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UPPRSCOXMM - Upper Sco XMM-Newton X-Ray Point Source Catalog



The authors studied the X-ray emission from young stars by analyzing the deep (a ~53 ks exposure centered at a J2000.0 RA and Dec of 16 14 00.0, -23 00 00 and a ~43 ks exposure at 15 56 25.0, -23 37 47) XMM-Newton observations of two regions of the Upper Scorpius (USco) subgroup of the Scorpius-Centaurus (Sco-Cen) association which is estimated to have an age of 5 Myr. Portions of the USco association were observed in the optical with the CTIO Curtis Schmidt telescope and the Danish 1.54m telescope. This table contains all the X-ray sources detected in the two XMM-Newton observations, as well as their near-IR counterparts from the 2MASS and DENIS catalogs, and their optical counterparts from the CTIO and Danish 1.54 m observations. Based on the near-infrared and optical photometry, 22 Upper Scorpius photometric members have been identified among the 224 detected X-ray sources.

Catalog Bibcode



XMM-Newton survey of two Upper Scorpius regions.
     Argiroffi C., Favata F., Flaccomio E., Maggio A., Micela G., Peres G.,
     Sciortino S.
    <Astron. Astrophys., 459, 199 (2006)>


This table was created by the HEASARC in March 2007 based on CDS catalog J/A+A/459/199 files tabled1.dat and table2.dat.


A running X-ray source number in order of increasing J2000.0 Right Ascension.

The name for the X-ray source using the 'XMMU' prefix and the truncated J2000.0 coordinates (JHHMMSS.s+DDMMSS), as recommended by the CDS Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects.

The Right Ascension of the X-ray source in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000.0 coordinates to a precision of 0.1 seconds of time in the original table. The X-ray positions given here include a correction for systematic errors in the XMM-Newton aspect system of 1.5" in RA which was derived by comparing the original XMM-Newton positions with those of their near-IR counterparts in the 2MASS Catalog.

The Declination of the X-ray source in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000.0 coordinates to a precision of 0.1 arcseconds in the original table.

The Galactic Longitude of the X-ray source.

The Galactic Latitude of the X-ray source.

The equivalent on-axis EPIC pn count rate, in ct/s, i.e., the count rate that would be observed if the source was located on the telescope axis.

The uncertainty in the pn count rate, in ct/s.

The soft X-ray color defined as 2.5*log(M/S), where M and S indicate the background-subtracted numbers of photons in the medium (0.85 - 1.4 keV) and soft (0.3 - 0.85 keV) energy bands, respectively.

The EPIC instrument used for the soft color, M1 for MOS1, M2 for MOS2, or PN for pn.

The hard X-ray color defined as 2.5*log(H/M), where H and M indicate the background-subtracted numbers of photons in the hard (1.4 - 7.9 keV) and medium (0.85 - 1.4 keV) energy bands, respectively.

The EPIC instrument used for the hard color, M1 for MOS1, M2 for MOS2, or PN for pn.

The name of the 2MASS counterpart to the X-ray source within a 5" identification radius estimated from the position offset histograms and comparable to the FWHM of the PSF of the EPIC instruments. Only for source number 1 were there two 2MASS counterparts within 5". Up to 16 of the 2MASS identifications may be spurious.

The angular offset of the 2MASS counterpart from the XMM-Newton position, in arcseconds.

The name of the DENIS counterpart to the X-ray source within a 5" identification radius estimated from the position offset histograms and comparable to the FWHM of the PSF of the EPIC instruments. Only 71% and 78% of the 2 XMM-Newton fields were covered by the DENIS catalog. Only for source number 171 were there two DENIS counterparts within 5". Up to 19 of the DENIS identifications may be spurious.

The angular offset of the DENIS counterpart from the XMM-Newton position, in arcseconds.

The name of the second possible 2MASS counterpart to the X-ray source within a 5" identification radius estimated from the position offset histograms which is comparable to the FWHM of the PSF of the EPIC instruments. Only for source number 1 were there two 2MASS counterparts within 5".

The angular offset of the second possible 2MASS counterpart from the XMM-Newton position, in arcseconds.

