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RBSCNVSS - ROSAT All-Sky Survey/NVSS Bright X-Ray Source Sample



By cross-identifying the RASS (ROSAT All-Sky Survey) Bright Source Catalog (RBSC, CDS Catalog IX/10) with the NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS, CDS Catalog VIII/65), the authors have constructed the RBSC-NVSS sample of the brightest X-ray sources (>= 0.1 counts/s ~ 10-12 erg/cm2/s in the 0.1 - 2.4keV band) that are also radio sources (S >= 2.5 mJy at 1.4 GHz) in the 7.8 sr solid angle of extragalactic sky with galactic latitude |b| > 15 degrees and declination > -40 degrees. The sky density of NVSS sources is low enough that they can be reliably identified with RBSC sources having rms positional uncertainties >= 10". The authors used the more accurate radio positions to make reliable X-ray/radio/optical identifications down to the POSS plate limits. They obtained optical spectra for many of the bright identifications lacking published redshifts. The resulting X-ray/radio sample is unique in its size (1557 objects), composition (a mixture of nearly normal galaxies, Seyfert galaxies, quasars, and clusters), and low average redshift [<z>~0.1].

Catalog Bibcode



RBSC-NVSS sample. I. Radio and optical identifications of a complete sample
of 1556 bright X-ray sources.
     Bauer F.E., Condon J.J., Thuan T.X., Broderick J.J.
    <Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 129, 547 (2000)>


This table was created by the HEASARC in September 2003 based on CDS Catalog J/ApJS/129/547, files table1.dat and table2.dat.

HEASARC Implementation

This table is a list of counterparts to RBSC X-ray sources. Since some X-ray sources have more than one possible counterpart, there are thus more entries (1747) in this table than there are X-ray sources (1558). Since this HEASARC table results from the combination of two tables in the published and CDS versions, the HEASARC has added a parameter called source_table which identifies from which table (1, the list of galactic identifications, or 2, the list of extragalactic identifications) the entry was taken.


The ROSAT BSC name of the X-ray source in the format 1RXS JHHMMSS.S+DDMMSS.

This flag parameter is set to "Y" to Indicate that there is a detailed note about the particular X-ray source in the paper and in the notes.dat file available at CDS:

A commonly used name for the counterpart from either SIMBAD or NED, if available.

The ROSAT BSC X-ray (0.1 - 2.4keV band) flux, in erg/s/cm2.

The Right Ascension of the NVSS Catalog (radio) counterpart to the X-ray source, unless the value of the position_flag parameter is one of the following non-blank values: "O", in which case the optical position is given, either because the identification is more than 3 sigma from the radio position, or because there are multiple optical counterparts; "R", in which case the quoted position and/or radio flux density were remeasured from the NVSS postage-stamp image; or "F", in which case the position is a high-resolution position taken from the FIRST 1.4 GHz survey of White et al. (1997, ApJS, 475, 479), and the radio flux density also comes from the FIRST Catalog. Notice that the RA was given in J2000 coordinates to a precision of 0.01 seconds of time in the original table.

The Declination of the NVSS (radio) source counterpart to the X-ray source, unless the value of the position_flag parameter is one of the following non-blank values: "O", in which case the optical position is given, either because the identification is more than 3 sigma from the radio position, or because there are multiple optical counterparts; "R", in which case the quoted position and/or radio flux density were remeasured from the NVSS postage-stamp image; or "F", in which case the position is a high-resolution position taken from the FIRST 1.4 GHz survey of White et al. (1997, ApJS, 475, 479), and the radio flux density also comes from the FIRST Catalog. Notice that the Declination was given in J2000 coordinates to a precision of 0.1 arcseconds in the original table.

The Galactic Longitude corresponding to the quoted RA and Dec.

The Galactic Latitude corresponding to the quoted RA and Dec.

This flag parameter has possible values of "O" if the optical position is given, either because the identification is more than 3 sigma from the radio position, or there are multiple optical counterparts, "R" if the NVSS position and/or flux density were remeasured from the NVSS postage-stamp image, and "F" if the position is a high-resolution position taken from the FIRST 1.4 GHz survey of White et al. (1997, ApJS, 475, 479), and in which case the radio flux density also comes from the FIRST Catalog.

