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SDSSBALQSO - Sloan Digital Sky Survey Broad Absorption Line Quasars Catalog (3rd Data Release) |
HEASARC Archive |
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A catalog of broad absorption line quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey third data release. Trump J.R., Hall P.B., Reichard T.A., Richards G.T., Schneider D.P., Vanden Berk D.E., Knapp G.R., Anderson S.F., Fan X., Brinkman J., Kleinman S.J., Nitta A. <Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser., 165, 1-18 (2006)> =2006ApJS..165....1T
The SDSS DR3 source designation in the standard format, e.g.,
The Right Ascension of the quasar in the selected equinox. This was
given in J2000 decimal degrees to a precision of 0.01 seconds of time
(implicitly in the name field) in the original table.
The Declination of the quasar in the selected equinox. This was
given in J2000 decimal degrees to a precision of 0.1 arcseconds
(implicitly in the name field) in the original table.
The Galactic Longitude of the quasar.
The Galactic Latitude of the quasar.
The SDSS spectroscopic plate number.
The date of the SDSS spectroscopic observation (converted by the
HEASARC from Modified Julian Date (MJD) to the actual date).
The SDSS spectroscopic fiber number.
The redshift of the quasar.
The SDSS PSF i magnitude (not corrected for Galactic extinction) of
the quasar.
The absolute i magnitude of the quasar.
The BAL subtype of the quasar, as follows:
n = relatively narrow trough LoF = FeLoBAL with MgII absorption in its SDSS spectra HLF = FeLoBAL with CIV absorption in its SDSS spectra Lo = LoBAL detected through MgII absorption HL = HiBAL in which broad (>=1000km/s) low-ionization absorption is also seen Hi = HiBAL-only object, in which broad low-ionization absorption is not seen even though MgII is within the spectral coverage H = HiBAL in which the MgII region is not within the spectral coverage or has a very low signal-to-noise ratio and so whether or not the object is a LoBAL as well as a HiBAL is unknownFor further details, see Section 5 of the reference paper.
The absorption index AI of the quasar, being the true
equivalent width in km/s, measuring all absorption within the limits of
every trough, and so that the integration limit extends to 29,000 km/s.
For further details, see Section 4.3 of the reference paper.
The error in the absorption index AI, in km/s.
The balnicity index BI of the quasar, BI is a modified
equivalent width of the C IV BAL, being the sum
of the 'modified equivalent widths' of the portions of all contiguous
BAL troughs between 3,000 and 25,000 km/s shortward of 1549 Angstroms.
For further details, see Section 4.1 of the reference paper.
The error in the balnicity index BI, in km/s.
The best-fitting template number for the quasar
spectrum. Template numbers 0-3 correspond to the less luminous bin and
numbers 4-7 to the more luminous bin; line width increases from 0 to 3
and from 4 to 7. For further details, see Section 3 of the reference paper
The spectral index alphanu used by the best-fit template.
The reddening E(B-V) used by the best-Fit template.
The reduced Chi2 value of the best fit.
The number of distinct BAL troughs.
The width of the widest BAL trough, in km/s.
The fractional depth of the deepest part of any BAL
The weighted average velocity of the BAL troughs,
in km/s.
The maximum velocity of the BAL troughs from the emission
line, in km/s.
The SDSS spectrum signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in the i-band.