high galactic latitude RASS X-ray sources. II. Sources with PSPC count rate CR < 0.5 cts/s. Beuermann K., Thomas H.-C., Reinsch K., Schwope A.D., Truemper J., Voges W. <Astron. Astrophys. 347, 47 (1999)> =1999A&A...347...47B
The X-ray source designation as recommended by the Dictionary of
Nomenclature of Celestial Objects, namely '[BTR99] JHHMMSS.s+DDMMSS', where
the prefix stands for Beuermann, Thomas, Reinsch 1999 and the numerical part
is based on the X-ray position in J2000.0 equatorial coordinates.
The Right Ascension of the X-ray source in the selected equinox.
This was given in J2000.0 equatorial coordinates to a precision of 0.1
seconds of time in the position-based name.
This is taken from the RASS BSC for all but 4 sources: J021257.7-585109 for
which it comes from the RASS FSC, and J015400.9-594749, J083650.3+155238 and
J080621.7+152715 for which it is derived from small photon event tables
(PETs) extracted from the RASS.
The Declination of the X-ray source in the selected equinox.
This was given in J2000.0 equatorial coordinates to a precision of 1
arcsecond in the position-based name. This is taken from the RASS BSC for all
but 4 sources: J021257.7-585109 for
which it comes from the RASS FSC, and J015400.9-594749, J083650.3+155238 and
J080621.7+152715 for which it is derived from small photon event tables
(PETs) extracted from the RASS.
The Galactic Longitude of the X-ray source.
The Galactic Latitude of the X-ray source.
This flag parameter is set to 'X' to indicate that the source is
in the RASS Bright Source Catalog, the HEASARC RASSBSC table. Only 3
sources do not have this flag set: J015400.9-594749, J083650.3+155238 and
J080621.7+152715. These 3 sources are discussed in the notes to Table 3 of the
published paper. (Strictly speaking, the HEASARC notes that the source
J021257.7-585109 should also have this flag set, as it is not in the RASS BSC
but is in the RASS Faint Source Catalog, the HEASARC RASSFSC table).
The Right Ascension of the optical counterpart to the X-ray
source in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000.0 equatorial
coordinates to a precision of 0.1 seconds of time in the original table.
Three X-ray sources (J181810.0+534343, J203636.2-535222 and J234939.7-563723)
have multiple optical counterparts: in these cases, the optical counterpart
position and offset have been left blank.
The Declination of the optical counterpart to the X-ray
source in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000.0 equatorial
coordinates to a precision of 1 arcsecond in the original table.
Three X-ray sources (J181810.0+534343, J203636.2-535222 and J234939.7-563723)
have multiple optical counterparts: in these cases, the optical counterpart
position and offset have been left blank.
The angular separation of the optical and X-ray positions, in
The angular separation of the optical and X-ray positions, in
units of the 90% confidence radii, r_90, The latter is 1.65 times the 1-sigma
positional uncertainty given in the RASS BSC.
The PSPC count rate of the X-ray source, in counts s-1.
This is taken from the RASS BSC for all but 4 sources: J021257.7-585109 for
which it comes from the RASS FSC, and J015400.9-594749, J083650.3+155238 and
J080621.7+152715 for which it is derived from small photon event tables
(PETs) extracted from the RASS.
The RMS uncertainty in the PSPC count rate of the X-ray
source, in counts s-1. This is taken from the RASS BSC for all but 4 sources:
J021257.7-585109 for which it comes from the RASS FSC, and J015400.9-594749,
J083650.3+155238 and J080621.7+152715 for which it is derived from small
photon event tables (PETs) extracted from the RASS.
The hardness ratio HR1 = (H-S)/(H+S), where H and S are
the count rates in the hard and soft energy intervals of 0.5-2.0 keV and
0.1-0.4 keV, respectively.
The RMS uncertainty in the hardness ratio HR1.
The broad classification of the optical counterpart, as follows:
AGN: active galactic nucleus CV: cataclysmic variable GAL: galaxy STAR: star
The specific type of the optical counterpart, usually being the spectral type
for stars and the sub-type for CVs and AGN, where 'AM' means AM Her, 'IP'
means intermediate polar, 'Sy1' means Seyfert 1, and 'WD' means white dwarf.
The redshift of the optical counterpart, if extragalactic.
This flag parameter is set to ':' to indicate that the
redshift is uncertain.
The visual magnitude V of the optical counterpart.
The codes for source-specific notes, as follows:
1 = Spectroscopic identification, this work 2 = WFC identification (Pye et al., 1995, CDS Cat. <J/MNRAS/274/1165>, Mason et al., 1995, CDS Cat. <J/MNRAS/274/1194>) 3 = Hamburg/RASS identification (Bade et al., 1998A&AS..127..145B) 4 = see also Grupe et al. (1998A&A...330...25G) 5 = Inferred identification from the Digitized Sky Survey 6 = Radio source 7 = Listed also by Veron-Cetty & Veron (1996, CDS Cat. <VII/188>) 8 = Remarks on individual sources in paper and/or notes.dat fileThe notes.dat file is available at
The HEASARC Browse object classification, based on the source_type,
else on the broad class.