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ERASS1HARD - eROSITA All-Sky Survey (First 6 Months; eRASS1) Three-Band (2.3-5.0 keV) Source Catalog



The eROSITA telescope array aboard the Spektrum Roentgen Gamma (SRG) satellite began surveying the sky in December 2019, with the aim of producing all-sky X-ray source lists and sky maps of an unprecedented depth. The authors present catalogs of both point-like and extended sources using the data acquired in the first six months of survey operations (eRASS1; completed June 2020) over the half sky whose proprietary data rights lie with the German eROSITA Consortium.

This catalog contains all X-ray sources detected in the 2.3-5 keV band with detection likelihood > 12. The 5466 sources detected in the less sensitive but harder 2.3-5 keV band is the result of the first true imaging survey of the entire sky above 2 keV.

The eRASS1 main catalog, eRASS1MAIN, contains nearly 930000 entries detected in the most sensitive 0.2-2.3 keV energy range and the sources (only the strongly associated ones) from the main catalog have been linked to eRASS1MAIN in this catalog.

The reference paper presents methods to identify and flag potential spurious sources in the catalogs, which were applied for this work, and the authors tested and validated the astrometric accuracy via cross-comparison with other X-ray and multi-wavelength catalogs.

The catalogs form part of the first data release (DR1) of the SRG/eROSITA all-sky survey. Beyond the X-ray catalogs, DR1 contains all detected and calibrated event files, source products (light curves and spectra), and all-sky maps. The data files are linked to the table and also accessible from the HEASARC eROSITA and eROSITA-DE ERASS1 websites.

The catalog uses the following designation for indicating the bands for the different measurement:

    Band              Energy range (keV)
    0                 0.2 - 5.0
    1		      0.2 - 0.6
    2		      0.6 - 2.3
    3		      2.3 - 5.0

Catalog Bibcode



The SRG/eROSITA all-sky survey, First X-ray catalogues and data release of
    the Western Galactic hemisphere. Merloni A., Lamer G., Liu T., Ramos-Ceja
    M.E., Brunner H. Bulbul E., Dennerl K., Doroshenko V., Freyberg M.J.,
    Friedrich S., Gatuzz E., Georgakakis A., Haberl F., Igo Z., Kreykenbohm
    I., Liu A., Maitra C., Malyali A., Mayer M.G.F., Nandra K., Predehl P.,
    Robrade J., Salvato M., Sanders J.S., Stewart I., Tubin-Arenas D., Weber
    P., Wilms J., Arcodia R., Artis E., Aschersleben J., Avakyan A., Aydar
    C., Bahar Y.E., Balzer F., Becker W., Berger K., Boller T., Bornemann W.,
    Brueggen M., Brusa M., Buchner J., Burwitz V., Camilloni F., Clerc N.,
    Comparat J., Coutinho D., Czesla S., Dannhauer S.M., Dauner L., Dauser
    T., Dietl J., Dolag K., Dwelly T., Egg K., Ehl E., Freund S., Friedrich
    P., Gaida R., Garrel C., Ghirardini V., Gokus A., Gruenwald G., Grandis
    S., Grotova I., Gruen D., Gueguen A., Haemmerich S., Hamaus N., Hasinger
    G., Haubner K., Homan D., Ider Chitham J., Joseph W.M., Joyce A., Koenig
    O., Kaltenbrunner D.M., Khokhriakova A., Kink W., Kirsch C., Kluge M.,
    Knies J., Krippendorf S., Krumpe M., Kurpas J., Li P., Liu Z., Locatelli
    N., Lorenz M., Mueller S., Magaudda E., Mannes C., McCall H., Meidinger
    N., Michailidis M., Migkas K., Munoz-Giraldo D., Musiimenta B.,
    Nguyen-Dang N.T., Ni Q., Olechowska A., Ota N., Pacaud F., Pasini T.,
    Perinati E., Pires A.M., Pommranz C., Ponti G., Poppenhaeger K.,
    Puehlhofer G., Rau A., Reh M., Reiprich T.H., Roster W., Saeedi S.,
    Santangelo A., Sasaki M., Schmitt J., Schneider P.C., Schrabback T.,
    Schuster N., Schwope A., Seppi R., Serim M.M., Shreeram S., Sokolova-Lapa
    E., Starck H., Stelzer B., Stierhof J., Suleimanov V., Tenzer C.,
    Traulsen I., Truemper J., Tsuge K., Urrutia T., Veronica A., Waddell
    S.G.H., Willer R., Wolf J., Yeung M.C.H., Zainab A., Zangrandi F., Zhang
    X., Zhang Y., Zheng X. <Astron. Astrophys. 682, A34 (2024)>
    =2024A&A...682A..34M (SIMBAD/NED BibCode)


This database table was ingested by the HEASARC in June 2024 and is based upon the CDS Catalog J/A+A/682/A34 file erass1-h.dat. In some cases, the HEASARC has altered the original field names, as per HEASARC conventions, and provides the original field names in square brackets.


