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ROTXRAYCAT - Stars with Rotation Periods & X-Ray Luminosities Catalog



This table contains photometric and derived stellar parameters for a sample of 820 solar and late-type stars (the original table of 824 entries had 4 near-duplicate entries for the stars HD 19668, HD 95188, HD 216803 and HD 285382 which have been removed by the HEASARC) from nearby open clusters and the field, including rotation periods and X-ray luminosities. This sample was used by the authors to study the relationship between rotation and stellar activity and derive a new estimate of the convective turnover time. From an unbiased subset of this sample the power law slope of the unsaturated regime, LX/Lbol ~ Robeta, is fit as beta = -2.70 +/- 0.13. This is inconsistent with the canonical beta = -2 slope to a confidence of 5 sigma, and argues for an additional term in the dynamo number equation. From a simple scaling analysis, this implies Delta(Omega)/Omega ~ Omega0.7, i.e. the differential rotation of solar-type stars gradually declines as they spin down. Super-saturation is observed for the fastest rotators in this sample and its parametric dependencies are explored. Significant correlations are found with both the corotation radius and the excess polar updraft, the latter theory providing a stronger dependence and being supported by other observations. The authors estimate mass-dependent empirical thresholds for saturation and super- saturation and map out three regimes of coronal emission. Late F-type stars are shown never to pass through the saturated regime, passing straight from super-saturated to unsaturated X-ray emission. The theoretical threshold for coronal stripping is shown to be significantly different from the empirical saturation threshold (Ro < 0.13), suggesting it is not responsible. Instead, the authors suggest that a different dynamo configuration is at work in stars with saturated coronal emission. This is supported by a correlation between the empirical saturation threshold and the time when stars transition between convective and interface sequences in rotational spin-down models.

Catalog Bibcode



The stellar-activity-rotation relationship and the evolution of stellar
    Wright N.J., Drake J.J., Mamajek E.E., Henry G.W.
   <Astrophys. J., 743, 48 (2011)>
   =2011ApJ...743...48W    (SIMBAD/NED BibCode)


This table was created by the HEASARC in March 2012 based on CDS Catalog J/ApJ/743/48 file catalog.dat. The original table had 824 entries, including 4 near-duplicate entries for the stars HD 19668, HD 95188, HD 216803 and HD 285382, which have been removed by the HEASARC.


The default source name for the catalog star. In those 202 cases where this field was left blank in the original table, the HEASARC has created a name using the precepts of the CDS Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects of the form '[WDM2011] JHHMMSS.s+DDMMSS' where WDM2011 stands for Wright, Drake, Mamajek 2011 and the numerical part is the truncated J2000.0 equatorial coordinates of the star.

The Henry Draper Catalog number of the star.

The Hipparcos Catalog number of the star.

The Catalog of Nearby Stars (3rd Edition) star designation.

The General Catalog of Variable Stars source name.

The 2MASS Catalog source designation.

The Right Ascension of the star in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000.0 equatorial coordinates to a precision of 0.01 seconds of time in the original version of this table.

The Declination of the star in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000.0 equatorial coordinates to a precision of 0.1 arcseconds in the original version of this table.

The Galactic Longitude of the star.

The Galactic Latitude of the star.

The name of the open cluster to which the star belongs or 'Field' if the star is a field star. The list of clusters and field star samples used in this study is given in Table 1 of the reference paper.

The distance to the star, in parsecs (pc). This is taken either from the known cluster distances given in the literature and quoted in Table 1 of the reference paper, from individual stellar parallaxes or from fits to main-sequence models (see the paper for full details).

The observed Cousins V-band magnitude of the star.

The dereddened V-Ks color of the star. This is derived from the spectral types where appropriate (see paper for details). For cluster stars, it has been dereddened using the known cluster extinction.

The spectral type of the star.

The reference for the source of the spectral type, coded as follows:

