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XMMSDSSGCS - 2XMMi/SDSS Galaxy Cluster Survey



The authors have compiled a sample of X-ray-selected galaxy groups and clusters from the XMM-Newton Serendipitous Source Catalog (2XMMi-DR3) with optical confirmation and redshift measurement from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). In their paper, they present an analysis of the X-ray properties of this new sample with particular emphasis on the X-ray luminosity-temperature (LX - T) relation. The X-ray cluster candidates were selected from the 2XMMi-DR3 catalog in the footprint of the SDSS-DR7. The authors developed a finding algorithm to search for overdensities of galaxies at the positions of the X-ray cluster candidates in the photometric redshift space and to measure the redshifts of the clusters from the SDSS data. For optically confirmed clusters with good quality X-ray data, they derived the X-ray flux, luminosity, and temperature from proper spectral fits, while the X-ray flux for clusters with low-quality X-ray data was obtained from the 2XMMi-DR3 catalogue. The detection algorithm provides the photometric redshift of 530 galaxy clusters. Of these, 310 clusters have a spectroscopic redshift for at least one member galaxy. About 75 percent of the optically confirmed cluster sample are newly discovered X-ray clusters. Moreover, 301 systems are known as optically selected clusters in the literature while the remainder are new discoveries in X-ray and optical bands. The optically confirmed cluster sample spans a wide redshift range 0.03 to 0.70 (median z = 0.32). In this paper, they present the catalog of X-ray-selected galaxy groups and clusters from the 2XMMi/SDSS galaxy cluster survey.

The catalog has two subsamples: (i) a cluster sample comprising 345 objects with their X-ray spectroscopic temperature and flux from the spectral fitting; (these objects are identified by having values for the table_sample parameter of 1 in this HEASARC implementation of the catalog) and (ii) a cluster sample consisting of 185 systems with their X-ray flux from the 2XMMi-DR3 catalog, because their X-ray data are insufficient for spectral fitting (these objects are identified by having values for the table_sample parameter of 2 herein). For each cluster, the catalog also provides the X-ray bolometric luminosity and the cluster mass at R500 based on scaling relations and the position of the likely brightest cluster galaxy (BCG). The updated LX - T relation of the current sample with X-ray spectroscopic parameters is presented in the paper. The authors found the slope of the LX - T relation to be consistent with published ones. They see no evidence for evolution in the slope and intrinsic scatter of the LX - T relation with redshift when excluding the low-luminosity groups.

This catalog of X-ray selected galaxy clusters and groups supersedes and subsumes the first release of the 2XMMi/SDSS Galaxy Cluster Survey, comprising 175 clusters of galaxies, which was presented in Takey et al. (2011, A&A, 534, A120).

Catalog Bibcode



The 2XMMi/SDSS Galaxy Cluster Survey.
II. The optically confirmed cluster sample and the LX-T relation.
    Takey A., Schwope A., Lamer G.
    <Astron. Astrophys. 558, A75 (2013)>
    =2013A&A...558A..75T        (SIMBAD/NED BibCode)

The 2XMMi/SDSS Galaxy Cluster Survey
I. The first cluster sample and X-ray luminosity-temperature relation.
    Takey A., Schwope A., Lamer G.
    <Astron. Astrophys. 534, A120 (2011)>
    =2011A&A...534A.120T        (SIMBAD/NED BibCode)


This table was created by the HEASARC in October 2013 based on CDS catalog J/A+A/558/A75 files table1.dat and table2.dat.


This HEASARC-created parameter indicates the published table from which the source originated, 1 or 2 (see Overview for more details).

A number which uniquely identifies each entry (detection) in the 2XMMi-DR3 Catalog.

The 2XMMi-DR3 Catalog name. This IAU-style designation was assigned to each unique SRCID in the catalog based upon the IAU registered classifications 2XMM and 2XMMi: a source that is included in the 2XMM catalog has kept its 2XMM IAU identification; a source that appeared for the first time in 2XMMi retains its 2XMMi IAU identification; all new sources in 2XMMi-DR3 are also assigned an IAU name with a 2XMMi prefix. The form of the IAU names is "2XMM Jhhmmss.sSddmmss" or "2XMMi Jhhmmss.sSddmmss" where hhmmss.s is taken from the averaged and eposcorr-corrected right ascension coordinate given in the column RA and Sddmmss is the averaged and eposcorr-corrected declination taken from the column DEC of the respective catalog. Note that the averaged coordinates may have changed with respect to 2XMM but the IAU name with the 2XMM prefix will be the same as in the 2XMM catalog. The situation is similar for sources in the 2XMMi catalog where the 2XMMi-prefixed IAU name is maintained.