The eRASS1 source designation in the form '1eRASS JHHMMSS.s+DDMMSS', which uses the J2000.0 equatorial coordinates truncated to 0.1 arcseconds in RA and to 1 arcsecond in Declination. [IAUNAME]

The unique detection identifier. [DETUID]

The sky tile identification number. [SKYTILE]

The source identification number within each sky tile. The skyfield_number + skyfield_source_number identifies the corresponding source products. [ID_SRC]

The unique identification number for each source in this catalog. This number corresponds to 1011 + skyfield_number * 105 + skyfield_source_number. [UID]

The identification number corresponding to source in the main eRASS1 (0.2-2.3 keV) catalog, eRASS1MAIN. The value is positive for a source with strong association, and negative value signifies a weak association with the listed source. The strong associations from the main catalog have been directly linked. [UID_1B]

The group identification of simultaneously fitted sources. [ID_CLUSTER]

The astrometrically-corrected right ascension for the source in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000 decimal degree coordinates to an accuracy of 10-5 degrees (0.036 arcseconds) in the original reference. [RA]

The astrometrically-corrected declination of the source in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000 decimal degree coordinates to an accuracy of 10-6 degrees (0.0036 arcseconds) in the original reference. [DEC]

The galactic longitude of the source, based on the corrected right ascension and declination. Note that the original catalog values provide the galactic coordinates based on the raw (uncorrected) coordinates which have been found to be faulty and therefore, the authors suggest using the corrected values, as is provided in this catalog. [LII]

The galactic latitude of the source. Note that the original catalog values provide the galactic coordinates based on the raw (uncorrected) coordinates which have been found to be faulty and therefore, the authors suggest using the corrected values, as is provided in this catalog. [BII]

The uncorrected right ascension of the source. [RA_RAW]

The uncorrected declination of the source. [DEC_RAW]

The 1-sigma lower uncertainty for right ascension. [RA_LOWERR]

The 1-sigma upper uncertainty for right ascension. [RA_UPERR]

The 1-sigma lower uncertainty for declination. [DEC_LOWERR]

The 1-sigma upper uncertainty for declination. [DEC_UPERR]

The 1-sigma positional uncertainty. [POS_ERR]

The combined positional error, based on PSF-fitting from the uncorrected source position. [RADEC_ERR]

The date/time corresponding to the date of the observation, based on the source nearest to the optical axis of the telescope. [MJD]

The date/time corresponding to the first observation of the source. [MJD_MIN]

The date/time corresponding to the last observation of the source. [MJD_MAX]

The source extent parameter, given in arcseconds. [EXT]

The 1-sigma uncertainty in the source extent parameter, given in arcseconds. [EXT_ERR]

The 1-sigma lower uncertainty measurement in the source extent parameter. [EXT_LOWERR]

The 1-sigma upper uncertainty measurement in the source extent parameter. [EXT_UPERR]

The likelihood associated with the extent measurement. [EXT_LIKE]

The background-subtracted 0.2-5.0 keV net counts for the source, measured from the count_rate. [ML_CTS_0]

The combined 1-sigma uncertainty in the 0.2-5.0 keV net counts. [ML_CTS_ERR_0]

The net count rate for the source in the 0.2-5.0 keV band, based on PSF-fitting. [ML_RATE_0]

The combined 1-sigma uncertainty in the 0.2-5.0 keV net count rate. [ML_RATE_ERR_0]

The flux of the source in the 0.2-5.0 keV band, in units of erg/s/cm2. The energy conversion factor (ECF; listed in Table 3 of the reference paper) between the count rates and fluxes is based on a power-law model with Gamma=2.0 and the total Galactic absorption column density at source position. [ML_FLUX_0]

The 1-sigma uncertainty in the 0.2-5.0 keV flux, in units of erg/s/cm2. [ML_FLUX_ERR_0]


The background counts, in units of counts/arcmin2, at the source position in the 0.2-5.0 keV band. [ML_BKG_0]

The background-subtracted 0.2-0.6 keV net counts for the source, measured from the count_rate. [ML_CTS_1]

The combined 1-sigma uncertainty in the 0.2-0.6 keV net counts. [ML_CTS_ERR_1]

