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SUBPFCLOG - Subaru Prime Focus Camera (Suprime-Cam) Exposures Log



This table contains the Subaru Prime Focus Camera (Suprime-Cam) log of exposures having observation type = 'OBJECT' (those with 'BIAS', 'FLAT' and other types are not included) which have been made since April 2001. Note that from the version of Nov. 2005 on, the number of rows has significantly increased because those data with worse position determination (up to 30 arcsec error) are now included. The data currently extend to November 2005 and it is anticipated that they will be regularly updated

Suprime-Cam is an 80-mega pixels (10240 x 8192) mosaic CCD camera, for the wide-field prime focus of the 8.2m Subaru telescope. Suprime-Cam covers a field of view 34' x 27', a unique facility among the 8-10m class telescopes, with a resolution of 0.202 arcseconds per pixel. The focal plane consists of ten high-resistivity 2kx2k CCDs developed by MIT Lincoln Laboratory, which are cooled by a large Stirling-cycle cooler. The CCD readout electronics was designed to be scalable, which allows the multiple read-out of tens of CCDs. It takes 50 seconds to readout entire arrays. A filter-exchange mechanism of the jukebox type is designed that can hold up to ten large filters (205 x 170 x 15 mm3). The wide-field corrector is basically a three-lens Wynne-type, but has a new type of atmospheric dispersion corrector. The corrector provides a flat focal plane and an un-vignetted field of view of 30' in diameter. The achieved co-planarity of the focal array mosaic is smaller than 30 um peak-to-peak, which realizes mostly the seeing limited image over the entire field. The median seeing in the I_c-band, measured over one year and a half, is 0.61 arcseconds. The PSF anisotropy in Suprime-Cam images, estimated by stellar ellipticities, is about 2% under this median seeing condition. At the time of its commissioning, Suprime-Cam had the largest survey speed, which is defined as the field of view multiplied by the primary mirror area of the telescope, among those cameras built for sub-arcsecond imaging.

For more details, see: Miyazaki et al., Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan 54, 833-853, 2002 (2002PASJ...54..833M).

Catalog Bibcode



Log of Subaru Prime Focus Camera (Suprime-Cam) Exposures
    <Astronomical Data Analysis Center,
     National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (2007)>


This table was created by the HEASARC in September 2007 based on CDS table B/subaru/suprimc.dat (the ReadMe file for the latter was tagged with a date of August 25th, 2007).


The frame identifier parameter is a unique sequential number (with the prefix 'SUPA') which is assigned to each FITS file in the Subaru Telescope Archive System (STARS)/ Mitaka Advanced Subaru Telescope Archive System (MASTARS) and the Subaru Mitaka Okayama Kiso Archive (SMOKA) system. The last digit of the frame_id contains the one-digit chip detector recorded in the keyword DET_ID in the FITS data files, e.g., the observation with frame_id = 'SUPA00157008' used the chip with det_id = 8 (detector = 'w4c5'). See for more details of the CCD chips.

The Right Ascension of the center of the CCD chip in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000 decimal degrees to a precision of 0.0001 degrees (0.36 arcseconds) in the originating table.

The Declination of the center of the CCD in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000 decimal degrees to a precision of 0.0001 degrees (0.36 arcseconds) in the originating table.

The Galactic Longitude of the center of the CCD chip.

The Galactic Latitude of the center of the CCD Chip.

The start time of the observation in UT. This was given to a precision of 1 second in the originating table.

The exposure time of the observation, in seconds (s).

The name of the target and/or the purpose of the observation.

The combination of filters used in the exposure. The filter names are written in the FITS headers of the data files and are described in detail at

The value of the atmospheric air mass at the beginning of the exposure.

The dimension of the image in the X-axis direction, in pixels.

The dimension of the image in the Y-axis direction, in pixels.

This parameter is a flag which indicates the status of the flat-fielding processing: '1' means that flat-field processed data are provided in SMOKA, '0' means that they are not provided.

The seeing size for the observation, in arcseconds.

The PSF anisotropy for the observation estimated from the stellar ellipticities.

Contact Person

Questions regarding the SUBPFCLOG database table can be addressed to the HEASARC Help Desk.
Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:35:21 EDT