This parameter (created by the HEASARC) identifies from which table (1, the list of galactic identifications, or 2, the list of extragalactic identifications) in the published paper the entry was taken.

The NVSS Catalog flux density at 1.4 GHz (21 cm) of the radio counterpart, in mJy, except if the value of position_flag is "R", in which case it is the flux density remeasured from the NVSS postage-stamp image, or "F", in which case it is the radio flux density from the FIRST 1.4 GHz Survey of White et al. (1997, ApJS, 475, 479).

This flag parameter has the following possible non-blank values:

      E: radio emission is extended
      S: radio emission is extended and resolved into a central point source
          and single lobe - the central point source position and total
          emission are given
      D: radio emission is extended and resolved into two lobes - the centroid
          position and total emission are given
      T: radio emission is extended and resolved into three components - the
          central source position and total emission are given
      A: radio emission is likely to be indirectly linked to X-ray emission
          - an "association"

The probability P(R, V) that the identification of the X-ray/radio/optical source is correct; a blank indicates that other factors were taken into account when identifying this object.

The B magnitude of the optical counterpart from NED (entries with ref_bmag = "N"), the USNO A2 Catalog (entries with ref_bmag = "A"), or SIMBAD (entries with ref_bmag = "S").

This flag parameter indicates the source of the quoted B magnitude: if from NED, it is set to "N", the USNO A2 Catalog, to "A", or SIMBAD, to "S".

The redshift for an extragalactic counterpart, taken from NED, unless otherwise noted by the ref_redshift parameter.

This flag parameter is set to "?" to indicate that there is uncertainty in its value.

This parameter indicates the source of the quoted redshift:

       ' ': redshift and spectral classification are from NED (2000)
       '1': redshift and spectral classification are from the authors
            (KPNO 2.1m 1997-1999)
       '2': redshift and spectral classification are from Schwope et al.
            (2000AN....321....1S, see CDS Cat. IX/32)
       '3': redshift and spectral classification are from Brinkmann et al.
            (2000, CDS Cat. J/A+A/356/445)

The SIMBAD spectral type, if available, for galactic stellar counterparts.

The NED optical morphology, if available, for extragalactic counterparts.

The SIMBAD object type, if available, for galactic stellar counterparts, or the NED spectral classification, if available, for extragalactic counterparts, unless otherwise noted by the ref_redshift parameter. The following Simbad object types are used:

     star: star
       Al: Eclipsing binary of Algol type
       bL: Eclipsing binary of Beta Lyr type
       Cl: Star or globular cluster
       DQ: Cataclysmic variable of DQ Her type
       Fl: Flare star
       Mi: Variable star of Mira Cet type
       Pu: Pulsating variable star
       Ro: Rotationally variable star
       RS: Star of RS CVn type
       sr: Semiregular pulsating star
       TT: T Tau-type star
       V : Variable star
       PN: Planetary nebula

The following NED spectral classifications are used:

      AGN: Active galactic nucleus, type unknown
   Blazar: BL Lac-type object with variable emission-line spectrum
    BLLAC: BL Lac-type object
     BLRG: Broad-line radio galaxy
       cD: Central dominant galaxy, early-type stellar absorption continuum
    Early: Early-type stellar absorption continuum
     H II: Starburst galaxy with narrow emission-line spectrum similar to
           a H II region
      HPQ: High-polarization QSO
    LINER: Low-ionization narrow emission-line region galaxy
      LPQ: Low-polarization QSO
      QSO: QSO
    Sy1-2: Seyfert galaxy, emission-line spectrum classified from type 1 to 2

The HEASARC Browse object classification, based on the spect_type parameter value for galactic counterparts having this information, else on the value of the classification parameter.

Contact Person

Questions regarding the RBSCNVSS database table can be addressed to the HEASARC Help Desk.
Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:33:37 EDT