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SMCXRAY - SMC X-Ray Discrete Sources |
HEASARC Archive |
The name has been constructed with the prefix "SMC" and a numerical
designation in the standard IAU fashion based on the
1950 RA and Declination: in this particular case we have truncated to tenths
of minutes in time for RA and minutes of angle for Declination. Notice that
in the original reference no name was given, only a running number.
The Right Ascension in sexagesimal units.
The Declination in sexagesimal units.
The galactic longitude in degrees.
The galactic latitude in degrees.
Right Ascension in B1950 Coordinates
Declination in B1950 Coordinates
The count rate in counts/s in the IPC broad-band of 0.16 to 3.5 keV.
The count rate error in counts/sec.
The spectral hardness ratio, defined as [CR(hard)-CR(soft)]/CR(broad)
where CR(hard) is the count rate in the 0.8 to 3.5 keV band, CR(soft)
is the count rate in the 0.16 to 0.8 keV band, and CR(broad) is the
count rate in the 0.16 to 3.5 keV band (i.e., the tabulated count rate).
The signal-to-noise ratio.
A source-class identifier code:
1 = supernova remnant
2 = SMC X-ray binary system
3 = OB Association, H II filament, etc.
4 = no identification
5 = foreground galactic star
6 = background AGN (or cluster of galaxies)
A flag to indicate the origin of the source type classification: if set
to ":" this indicates that the source type is a `best guess', mainly based
on the source's X-ray sepctral characteristics, and thus somewhat uncertain.
Identification Name #1
Identification Name #2
Identification Name #3
A flag that is set to 'Y' if there is a comment in the notes to Table 2
in the original reference that a particular IPC source appears diffuse,
i.e., non-pointlike.
Various comments and annotations as well as their references concerning
source properties in various wavelength bands. Unless otherwise noted
as "SMC", all stellar spectral type designations (e.g., "stars/HD 987")
refer to foreground galactic stars. 'V' implies EXOSAT, or multiple IPC,
pointings suggesting the source is variable, 'HRI' indicates an observation
was also made by the Einstein High Resolution Imager (HRI), and 'P' means
that the source appears pointlike in an HRI image.
The numbers in square brackets note references used for information about the X-ray sources and their identifications:
[1] Seward & Mitchell 1981, ApJ, 243, 736. [2] Jones et al. 1985, Space Sci. Rev., 40, 693. [3] Mills et al. 1982, MNRAS, 200, 1007. [4] Mathewson et al. 1983, ApJS, 51, 345. [5] Mathewson et al. 1984, ApJS, 55, 189. [6] Bruhweiler et al. 1987, ApJ, 317, 152. [7] Inoue, Koyama & Tanaka 1983, in IAU Symp. 101, SNR & Their X-Ray Emission, ed. Danziger & Gorenstein, p. 237. [8] Pakull 1989, in Recent Developments of Magellanic Cloud Research, ed. de Boer et al., p. 183, and references therein. [9] Abell et al. 1989, ApJS, 70, 1. [N] There is a detailed footnote about the source given in the notes to Table 2 in the original reference, Wang & Wu 1992, ApJS, 78, 391. [D] The 2 sources so indicated were detected only with the no-aspect data.Additional information about X-ray source properties, stars, galaxies, OB associations, H II regions, and radio sources was obtained from Henize (1956, ApJS, 2, 315), e.g., N66, Davies et al. (1976, MmRAS, 81, 89), e.g., DEM 32, Mill & Turtle (1984, in IAU Symp. 108, Structure & Evolution of the Magellanic Clouds, ed. van den Bergh & de Boer, p. 283), Hodge (1985, PASP, 97, 530), e.g., H12, the EXOSAT database [the predecessor to the HEASARC database], the EINLINE database, and SIMBAD.
BROWSE classification type. The classification is based on the Source Type