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RSSGRBAG - Radio-Selected Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglow Catalog



This table contains a catalog of radio afterglow observations of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) over a 14 year period from 1997 to 2011. This sample of 304 afterglows consists of 2,995 flux density measurements (including upper limits) at frequencies between 0.6 GHz and 660 GHz, with the majority of data taken in the 8.5-GHz frequency band (1,539 measurements). The authors use this dataset to carry out a statistical analysis of the radio-selected sample. The detection rate of radio afterglows stayed unchanged almost at 31% before and after the launch of the Swift satellite. The canonical long-duration GRB radio light curve at 8.5 GHz peaks at three to six days in the source rest frame, with a median peak luminosity of 1031 erg/s/Hz. The peak radio luminosities for short-hard bursts, X-ray flashes, and the supernova-GRB classes are an order of magnitude or more fainter than this value. There are clear relationships between the detectability of a radio afterglow and the fluence or energy of a GRB, and the X-ray or optical brightness of the afterglow. However, the authors find few significant correlations between these same GRB and afterglow properties and the peak radio flux density. In their paper, they also produce synthetic light curves at centimeter and millimeter bands using a range of blast wave and microphysics parameters derived from multi-wavelength afterglow modeling, and use them to compare with the radio sample. Finding agreement, the authors extrapolate this behavior to predict the centimeter and millimeter behavior of GRBs which will observed by the Expanded Very Large Array and the Atacama Large Millimeter Array.

The compiled sample consists of 304 GRBs observed with radio telescopes between 1997 January and 2011 January, along with the 2011 April 28 Fermi burst, GRB 110428A. The sample consists of a total of 2,995 flux density measurements taken in the frequency range from 0.6 to 660 GHz and spanning a time range from 0.026 to 1,339 days. Most of the afterglows (270 in total) in this sample were observed as part of VLA radio afterglow programs, whereas 15 bursts were observed by the Expanded VLA (EVLA), and 19 southern bursts with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA). This catalog describes the radio, optical and X-ray afterglow detections (see Section 2.2 of the reference paper): out of the 304 bursts, 123 bursts were observed in the pre-Swift epoch from 1997 until 2004. The remaining 181 bursts were observed between 2005 and 2011 April (the post-Swift epoch).

Out of the 95 radio-detected afterglows (see Section 2.2 of the reference paper), 63 had radio lightcurves (i.e., three or more detections in a single radio band), whereas 32 bursts had less than three detections. For the GRBs for which the light curves were available, the authors determined the peak flux density and the time of the peak in the VLA frequency bands (i.e., 1.4 GHz, 4.9 GHz, 8.5 GHz, 15 GHz, and 22.5 GHz bands) by fitting the data with forward shock formula of the form (Frail 2005, IAU Coll. 192, p. 451) given in equation (1) of the reference paper. This formula may not accurately represent the full complexity of the radio lightcurve evolution. However, it is good enough to determine the approximate values for the peak flux density Fm and the time of the peak tm. See the discussion in Section 3.5 of the reference paper for more details and some caveats. For the remaining bursts, the flux density values were taken directly from the data, and hence do not have the best-fit errors for the peak flux, peak time and rest-frame peak time parameters Fm, tm and tm/(1+z), respectively.

Catalog Bibcode



A radio-selected sample of gamma-ray burst afterglows.
    Chandra P., Frail D.A.
   <Astrophys. J., 746, 156 (2012)>
   =2012ApJ...746..156C    (SIMBAD/NED BibCode)


This table was created by the HEASARC in November 2013 based on CDS catalog J/ApJ/746/156 files table1.dat and table4.dat.


The gamma-ray burst designation in the standard date-based YY-MM-DD format, e.g., 'GRB 970228[N]' for a burst which occurred in 1997 on Feb 28. For dates on which more than one GRB was detected, suffices 'A', 'B', etc., are added.

This source flag parameter contains codes indicating notes concerning specific GRBs with the following meanings:

    m = Double jet break.
    n = SN/GRB (GRB with possible SN association). See section 2.1 of ref.
    o = SHB (short-hard burst).
    p = XRF (X-ray flash).
    q = Galactic transient?
    r = Also observed with WSRT (Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope).

The HEASARC notes that the value of 'r' occurs for only one GRB (090423) and likely should have been used for the radio_telescope_flag parameter value then for the source_flag value.