The Right Ascension of the X-ray source detection in the selected equinox. This was taken from the 2XMMi-DR3 Catalog (q.v. for more details), and was given in J2000.0 decimal degrees in the CDS version of this table with a precision of 10-5 degrees.

The Declination of the X-ray source detection in the selected equinox. This was taken from the 2XMMi-DR3 Catalog (q.v. for more details), and was given in J2000.0 decimal degrees in the CDS version of this table with a precision of 10-5 degrees.

The Galactic Longitude of the X-ray source detection.

The Galactic Latitude of the X-ray source detection.

The XMM-Newton 'obsid' identifier for the observation in which the source was detected.

The optical redshift z of the cluster of galaxies, being either the spectroscopic redshift (redshift_type = 'spec-z') or the photometric redshift (redshift_type = 'photo-z'). Where galaxy spectroscopic redshifts were available, the authors used these instead of photometric redshifts.

The linear scale factor in kpc/arcsecond at the cluster redshift.

The optimum aperture radius Rap, in kpc, for the cluster: this is the extraction radius for which the highest integrated signal-to-noise was obtained, and is discussed in Section 3 of the 2013 reference paper and Section 3.2.1 of the 2011 reference paper. This parameter is given only for the 345 clusters in sample (i) (table_sample = 1) for which the X-ray data were sufficient for spectral fitting.

The estimated radius R500 at which the mean mass density of the cluster is 500 times the critical density rhoc of the Universe at the cluster redshift, in kpc. Thus R500 = cube root of [(3 * M500)/(4pi * 500 * rhoc(z)]. See Section 4 of the 2011 reference paper for more details.

The average X-ray spectroscopic temperature kTap of the hot intra-cluster medium of the cluster within the optimal aperture radius, Rap, in keV. This parameter is given only for the 345 clusters in sample (i) (table_sample = 1) for which the X-ray data were sufficient for spectral fitting. The cluster spectra were fitted with absorbed thin thermal plasma emission models (TBabs * MEKAL) with pre-determined abundance (fixed at 0.4 solar), redshift and Galactic interstellar column density to determine the aperture X-ray temperature (kTap), flux (Fap) [0.5-2 keV band], luminosity (Lap) [0.5-2 keV band], and their errors. The authors accepted the measurements of Tap and Lap if the fractional errors of both were smaller than 0.5.

The positive 68%-confidence level error in the average X-ray spectroscopic temperature kTap of the hot intra-cluster medium of the cluster within the optimal aperture radius, Rap, in keV.

The negative 68%-confidence level error in the average X-ray spectroscopic temperature kTap of the hot intra-cluster medium of the cluster within the optimal aperture radius, Rap, in keV.

The X-ray flux of the cluster fap within the optimal aperture radius, in the 0.5 - 2 keV band, in erg cm-2 s-1. This parameter is given only for the 345 clusters in sample (i) (table_sample = 1) for which the X-ray data were sufficient for spectral fitting.

The positive 68%-confidence level error in the X-ray flux of the cluster within the optimal aperture radius, in the 0.5 - 2 keV band, in erg cm-2 s-1.

The negative 68%-confidence level error in the X-ray flux of the cluster within the optimal aperture radius, in the 0.5 - 2 keV band, in erg cm-2 s-1.

The X-ray luminosity of the cluster Lap within the optimal aperture radius,in the 0.5 - 2 keV band, in erg s-1. This parameter is given only for the 345 clusters in sample (i) (table_sample = 1) for which the X-ray data were sufficient for spectral fitting.

The positive 68%-confidence level error in the X-ray luminosity of the cluster Lap within the optimal aperture radius,in the 0.5 - 2 keV band, in erg s-1.

The negative 68%-confidence level error in the X-ray luminosity of the cluster Lap within the optimal aperture radius,in the 0.5 - 2 keV band, in erg s-1.

