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SBSGGENCAT - Second Byurakan Survey General Catalog Galaxies Optical Database



The Second Byurakan Survey (SBS) is a continuation of the First Byurakan Survey (FBS), also known as the Markarian Survey. The goal of the SBS was to reach fainter objects (as faint as limiting photographic magnitudes of 19.5, about 2.5 magnitudes fainter than the Markarian survey) and discover new active and star-forming galaxies using both UV excess and emission-line techniques.

In this table, a database for the entire catalog of the Second Byurakan Survey (SBS) galaxies is presented, i.e, the 1700 SBS stars listed in Stepanian (2005) are not included herein. It contains new measurements of their optical parameters and additional information taken from the literature and other databases. The measurements were made using Ipg (near-infrared), Fpg (red) and Jpg (blue) band images from photographic sky survey plates obtained by the Palomar Schmidt telescope and extracted from the STScI Digital Sky Survey (DSS). The database provides accurate coordinates, morphological type, spectral and activity classes, apparent magnitudes and diameters, axial ratios, and position angles, as well as number counts of neighboring objects in circles of radii 50 kpc around the sources. The total number of individual SBS objects in the database is now 1676. The 188 Markarian galaxies which were re-discovered by the SBS are not included in this database. the authors also include redshifts that are now available for 1576 SBS objects, as well as 2MASS infrared magnitudes for 1117 SBS galaxies.

The new optical information on the SBS galaxies was obtained from images extracted from the STScI Digitized Sky Survey (DSS) of F_pg (red), J_pg (blue) and I_pg (near-infared) band photographic sky survey plates obtained by the Palomar telescope.

Catalog Bibcode



Second Byurakan Survey galaxies. I. The optical database.
     Gyulzadian M., McLean B., Adibekyan V.Zh., Allen R.J., Kunth D.,
     Petrosian A., Stepanian J.A.
    <Astrophysica, in press (2011)>
The Second Byurakan Survey. General Catalogue.
     Stepanian J.A.
    <Revista Mexicana de Astron. y Astrofis. 41, 155-368 (2005)>


This table was created by the HEASARC in May 2012 based on CDS Catalog J/VII/264 file sbs.dat.


The name of the SBS galaxy using the 'SBSG' prefix, the truncated J1950 equatorial coordinates and a letter suffix 'A', 'B', 'C', 'E', 'N', 'S', or 'W', used in cases of otherwise degenerate names. This is the format as recommended by the Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects. As an example of names, 'SBSG 0743+591A', 'SBSG 0742+599'. In the original SBS Galaxy list (Stepanian 2005, RMxAA, 41, 155), a prefix of 'SBS' was suggested for both galaxies and stars, but the CDS added a 'G' to the prefix in the former names and an 'S' to the prefix in the latter names.

The Right Ascension of the SBS galaxy in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000.0 equatorial coordinates to a precision of 0.01 seconds of time in the original table. The actual accuracy of the positions of these extended objects is of the order of 1".

The Declination of the SBS galaxy in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000.0 equatorial coordinates to a precision of 0.1 arcseconds in the original table. The actual accuracy of the positions of these extended objects is of the order of 1".

The Galactic Longitude of the SBS galaxy.

the Galactic Latitude of the SBS galaxy.

A numerical code indicating the morphological type of the SBS galaxy. The numerical coding used here for the morphological description of the galaxies is a slightly modified and simplified version of the morphological types T given in the RC3 catalog. The codes used are here as follows:

     -5   E
     -3   E/S0
     -2   S0
     -1   S0/a
      0   S
      1   Sa
      2   Sab
      3   Sb
      4   Sbc
      5   Sc
      6   Scd
      7   Sd
      8   Sdm
      9   Sm
     10   Im
     11   Im/BCD
     12   BCD/Im
     13   BCD
     14   Compact
     15   Interacting/Merger
     16   HII region

This parameter is set to 'B' to indicate the presence of a bar in the galaxy.

The SBS galaxy classification of the spectrum according to Stepanian (2005). This is the original objective prism survey type as used in the First Byurakan Survey (the 'Markarian Catalog'). The four basic types ('s', 'sd', 'ds', and 'd') describe the general appearance of the spectrum on the Schmidt plate, ranging respectively from sharp to diffuse. Next is a code for the strength of the ultraviolet continuum, with 1 being the brightest and 3 the least bright. The codes 1, 2, and 3 imply similarity to stellar spectral types O-B0, B1-B3, and B5-B8, respectively. At the end of the 'spectral' type there may appear an 'e' for emission lines or an 'e:' for possible emission lines.

The activity class of the SBS galaxy, when available, or description of the spectra according to Stepanian (2005) and the DR7 of SDSS. The various Seyfert classes are denoted by 'Sy1', 'Sy1.5', 'Sy1.8', 'Sy1.9' and 'Sy2'. The symbol 'Sy3' refers to LINERs. Starburst and HII nuclei respectively are indicated by 'SB' and 'HII'. QSOs and BL Lacertae objects are also identified.

The heliocentric redshift of the SBS galaxy, when available, in km s-1. The redshifts are from Stepanian (2005) and the DR7 of SDSS.

The apparent isophotal Jpg (blue) band magnitude of the SBS galaxy.

The apparent isophotal Fpg (red) band magnitude of the SBS galaxy.

The apparent isophotal Ipg (near-IR) band magnitude of the SBS galaxy.

The major axis (diameter) of the SBS galaxy as measured on the Jpg (blue) band plate, in arcseconds.

The ratio of the minor axis to the major axis diameters of the SBS galaxy as measured on the J_pg (blue) plate.

The position angle of the major axis diameter of the SBS galaxy as measured on the J_pg (blue) plate, in degrees. This was measured from North (PA = 0 degrees) toward East between 0 and 180 degrees. For round galaxies with axial ratio ~ 1.00, position angles were not measured.

The number of galaxies N detected within a 50 kpc projected radius of the SBS galaxy. This parameter is set to 'nd' for galaxies with redshifts smaller than 0.005 for which neighbor counts were not performed.

The J-band magnitude of the SBS galaxy from 2MASS (available for 1117 SBS galaxies).

The H-band magnitude of the SBS galaxy from 2MASS (available for 1117 SBS galaxies).

The K-band magnitude of the SBS galaxy from 2MASS (available for 1117 SBS galaxies).

Contact Person

Questions regarding the SBSGGENCAT database table can be addressed to the HEASARC Help Desk.
Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:34:32 EDT