This flag parameter indicates the mission or instrument which discovered the GRB, coded as follows:

    A = ASM;
    B = BeppoSAX;
    F = Fermi;
    H = HETE;
    P = PCA;
    S = Swift;
   sA = superAGILE,
    T = IPN Triangulation.

The Right Ascension of the GRB in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000.0 equatorial coordinates to a precision of 0.1 seconds of time for GRBs which occurred in the period 1997 from 2001 inclusive, and to 0.01 seconds of time for GRBs which occurred in the period 2002 to 2011 inclusive, with a few exceptions, viz., GRB 031111 (precision of 1 s), GRB 090328 (precision of 0.1 s) and GRB 090902B (precision of 0.1 s).

The Declination of the GRB in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000.0 equatorial coordinates to a precision of 1 arcseconds for GRBs which occurred in the period 1997 from 2001 inclusive, and to 0.1 arcseconds for GRBs which occurred in the period 2002 to 2011 inclusive.

The Galactic Longitude of the GRB.

The Galactic Latitude of the GRB.

This flag parameter indicates the detection ('Y') or not ('N') of the GRB afterglow in the X-ray band; 'X' means that the burst was not observed in this band, while 'Y?' means that the observation was made but that the detection could not be confirmed.

This flag parameter indicates the detection ('Y') or not ('N') of the GRB afterglow in the optical band; 'X' means that the burst was not observed in this band, while 'Y?' means that the observation was made but that the detection could not be confirmed.

This flag parameter indicates the detection ('Y') or not ('N') of the GRB afterglow in the radio band; 'X' means that the burst was not observed in this band, while 'Y?' means that the observation was made but that the detection could not be confirmed.

The (primary) radio telescope used to observe the corresponding burst: ATCA, EVLA or VLA.

This flag parameter indicates additional radio telescope(s) used to observe the burst in addition to the one specified by' the radio_telescope parameter, coded as follows:

    l = Observed with WSRT, VLBA, Ryle, ATCA and GMRT in addition to VLA/EVLA;
    r = Also observed with WSRT (Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope);
    s = Also observed with VLBA (Very Long Baseline Array);
    t = Also observed with the Ryle telescope;
    u = Also observed with ATCA (Australia Telescope Compact Array);
    v = Also observed with GMRT (Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope).

The T90, duration of the burst, viz., the time interval over which 90% of the total background-subtracted counts are observed within the the time interval starting at 5% of the total counts having been observed and ending with 95% of the total counts having been observed (Koshut et al. 1995, BAAS, 27, 886) in the observer's frame and in the energy band of the specific detector of the burst: thus, for example, for Swift bursts, the T90 durations are in the 15-350 keV energy range.

This limit parameter is set to '<' if the corresponding redshift value is an upper limit rather than an actual value.

The redshift z of the burst or, if a value is given for the maximum redshift (redshift_max parameter), the minimum allowed redshift of the burst.

If populated, the maximum allowed redshift of the burst.

The GRB fluence of the burst in the 15-150 keV energy range, in erg cm-2.

The k-corrected bolometric gamma-ray energy in the 1-10,000 keV rest-frame energy range if it were isotropic, in erg.

This limit parameter is set to '<' if the corresponding parameter value is an upper limit rather than an actual value.

The X-ray flux of the burst at 11 hours, FX11, in the 0.3-10 keV energy range (except if the flux comes from BeppoSAX as indicated by a value of instrument_code = 'B', in which case it is in the 1.6-10 keV energy range), in erg s-1 cm-2.

This limit parameter is set to '<' if the corresponding parameter value is an upper limit rather than an actual value.

The optical R-band (0.7 micron) flux density of the burst at 11 hours, FX11, in microJansky (µJy).

This limit parameter is set to '<' if the corresponding parameter value is an upper limit rather than an actual value, or to '>' if the corresponding parameter value is a lower limit

The jet break time, tj, in days, in cases where a clear jet break is seen.

This flag parameter is set to '?' to indicates that there is uncertainty in the jet break time value.

The inferred or assumed number density n of the circumburst medium, in cm-3.

This flag parameter is set to 'i' to indicate cases where the number density is not known, and has been assumed to be 1 cm-3.

This limit parameter is set to '<' if the corresponding parameter value is an upper limit rather than an actual value, or to '>' if the corresponding parameter value is a lower limit .

