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VLACOSMJSC - VLA-COSMOS Project 1.4-GHz Joint Source Catalog



In the context of the VLA-COSMOS Deep project, additional VLA A array observations at 1.4 GHz were obtained for the central degree of the COSMOS field and combined with the existing data from the VLA-COSMOS Large project. A newly constructed Deep mosaic with a resolution of 2.5 arcseconds was used to search for sources down to 4 sigma with 1 sigma ~ 12 µJy beam-1 in the central 50' x 50'. This new catalog is combined with the catalog from the Large project (obtained at 1.5" x 1.4" resolution) to construct a new Joint catalog. All sources listed in the new Joint catalog have peak flux densities of >= 5 sigma at 1.5" and/or 2.5" resolution to account for the fact that a significant fraction of sources at these low flux levels are expected to be slightly resolved at 1.5" resolution. All properties listed in the Joint catalog, such as peak flux density, integrated flux density, and source size, are determined in the 2.5" resolution Deep image. In addition, the Joint catalog contains 43 newly identified multi-component sources.

Catalog Bibcode



The VLA-COSMOS Survey. IV. Deep Data and Joint Catalog
    Schinnerer E., Sargent M.T., Bondi M., Smolcic V., Datta A., Carilli C.L.,
    Bertoldi F., Blain A., Ciliegi P., Koekemoer A., Scoville N.Z.
   <Astrophys.J. Suppl. Ser., 188, 384-404 (2010)>


This table was created by the HEASARC in June 2010 based on the electronic version of Table 3 from the reference paper which was obtained from the ApJ web site.


The radio source designation using the standard IAU-recommended format with a prefix ('COSMOSVLADP' for VLA-COSMOS Deep), and the J2000.0 truncated cordinates of the radio source, e.g., 'COSMOSVLADP J095821.65+024628.1'. The HEASARC removed a (non-standard) underscore character ('_') between the prefix and the position string which was present in the names as given in both the reference paper and the electronic ApJS version of Table 3.

The radio source name in the VLA-COSMOS Large project catalog, v2. In the reference paper, this was set to ''COSMOSVLA_J999999.99+999999.9 if the source was not present in the VLA-COSMOS Large catalog: in this HEASARC table we have set all such values to blank strings. The HEASARC has also removed a (non-standard) underscore character ('_') between the prefix and the position string which was present in the names as given in both the reference paper and the electronic ApJS version of Table 3.

The Right Ascension of the radio source in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000.0 coordinates to a precision of 0.001 seconds of time in the original table.

The Declination of the radio source in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000.0 coordinates to a precision of 0.01 arcseconds in the original table.

The Galactic Longitude of the radio source.

The Galactic Latitude of the radio source.

The RMS uncertainty in the Right Ascension, in arcseconds. This is set to null (it was -99.00 in the original published table) if the source is a multi-component one (multi_component_flag value > 0).

The RMS uncertainty in the Declination, in arcseconds. This is set to null (it was -99.00 in the original published table) if the source is a multi-component one (multi_component_flag value > 0).

The peak 1.4-GHz flux density of the radio source (mJy/beam), This is set to null (it was -99.00 in the original published table) if the source is a multi-component one (multi_component_flag value > 0).

The peak 1.4-GHz flux density of the radio source, in mJy/beam, corrected for bandwidth smearing. This is set to null (it was -99.00 in the original published table) if the source is a multi-component one (multi_component_flag value > 0).

The RMS uncertainty in the peak 1.4-GHz flux density of the radio source, in mJy/beam. This is set to null (it was -99.00 in the original published table) if the source is a multi-component one (multi_component_flag value > 0).

The integrated 1.4-GHz flux density of the radio source, in mJy.

The RMS uncertainty in the integrated 1.4-GHz flux density of the radio source, in mJy. This is set to null (it was -99.00 in the original published table) if the source is a multi-component one (multi_component_flag value > 0).

The local RMS at the radio source position measured in the RMSD sensitivity map, in mJy/beam.

The deconvolved major axis of the radio source, in arcseconds. This is set to 0.00 for unresolved sources.

The deconvolved minor axis of the radio source, in arcseconds. This is set to 0.00 for unresolved sources.

The position angle of the deconvolved major axis of the radio source, in degrees, measured counterclockwise (eastwards) from north. This is set to 0.00 for unresolved sources, while it is set to null (-99.00 in the original published table) if the source is a multi-component one (multi_component_flag value > 0).

This flag parameter is used to indicate resolved/unresolved sources and is coded as follows:

      -2 = classified as unresolved only in the VLA-COSMOS Deep image
      -1 = classified as resolved only in the VLA-COSMOS Large image
       0 = classified as unresolved in both the VLA-COSMOS Large & Deep images
       1 = classified as resolved in both the VLA-COSMOS Large & Deep images
       2 = classified as resolved only in the VLA-COSMOS Deep image.
Note that the flag value of -2 was only assigned to sources that were not in the VLA-COSMOS Large project catalog. The flag value of -1 on the other hand was used for sources that were classified as resolved in the Large project catalog but are listed as unresolved in this Joint catalog.

This flag parameter is used to indicate multi-component versus single-component sources and is coded as follows:

      0 = single-component source
      1 = multi-component source identified in the VLA-COSMOS Large image
      2 = multi-component source identified in the VLA-COSMOS Deep image

This flag parameter is used to indicate catalog membership and is coded as follows:

      -1 = only detected in the VLA-COSMOS Large image
       0 = detected in both the VLA-COSMOS Large & Deep images
       1 = only detected in the VLA-COSMOS Deep image

This flag parameter is used to indicate the spatial resolution with which the radio source was detected at a local S/N within a 50 pixels (17.5") box of >= 5 (see Section 5 of the reference paper for more complete details) and is coded as follows:

      -1 = S/N>=5 is only satisfied at a resolution of 1.5"
       0 = S/N>=5 is only satisfied at both 1.5" & 2.5" resolution
       1 = S/N>=5 is only satisfied at a resolution of 2.5", but in both the
           large and small scale (105" and 17.5" box size, respectively) rms map
       2 = at a resolution of 2.5", S/N>=5 is only satisfied in the small scale
           (17.5" box size) rms map
     -99 = multi-component source

Contact Person

Questions regarding the VLACOSMJSC database table can be addressed to the HEASARC Help Desk.
Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:36:11 EDT