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REFNEBULAE - Merged Catalog of Reflection Nebulae |
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The HEASARC has endeavored to render all identifications of the nebulae in the various catalogs according to the styles recommended by the Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects.
Merged catalogue of reflection nebulae. Magakian T.Yu. <Astron. Astrophys. 399, 141 (2003)> =2003A&A...399..141M
A sequential identification number for each source in the
catalog in order of increasing J2000.0 Right Ascension.
The Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects-recommended source
designation using the '[M2003]' prefix for Magakian (2003) and the J2000.0
equatorial source coordinates.
The Right Ascension of the reflection nebula in the selected equinox.
This was given in J2000.0 equatorial coordinates to a precision of 1 second of
time in the original table.
The Declination of the reflection nebula in the selected equinox.
This was given in J2000.0 equatorial coordinates to a precision of 1 arcsecond
in the original table.
The Galactic Longitude of the reflection nebula.
The Galactic Latitude of the reflection nebula.
The Dorschner and Gurtler Catalog (1963, AN, 287, 25) identification
of the reflection nebula, e.g., 'DG 10'.
A second DG identification for the reflection nebula.
The Rozhkovski & Kurchakov Catalog (1968, TrAlm, 11, 3)
identification of the reflection nebula, e.g., '[RK68] 1'.
This flag parameter is set to '?' if the cross-identification
with the RK Catalog object is uncertain.
The Van den Bergh Catalog (CDS Cat. <VII/21>, 1966, AJ, 71, 990)
identification of the reflection nebula, e.g., 'VDB 10'.
The Van den Bergh & Herbst Catalog (1975, AJ, 80, 208)
identification of the reflection nebula, e.g., 'VDBH 1'.
The Bernes Catalog (1977, A&AS, 29, 65) identification,
of the reflection nebula, e.g., '[B77] 1'.
Any NGC and/or IC Catalog identification(s)
of the reflection nebula.
The Galactic Nebulae Atlas (Vol. I-III, Neckel et al. 1985, 1987,
1990) identification of the reflection nebula, e.g., 'GN00.04.4'.
The BBWo Catalog (Brand et al. 1986, A&AS, 65, 537)
identification of the reflection nebula, e.g., 'Bran 101'.
The Ced Catalog (Cederblad, CDS Cat. <VII/231>; 1946, Medd.
Lund Astrophys. Obs., ser II, No. 119) identification,
of the reflection nebula, e.g., 'Ced 1'.
The SS Catalog (Struve & Straka 1962, PASP, 74, 474) identification
of the reflection nebula, e.g., '[SS62] 1'.
Other common designations for the reflection nebula and/or
related stars within it, including classical names and designations by
constellations, and names from the catalogs of variable and suspected variable
stars. The bibcodes of the other catalogs and lists corresponding to the
following abbreviations are as follows:
AS, Haro, LkHa, MWC: common abbreviations of the lists of emission-line stars; details see Herbig & Rao, 1972ApJ...174..401H BFS: Blitz, Fich & Stark, 1982ApJS...49..183B CG: cometary globules from the lists of: Hawarden & Brand, 1976MNRAS.175p..19H, Sandquist, 1976MNRAS.177p..69S, Zealey et al., 1983ApL....23..119Z, Reipurth, 1983A&A...117..183R (CG39 is the object from the Vol. 3 of the Atlas of Galactic Nebulae by Neckel and Vehrenberg) CoKu: Cohen & Kuhi, 1979ApJS...41..743C CPM: Campbell et al., 