The name of the second possible DENIS counterpart to the X-ray source within a 5" identification radius estimated from the position offset histograms which is comparable to the FWHM of the PSF of the EPIC instruments. Only 71% and 78% of the 2 XMM-Newton fields were covered by the DENIS catalog. Only for source number 171 were there two DENIS counterparts within 5".

The angular offset of the second possible DENIS counterpart from the XMM-Newton position, in arcseconds.

An alternative designation for the X-ray source or its optical or near-IR counterpart. This field is populated only for the 22 probable USco members.

The 2MASS J Magnitude of the counterpart. This field is populated only for the 22 probable USco members.

The 2MASS H Magnitude of the counterpart. This field is populated only for the 22 probable USco members.

The 2MASS K Magnitude of the counterpart. This field is populated only for the 22 probable USco members.

The DENIS I Magnitude of the counterpart. This field is populated only for the 22 probable USco members.

The DENIS J Magnitude of the counterpart. This field is populated only for the 22 probable USco members.

The DENIS K Magnitude of the counterpart. This field is populated only for the 22 probable USco members.

The CTIO U Magnitude of the counterpart. This field is populated only for the 22 probable USco members.

The CTIO B Magnitude of the counterpart. This field is populated only for the 22 probable USco members.

The CTIO V Magnitude of the counterpart. This field is populated only for the 22 probable USco members.

The CTIO R Magnitude of the counterpart. This field is populated only for the 22 probable USco members.

The CTIO I Magnitude of the counterpart. This field is populated only for the 22 probable USco members.

The Danish V Magnitude of the counterpart. This field is populated only for the 22 probable USco members.

The Danish R Magnitude of the counterpart. This field is populated only for the 22 probable USco members.

The Danish I Magnitude of the counterpart. This field is populated only for the 22 probable USco members.

The X-ray flux of the source, in erg/cm2/s. From the best-fit models of the X-ray-brightest USco members whose unabsorbed X-ray fluxes and luminosities were directly derived from spectral fits, a mean conversion factor from the pn equivalent count rate to flux of 2.37 x 10-12 erg cm-2 ct-1 in the 0.5 - 8.0 keV energy band was found and then used to derive the fluxes of the fainter sources. This field is populated only for the 22 probable USco members.

This flag parameter indicates the specific X-ray flux methodology used for the given source:

  c = Unabsorbed X-ray fluxes and luminosities in the 0.5-8.0keV band
      were computed starting from PN equivalent count rates and
      adopting a multiplicative factor of 2.37x10^-12erg/cm2/ct
  d = Unabsorbed X-ray fluxes and luminosities in the 0.5-8.0keV band
      were evaluated from the best-fit model of the observed spectrum
This field is populated only for the 22 probable USco members.

The logarithm of the X-ray luminosity of the X-ray source in the 0.5 - 8.0 keV energy band, and assuning a distance to USco of 145 pc. This field is populated only for the 22 probable USco members.

This flag parameter indicates the specific X-ray luminosity methodology used for the given source:

  c = Unabsorbed X-ray fluxes and luminosities in the 0.5-8.0keV band
      were computed starting from PN equivalent count rates and
      adopting a multiplicative factor of 2.37x10^-12erg/cm2/ct
  d = Unabsorbed X-ray fluxes and luminosities in the 0.5-8.0keV band
      were evaluated from the best-fit model of the observed spectrum
This field is populated only for the 22 probable USco members.

This code indicates the source for the proposed membership in the Upper Scorpius according to the specified publication, as follows:

        ? = stars whose photometry casts some doubt on their membership in
            Upper Scorpius
      W94 = Walter et al., 1994AJ....107..692W
      A00 = Ardila et al., 2000AJ....120..479A
      S92 = Slawson et al., 1992, CDS Cat. <J/ApJS/82/117>
      P98 = Preibish et al., 1998, CDS Cat. <J/A+A/333/619>
      S06 = Slesnick et al., 2006, CDS Cat. <J/AJ/131/3016>
This field is populated only for the 22 probable USco members.

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Questions regarding the UPPRSCOXMM database table can be addressed to the HEASARC Help Desk.
Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:35:59 EDT