  B03  2003MNRAS.345..714B Briggs & Pye
  B46  1946AnLei..19b...1B Binnendijk
  B84  1984A&AS...57..217B Breger
  B85  1985ApJS...59..197B Bidelman
  B95  1995ApJ...438..269B Baliunas et al.
  B96  1996ApJ...457L..99B Baliunas et al.
  B97  1997A&A...318..495B Bouvier et al.
  C18  1918AnHar..91....0C Cannon & Pickering
  C99  1999A&AS..138...87C Cutispoto et al.
  D11  2011MNRAS.413.2218D Delorme et al.
  D96  1996ApJ...466..384D Donahue et al.
  F03  2003A&A...403..247F Franciosini et al.
  FEPS ................... Formation and Evolution of Planetary Systems (FEPS)
                           Program (see Appendix A of reference paper)
  GE06 2006ApJ...648..683G Ge et al.
  G01  2001AJ....121.2148G Gray et al.
  G03  2003AJ....126.2048G Gray et al.
  G06  2006AJ....132..161G Gray et al.
  H00  2000ApJ...531..415H Henry et al.
  H02  2002AJ....123.2002H Henry et al.
  H06  2006A&A...445..341H Hebrard & Lecavelier des Etangs
  H10  2010MNRAS.408..475H Hartman et al.
  H11  2011AJ....141..166H Hartman et al.
  H56  1956AN....283..109H Heckmann et al.
  H62  1962ApJ...135..736H Herbig
  H95  1995AJ....110.2926H Henry et al.
  H99  ................... Houk & Swift    Michigan Catalogue, Vol. 5, 1999.
  I07  2007MNRAS.377..741I Irwin et al.
  I08  2008MNRAS.383.1588I Irwin et al.
  J03  2003ApJ...593..534J Judge et al.
  J11  2011MNRAS.411.2099J Jeffries et al.
  J74  1974ApJS...28....1J Joy & Abt
  K02  2002MNRAS.331...45K Koen & Eyer
  K07  2007AcA....57..149K Kiraga & Stepien
  K67  1967ApJ...150..551K Kraft
  K89  1989ApJS...71..245K Keenan & McNeil
  L82  1982PASP...94..304L Lu
  M10  2010A&A...520A..15M Messina et al.
  M65  1965ApJ...141..177M Morgan & Hiltner
  M81  1981PASP...93..601M Mundt & Bastian
  M90  1990ApJ...348..557M Micela et al.
  M96  1996ApJS..102...75M Micela et al.
  M99  1999A&A...341..751M Micela et al.
  N07  2007A&A...467..785N Norton et al.
  P03  2003A&A...397..147P Pizzolato et al.
  M99  1999A&A...341..751M Micela et al.
  N07  2007A&A...467..785N Norton et al.
  P03  2003A&A...397..147P Pizzolato et al.
  P04  2004AJ....127.3579P Paulson et al.
  P05  2005AcA....55..275P Pojmanski et al.
  P06  2006A&A...450..993P Pillitteri et al.
  Q01  2001A&A...379..279Q Queloz et al.
  R41  1941StoAn..13i...1R Ramberg
  R66  1966JO.....49..139R Rebeirot
  R95  1995A&A...298..115R Randich & Schmitt
  S00  2000A&AS..142..275S Strassmeier et al.
  S04  2004A&A...417..651S Schmitt & Liefke
  S11  2011MNRAS.413.2595S Scholz et al.
  S51  1951BSD...C04....0S Schwassmann & van Rhijn
  S86  1986AJ.....92..139S Stephenson
  S94  1994ApJS...91..625S Stauffer et al.
  T06  2006A&A...460..695T Torres et al.
  U72  1972AJ.....77..486U Upgren et al.
  V99  1999A&A...349..389V Voges et al.  (ROSAT All-sky Bright Source Catalog)
  W48  1948ApJ...107..119W Wilson
  W63  1963ApJ...138..832W Wilson
  W98  1998A&A...330..521W Wichmann et al.
  X06  2006ChJAA...6..716X Xing et al.
  X07  2007ChJAA...7..551X Xing et al.

The logarithm of the intrinsic X-ray luminosity log Lx of the star, in erg s-1.

The reference for the source of the X-ray luminosity of the star, using the same coding scheme as for the spectral types (see above).

The rotation period of the star, in days.

The reference for the source of the rotation period of the star, using the same coding scheme as for the spectral types (see above).

The mass M* of the star from Siess et al. (2000, A&A, 358, 593) models, in solar masses.

The radius R* of the star from Siess et al. (2000, A&A, 358, 593) models, in solar radii.

The bolometric luminosity Lbol of the star from Siess et al. (2000, A&A, 358, 593) models, in solar luminosities. For low-luminosity stars with Lbol < 0.01 LSun, this is listed as 0.00 in this table. In such cases, the actual bolometric luminosity can be found from the tabulated log Lx and log Lx/Lbol values, viz., log Lbol = log Lx - log Lx/Lbol.

The effective temperature Teff of the star from Siess et al. (2000, A&A, 358, 593) models, in K.

The height of the radiative-convective boundary in the star as a fraction of the stellar radius, i.e., rcz/R* , from Siess et al. (2000, A&A, 358, 593) models.

The logarithm of the ratio of the X-ray to the bolometric luminosity of the star, log Lx/Lbol.

The HEASARC Browse object classification of the star, based on its spectral type.

Contact Person

Questions regarding the ROTXRAYCAT database table can be addressed to the HEASARC Help Desk.
Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:34:09 EDT