The collimation angle, Thetaj, of the burst, in degrees. This was estimated for GRBs with observed tj values using Frail et al. (2001, ApJ, 562, L55) and Bloom et al. (2003, ApJ, 594, 674).

This limit parameter is set to '<' if the corresponding parameter value is an upper limit rather than an actual value, or to '>' if the corresponding parameter value is a lower limit.

The beaming (collimated) corrected energy, Etruebol, of the burst, in erg. This was estimated for GRBs with observed tj values using Frail et al. (2001, ApJ, 562, L55) and Bloom et al. (2003, ApJ, 594, 674).

The coded references for the properties of the GRB in the following order: T90, z, fluence, bolometric isotropic energy, X-ray flux at 11 hr, optical flux density at 11 hr, jet break time tj and density n. If a particular parameter value is empty, then the ref_code has been given a value of '[]'. However, a ref_code value of '[]' for a non-empty corresponding parameter value means that the authors have estimated the values themselves using GCN circulars, and that this paper itself is the reference source. The numerical reference codes are as follows:

  Code   Bibcode            Authors                URL or CDS Catalog

   1    2010A&A...517A...5A Aleksic et al.
   2    2010ApJ...712L..31C Chandra et al.
   3    2006MNRAS.372..233A Amati
   4    2000ApJ...545L..39A Antonelli et al.
   5    2005Natur.438..988B Berger et al.
   6    2007ApJ...660..496B Berger et al.
   7    2001AJ....121.2879B Bloom et al.
   8    2007ApJ...671..656B Butler et al.
   9    2009MNRAS.400..775C Cardone et al.
  10    2006ApJ...652..490C Cenko et al.
  11    2008ApJ...683..924C Chandra et al.
  12    2010ApJ...708L.112D Dado & Dar
  13    2006A&A...455..813D de Pasquale et al.     CDS Cat. J/A+A/455/813
  14    2006MNRAS.370..185F Firmani et al.
  16    2000ApJ...537..191F Frail et al.
  17    2001ApJ...562L..55F Frail et al.
  18    2006ApJ...646L..99F Frail et al.
  19    2009ApJS..180..192F Frontera et al.        CDS Cat. J/ApJS/180/192
  20    2009ApJS..185..526F Fynbo et al.
  21    2008ApJ...689.1161G Gehrels et al.
  22    2004ApJ...616..331G Ghirlanda et al.
  23    2010A&A...511A..43G Ghirlanda et al.
  24    2005A&A...437..411G Gorosabel et al.
  25    2009ApJ...698.1620G Graham et al.
  26                        GCN Circulars Archive
  27 Hjorth & Bloom
  28    1997IAUC.6683....1C Connaughton et al.
  29    1997IAUC.6718....1S Smith et al.
  30    1999IAUC.7174....1G Gandolfi et al.
  31    2004ApJ...617L..21J Jakobsson et al.
  32    2011ApJ...734...96K Kann et al.
  33    2010ApJ...720.1513K Kann et al.            CDS Cat. J/ApJ/720/1513
  34    2009MNRAS.395L..21K Kuin et al.
  35    2001ApJ...556..471L Lazzati et al.
  36    2007ApJ...670..565L Liang et al.
  37    2009ApJ...701..824N Nysewander et al.      CDS Cat. J/ApJ/701/824
  38    2009MNRAS.395..490O Oates et al.
  39    2010ApJ...714..799P Pandey et al.
  40    2008A&A...491..157P Pelangeon et al.
  41    2011AN....332..297D de Ugarte Postigo et al.
  42    2009ApJ...698...43R Racusin et al.
  43    2011ApJ...728...42R Rao et al.
  44    2005ApJ...629..311S Sakamoto et al.
  45    2008ApJS..175..179S Sakamoto et al.        CDS Cat. J/ApJS/175/179
  46    2011ApJS..195....2S Sakamoto et al.        CDS Cat. J/ApJS/195/2
  47    2004Natur.430..648S Soderberg et al.
  48    2005ApJ...627..877S Soderberg et al.
  49    2006ApJ...650..261S Soderberg et al.
  50    2006Natur.442.1014S Soderberg et al.
  51    2010ApJ...725..625T Tanvir et al.
  52    2009Natur.461.1254T Tanvir et al.
  53    2004ApJ...609..935Y Yonetoku et al.        CDS Cat. J/ApJ/609/935
  55                        INTEGRAL Trigger info
  60    2001grba.conf...26B Bradt et al.
  61    2003ApJ...594..674B Bloom et al.
  62    2011ApJ...732...29C Cenko et al.
  63    2010A&A...516A..71M McBreen et al.
  64    2011ApJ...736....7C Cucchiara et al.
  65    2003Natur.426..154B Berger et al.
  66    2003ApJ...599.1223G Greiner et al.
  67    2005ApJ...631L..29C Christensen et al.
  68    2010GCN..11089...1O O'Meara et al.
  69    2010GCN..11164...1C Chornock et al.
  70    2010GCN..11230...1T Tanvir et al.