The X-ray bolometric luminosity of the cluster over the rest-frame energy range 0.1 to 50 keV and within the R500 radius, L500, in erg s-1. The estimation of this parameter is discussed in Section 3 of the 2013 reference paper.

The error in the X-ray bolometric luminosity of the cluster within the R500 radius, in erg s-1. The fractional error in the bolometric luminosity was assumed to be the same as the fractional error of the luminosity in the given energy band.

The mass of the cluster within the R500 radius, M500, in solar masses.

The error in the mass of the cluster within the R500 radius, in solar masses.

The Galactic H I column density towards the cluster of galaxies, in H atoms cm-2. This was derived from the H I map in the Leiden/Argentine/Bonn Survey of Kalberla et al. (2005, A&A, 440, 775).

The object identification number ('ObjID') of the likely BCG in the cluster as listed in the SDSS-DR8.

The Right Ascension in the selected equinox of the likely BCG in the cluster as obtained from the SDSS-DR8. This was given in J2000.0 decimal degrees in the CDS version of this table with a precision of 10-5 degrees.

The Declination in the selected equinox of the likely BCG in the cluster as obtained from the SDSS-DR8. This was given in J2000.0 decimal degrees in the CDS version of this table with a precision of 10-5 degrees.

The photometric redshift zphoto of the cluster as obtained from the SDSS-DR8. (See Section 2.2.1 of the 2013 reference paper for more details).

The spectroscopic redshift zspec of the cluster as obtained from the SDSS-DR8. (See Section 2.2.1 of the 2013 reference paper for more details).

The number of cluster members within 560 kpc with available spectroscopic redshifts that were used to compute the cluster spectroscopic redshift,

The redshift type, spectroscopic (Spec-z) or photometric (Photo-z).

The linear offset, in kpc, between the cluster X-ray position and the BCG optical position.

An alternative name for the cluster of galaxies, if it had been previously identified, using NED. The reference codes for these alternative names are given in the ref_alt_name parameter field.

The coded reference for the alternative cluster name, as follows:

  Value      Bibcode            Reference          CDS Catalog Number

   1     2000ApJS..126..209R Romer et al.          Cat. J/ApJS/126/209
   2     2006MNRAS.366..163K Kolokotronis et al.
   3     2002AJ....123.1807G Goto et al.           Cat. J/AJ/123/1807
   4     2007ApJ...660..239K Koester et al.        Cat. J/ApJ/660/239
   5     2009ApJS..183..197W Wen et al.            Cat. J/ApJS/183/197
   6     2010ApJS..191..254H Hao et al.
   7     2005ApJ...622L..17P Plionis et al.
   8     2005ApJ...630..759M Merchan & Zandivarez
   9     2003ApJS..148..243B Bahcall et al.        Cat. J/ApJS/148/243
  10     2008ApJ...682..821C Vikhlinin et al.      Cat. J/ApJ/682/821
  11     2003ApJ...594..154M Mullis et al.         Cat. J/ApJ/549/154
  12     2003AJ....125.2064G Gal et al.            Cat. J/AJ/125/2064
  13     2007ApJS..172..561B Burenin et al.        Cat. J/ApJS/172/561
  14     2008ApJS..176..374H Horner et al.         Cat. J/ApJS/176/374
  15     2007ApJS..172..182F Finoguenov et al.     Cat. J/ApJS/172/182
  16     2009MNRAS.395..255M McConnachie et al.    Cat. J/MNRAS/395/255
  17     2007A&A...461...81O Olsen et al.          Cat. J/A+A/461/81
  18     2009A&A...494..845G Grove et al.          Cat. J/A+A/494/845
  19     1999PASP..111..438F Falco et al.          Cat. J/PASP/111/438
  20     2001A&A...368..776R Ramella et al.
  21     1961CGCG..C......0Z Zwicky et al.         Cat. VII/49
  22     1994AJ....107..427D dell'Antonio et al.
  23     2006ApJS..167....1B Berlind et al.        Cat. J/ApJS/167/1
  24     2007A&A...470..821D Dietrich et al.       Cat. J/A+A/470/821
  25     1986ApJ...306...30G Gunn et al.           Cat. J/ApJ/306/30
  26     2005ApJS..157....1G Gladders & Yee        Cat. J/ApJS/157/1
  27     2006ApJ...645..955B Barkhouse et al.      Cat. J/ApJ/645/955
  28     2003ApJ...591..154M McDowell et al.
  29     2004A&A...420...61S Schuecker et al.      Cat. J/A+A/420/61
  30     2006ApJ...643..128W Wittman et al.
  31     2001ApJ...552..427C Carlberg et al.       Cat. J/ApJ/552/427
  32     2009ApJ...704..564F Finoguenov et al.
  33     1998ApJ...497..645H Hughes & Birkinshaw
  34     2008ApJ...673..163S Sehgal et al.
  35     2002ApJ...579...93P Postman et al.        Cat. J/ApJ/579/93
  41     2010ApJS..189...37E Evans et al.
  42     2002AJ....123.1807G Goto et al.           Cat. J/AJ/123/1807
  43     2004AJ....128.1017L Lopes et al.          Cat. J/AJ/128/1017
  44     2006ApJ...645..955B Barkhouse et al.      Cat. J/ApJ/645/955
  45     2009ApJS..183..197W Wen et al.            Cat. J/ApJS/183/197
  46     2010ApJS..191..254H Hao et al.
  47     2007ApJ...660..239K Koester et al.        Cat. J/ApJ/660/239
  48     2003ApJS..148..243B Bahcall et al.        Cat. J/ApJS/148/243
  49     2007A&A...470..821D Dietrich et al.       Cat. J/A+A/470/821
  50     1986ApJ...306...30G Gunn et al.           Cat. J/ApJ/306/30
  51     2009ApJ...697.1842K Knobel et al.         Cat. J/ApJ/697/1842
  52     2007A&A...461...81O Olsen et al.          Cat. J/A+A/461/81
  53     2007ApJS..172..182F Finoguenov et al.     Cat. J/ApJS/172/182
  54     2003AJ....125.2064G Gal et al.            Cat. J/AJ/125/2064
  55     2009MNRAS.395..255M McConnachie et al.    Cat. J/MNRAS/395/255
  56     2005ApJ...630..759M Merchan & Zandivarez
  57     2002A&A...396..397B Boschin               Cat. J/A+A/396/397
  58     2006MNRAS.366..163K Kolokotronis et al.
  59     2008ApJS..176..374H Horner et al.         Cat. J/ApJS/176/374
  60     1961CGCG..C......0Z Zwicky et al.         Cat. VII/49
  61     1999PASP..111..438F Falco et al.          Cat. J/PASP/111/438
  62     2007ApJS..172..561B Burenin et al.        Cat. J/ApJS/172/561
  63     2008ApJS..176..414Y Yoon et al.           Cat. J/ApJS/176/414
  64     2000ApJS..126..209R Romer et al.          Cat. J/ApJS/126/209
  65     1999AJ....118.2014W White et al.          Cat. J/AJ/118/2014

The X-ray flux of the cluster in the 0.5 - 2 keV band, in erg cm-2 s-1, as listed in 2XMMi-DR3 Catalog. This parameter is given only for the 185 clusters in sample (ii) (table_sample = 2) for which the X-ray data were insufficient for spectral fitting.

The error in the X-ray flux of the cluster in the 0.5 - 2 keV band, in erg cm-2 s-1.

The X-ray luminosity of the cluster in the 0.5 - 2 keV band, in erg s-1, based on the 2XMMi-DR3 flux and the adopted redshift. This parameter is given only for the 185 clusters in sample (ii) (table_sample = 2) for which the X-ray data were insufficient for spectral fitting.

The error in the 2XMMI-DR3 X-ray luminosity of the cluster in the 0.5 - 2 keV band, in erg s-1.

The average X-ray temperature kT500, in keV, of the hot intra-cluster medium of the cluster within R500, the estimated radius at which the mean mass density of the cluster is 500 times the critical density rhoc of the Universe at the cluster redshift. This parameter is given only for the 185 clusters in sample (ii) (table_sample = 2) for which the X-ray data were insufficient for spectral fitting.

The error in the X-ray temperature kT500, in keV, of the hot intra-cluster medium of the cluster within R500.

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Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:37:21 EDT