1989AJ.....98..643C ESO: Lauberts, 1982, ESO/Uppsala Survey of B-plates, Cat. <VII/34> GDC: Reipurth, 1983A&A...117..183R GL: Price & Murdock, 1983, 1983AFGL..161.....P, RAFGL NNNN in Simbad GLMP: Garcia-Lario et al., 1997, Cat. <J/A+AS/126/479> GM1: Gyulbudaghian & Magakian, 1977PAZh....3..113G (GM 1-NN in Simbad) GM2: Gyulbudaghian & Magakian, 1977DoArm..64..104G (GM 2-NN in Simbad) GM3: Gyulbudaghian & Magakian, 1977ATsir.953....1G (GM 3-NN in Simbad) GRV: Gyulbudaghian et al., 1993RMxAA..25...19G, [GRV93] NN in Simbad Gy1: Gyulbudaghian, 1982PAZh....8..222G, [G82a] NN in Simbad Gy3: Gyulbudaghian, 1982ATsir1224....7G, [G82c] N in Simbad Gy4: Gyulbudaghian, 1984Afz....21..185G, [G84d] 1-N, [G84d] 2-N in Simbad) Hen2: Henize, 1967ApJS...14..125H, Hen 2-NNN in Simbad Hen3: Henize, 1976ApJS...30..491H, Hen 3-NNNN in Simbad Kr1,2,3,4: Krasnogorskaya, 1962ATsir.230...11K L: Lynds, 1965ApJS...12..163L, Cat. <VII/9>, LBN NNNN in Simbad Lo: Longmore, 1977MNRAS.178..251L MacC: MacConnell, 1968ApJS...16..275M MBM: Magnani et al., 1985ApJ...295..402M MCG: Vorontsov-Vel'yaminov et al., 1962-1974, Cat. <VII/62> and <VII/100> Mu: Munch, 1955BOTT....2m..28M, [M55] NN in Simbad NS: Neckel & Staude, 1984A&A...131..200N, [NS84] NNa in Simbad P: Parsamian, 1965IzArm..18..146P, Parsamian NN in Simbad. Pis: Pismis, 1959BOTT....2r..37P, Cl Pismis NN in Simbad PP: Parsamian & Petrosian, 1979SoByu..51....3P RCW: Rodgers et al., 1960MNRAS.121..103R, Cat. <VII/216> Re: Reipurth, 1981A&AS...44..379R, Reipurth NN in Simbad RNO: Cohen, 1980AJ.....85...29C Sh: Sharpless, 1959ApJS....4..257S, Cat. <VII/20>, Sh 2-NNN in Simbad Terz: Terzan, K.H. Ju, 1980Msngr..20....6T, Terz A NN in Simbad UGC: Nilson, 1973, Cat. <VII/26> Wat: Moffat et al., 1979A&AS...38..197M, Cl Waterloo N in Simbad Wein: Weinberger, 1980A&AS...40..123W, Weinberger NNN in Simbad
The numerical part of the name of the star related to the
reflection nebula in one of the Durchmusterungs, i.e., the BD, CD or CPD
Catalogs. Thus, '+17o3986' refers to the star 'BD +17 3986'. If the
illuminating star can be definitely identified, but it was too faint to
be included in the DM, its existence is denoted by 'F' or 'F?'. Many
such stars are included in deeper surveys, such as the SAO, PPM or GSC
The numerical part of the name of the star related to the
reflection nebula in the HD Catalog, e.g., 100099 for HD 100099. If the
illuminating star can be definitely identified, but it was too faint to
be included in the HD Catalog, its existence is denoted by 'F' or 'F?'. Many
such stars are included in deeper surveys, such as the SAO, PPM or GSC
The cross-identification with the IRAS Point Source or Faint Source Catalogs,
IRAS PSC (CDS Cat. <II/125>) or IRAS FSC (CDS Cat. <II/156>) made by the
authors. In most cases, but not always, the infrared sources coinicide with
the illuminating stars.
The classification of the reflection nebula, discussed in more
detail in section 2 of the reference paper, and coded as follows:
N - reflection nebula; C+E - nebula with combined spectrum (emission+reflection); CN - cometary nebula (by morphology and/or other features); HH - Herbig-Haro object or jet; PN? - possible planetary nebula; Gal? - possible galaxy; ? - denotes uncertain classification.
Additional comments on the refelction nebula and/or associated stars.