The radio frequency of the GRB afterglow detection, in GHz. If the afterglow was detected at multiple radio frequencies, this is the lowest frequency at which it was detected.

The peak flux density of the GRB afterglow at the corresponding frequency (given by the radio_freq_1 value), in uJy. This is obtained as discussed in the Overview above.

The error in the peak flux density at the corresponding frequency, in uJy. This is not given for those bursts for which the value was taken directly from the data rather than using a fit with the forward shock formula.

The time of the peak of the radio afterglow, tm, in days since the GRB, in the observer's frame and at the corresponding frequency radio_freq_1. This is obtained as discussed in the Overview above.

The error in the time of the peak of the radio afterglow, tm, in days since the GRB, in the observer's frame and at the corresponding frequency. This is not given for those bursts for which the value was taken directly from the data rather than using a fit with the forward shock formula.

The time of the peak of the radio afterglow, tm/(1+z), in days since the GRB, corrected to the rest-frame as shown, for bursts with known redshifts, at the corresponding frequency radio_freq_1. The authors did not estimate the rest-frame peak time for bursts with unknown redshifts.

The error in the rest-frame time of the peak of the radio afterglow, tm/(1+z), in days since the GRB, at the corresponding frequency. This is not given for those bursts for which the value was taken directly from the data rather than using a fit with the forward shock formula.

The radio frequency of the GRB afterglow detection, in GHz. If the afterglow was detected at multiple radio frequencies, this is the second lowest frequency at which it was detected.

The peak flux density of the GRB afterglow at the corresponding frequency (given by the radio_freq_2 value), in uJy. This is obtained as discussed in the Overview above.

The error in the peak flux density at the corresponding frequency, in uJy. This is not given for those bursts for which the value was taken directly from the data rather than using a fit with the forward shock formula.

The time of the peak of the radio afterglow, tm, in days since the GRB, in the observer's frame and at the corresponding frequency radio_freq_2. This is obtained as discussed in the Overview above.

The error in the time of the peak of the radio afterglow, tm, in days since the GRB, in the observer's frame and at the corresponding frequency. This is not given for those bursts for which the value was taken directly from the data rather than using a fit with the forward shock formula.

The time of the peak of the radio afterglow, tm/(1+z), in days since the GRB, corrected to the rest-frame as shown, for bursts with known redshifts, at the corresponding frequency radio_freq_2. The authors did not estimate the rest-frame peak time for bursts with unknown redshifts.

The error in the rest-frame time of the peak of the radio afterglow, tm/(1+z), in days since the GRB, at the corresponding frequency. This is not given for those bursts for which the value was taken directly from the data rather than using a fit with the forward shock formula.

The radio frequency of the GRB afterglow detection, in GHz. If the afterglow was detected at multiple radio frequencies, this is the third lowest frequency at which it was detected.

The peak flux density of the GRB afterglow at the corresponding frequency (given by the radio_freq_3 value), in uJy. This is obtained as discussed in the Overview above.

The error in the peak flux density at the corresponding frequency, in uJy. This is not given for those bursts for which the value was taken directly from the data rather than using a fit with the forward shock formula.

The time of the peak of the radio afterglow, tm, in days since the GRB, in the observer's frame and at the corresponding frequency radio_freq_3. This is obtained as discussed in the Overview above.

The error in the time of the peak of the radio afterglow, tm, in days since the GRB, in the observer's frame and at the corresponding frequency. This is not given for those bursts for which the value was taken directly from the data rather than using a fit with the forward shock formula.

The time of the peak of the radio afterglow, tm/(1+z), in days since the GRB, corrected to the rest-frame as shown, for bursts with known redshifts, at the corresponding frequency radio_freq_3. The authors did not estimate the rest-frame peak time for bursts with unknown redshifts.

The error in the rest-frame time of the peak of the radio afterglow, tm/(1+z), in days since the GRB, at the corresponding frequency. This is not given for those bursts for which the value was taken directly from the data rather than using a fit with the forward shock formula.

The radio frequency of the GRB afterglow detection, in GHz. If the afterglow was detected at multiple radio frequencies, this is the fourth lowest frequency at which it was detected.

The peak flux density of the GRB afterglow at the corresponding frequency (given by the radio_freq_4 value), in uJy. This is obtained as discussed in the Overview above.

The error in the peak flux density at the corresponding frequency, in uJy. This is not given for those bursts for which the value was taken directly from the data rather than using a fit with the forward shock formula.

The time of the peak of the radio afterglow, tm, in days since the GRB, in the observer's frame and at the corresponding frequency radio_freq_4. This is obtained as discussed in the Overview above.

The error in the time of the peak of the radio afterglow, tm, in days since the GRB, in the observer's frame and at the corresponding frequency. This is not given for those bursts for which the value was taken directly from the data rather than using a fit with the forward shock formula.

The time of the peak of the radio afterglow, tm/(1+z), in days since the GRB, corrected to the rest-frame as shown, for bursts with known redshifts, at the corresponding frequency radio_freq_4. The authors did not estimate the rest-frame peak time for bursts with unknown redshifts.

The error in the rest-frame time of the peak of the radio afterglow, tm/(1+z), in days since the GRB, at the corresponding frequency. This is not given for those bursts for which the value was taken directly from the data rather than using a fit with the forward shock formula.

The radio frequency of the GRB afterglow detection, in GHz. If the afterglow was detected at multiple radio frequencies, this is the fifth lowest frequency at which it was detected.

The peak flux density of the GRB afterglow at the corresponding frequency (given by the radio_freq_5 value), in uJy. This is obtained as discussed in the Overview above.

The error in the peak flux density at the corresponding frequency, in uJy. This is not given for those bursts for which the value was taken directly from the data rather than using a fit with the forward shock formula.

The time of the peak of the radio afterglow, tm, in days since the GRB, in the observer's frame and at the corresponding frequency radio_freq_5. This is obtained as discussed in the Overview above.

The error in the time of the peak of the radio afterglow, tm, in days since the GRB, in the observer's frame and at the corresponding frequency. This is not given for those bursts for which the value was taken directly from the data rather than using a fit with the forward shock formula.

The time of the peak of the radio afterglow, tm/(1+z), in days since the GRB, corrected to the rest-frame as shown, for bursts with known redshifts, at the corresponding frequency radio_freq_5. The authors did not estimate the rest-frame peak time for bursts with unknown redshifts.

The error in the rest-frame time of the peak of the radio afterglow, tm/(1+z), in days since the GRB, at the corresponding frequency. This is not given for those bursts for which the value was taken directly from the data rather than using a fit with the forward shock formula.

The radio frequency of the GRB afterglow detection, in GHz. If the afterglow was detected at multiple radio frequencies, this is the sixth lowest frequency at which it was detected.

The peak flux density of the GRB afterglow at the corresponding frequency (given by the radio_freq_6 value), in uJy. This is obtained as discussed in the Overview above.

The error in the peak flux density at the corresponding frequency, in uJy. This is not given for those bursts for which the value was taken directly from the data rather than using a fit with the forward shock formula.

The time of the peak of the radio afterglow, tm, in days since the GRB, in the observer's frame and at the corresponding frequency radio_freq_6. This is obtained as discussed in the Overview above.

The error in the time of the peak of the radio afterglow, tm, in days since the GRB, in the observer's frame and at the corresponding frequency. This is not given for those bursts for which the value was taken directly from the data rather than using a fit with the forward shock formula.

The time of the peak of the radio afterglow, tm/(1+z), in days since the GRB, corrected to the rest-frame as shown, for bursts with known redshifts, at the corresponding frequency radio_freq_6. The authors did not estimate the rest-frame peak time for bursts with unknown redshifts.

The error in the rest-frame time of the peak of the radio afterglow, tm/(1+z), in days since the GRB, at the corresponding frequency. This is not given for those bursts for which the value was taken directly from the data rather than using a fit with the forward shock formula.

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Questions regarding the RSSGRBAG database table can be addressed to the HEASARC Help Desk.
Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:34:12 EDT