The 1-sigma lower uncertainty in the 0.2-0.6 keV net counts. [ML_CTS_LOWERR_1]

The 1-sigma upper uncertainty in the 0.2-0.6 keV net counts. [ML_CTS_UPERR_1]

The net count rate for the source in the 0.2-0.6 keV band, based on PSF-fitting. [ML_RATE_1]

The combined 1-sigma uncertainty in the 0.2-0.6 keV net count rate. [ML_RATE_ERR_1]

The 1-sigma lower uncertainty in the 0.2-0.6 keV net count rate. [ML_RATE_LOWERR_1]

The 1-sigma upper uncertainty in the 0.2-0.6 keV net count rate. [ML_RATE_UPERR_1]

The flux of the source in the 0.2-0.6 keV band, in units of erg/s/cm2. The energy conversion factor (ECF; listed in Table 3 of the reference paper) between the count rates and fluxes is based on a power-law model with Gamma=2.0 and the total Galactic absorption column density at source position. [ML_FLUX_1]

The 1-sigma uncertainty in the 0.2-0.6 keV flux, in units of erg/s/cm2. [ML_FLUX_ERR_1]

The 1-sigma lower uncertainty in the 0.2-0.6 keV flux, in units of erg/s/cm2. [ML_FLUX_LOWERR_1]

The 1-sigma upper uncertainty in the 0.2-0.6 keV flux, in units of erg/s/cm2. [ML_FLUX_UPERR_1]

The detection likelihood in 0.2-0.6 keV band, based on PSF-fitting. [DET_LIKE_1]

The background counts, in units of counts/arcmin2, at the source position in the 0.2-0.6 keV band. [ML_BKG_1]

The vignetting-corrected exposure, in seconds, at the source position. [ML_EXP_1]

The enclosed energy fraction in the 0.2-0.6keV band. [ML_EEF_1]

The total raw counts extracted within the aperture in the 0.2-0.6 keV band. [APE_CTS_1]

The background counts expected within the aperture in 0.2-0.6 keV band, excluding nearby sources using the source map. [APE_BKG_1]

The exposure map value in 0.2-0.6 keV band at the given position of the source. [APE_EXP_1]

The extraction radius in pixels in the 0.2-0.6 keV band. The aperture is chosen as a fixed one at 75% of the encircled energy fraction. [APE_RADIUS_1]

The Poisson probability that the observed 0.2-0.6 keV counts within the aperture are produced by random fluctuations of the background. Lower values mean lower chance that background fluctuations are cause for the observed counts and therefore the source is more likely to be an astrophysical source. [APE_POIS_1]

The background-subtracted 0.6-2.3 keV net counts for the source, measured from the count_rate. [ML_CTS_2]

The combined 1-sigma uncertainty in the 0.6-2.3 keV net counts. [ML_CTS_ERR_2]

The 1-sigma lower uncertainty in the 0.6-2.3 keV net counts. [ML_CTS_LOWERR_2]

The 1-sigma upper uncertainty in the 0.6-2.3 keV net counts. [ML_CTS_UPERR_2]

The net count rate for the source in the 0.6-2.3 keV band, based on PSF-fitting. [ML_RATE_2]

The combined 1-sigma uncertainty in the 0.6-2.3 keV net count rate. [ML_RATE_ERR_2]

The 1-sigma lower uncertainty in the 0.6-2.3 keV net count rate. [ML_RATE_LOWERR_2]

The 1-sigma upper uncertainty in the 0.6-2.3 keV net count rate. [ML_RATE_UPERR_2]

The flux of the source in the 0.6-2.3 keV band, in units of erg/s/cm2. The energy conversion factor (ECF; listed in Table 3 of the reference paper) between the count rates and fluxes is based on a power-law model with Gamma=2.0 and the total Galactic absorption column density at source position. [ML_FLUX_2]

The 1-sigma uncertainty in the 0.6-2.3 keV flux, in units of erg/s/cm2. [ML_FLUX_ERR_2]

The 1-sigma lower uncertainty in the 0.6-2.3 keV flux, in units of erg/s/cm2. [ML_FLUX_LOWERR_2]

The 1-sigma upper uncertainty in the 0.6-2.3 keV flux, in units of erg/s/cm2. [ML_FLUX_UPERR_2]

The detection likelihood in 0.6-2.3 keV band, based on PSF-fitting. [DET_LIKE_2]

The background counts, in units of counts/arcmin2, at the source position in the 0.6-2.3 keV band. [ML_BKG_2]

The vignetting-corrected exposure, in seconds, at the source position. [ML_EXP_2]

The enclosed energy fraction in the 0.6-2.3keV band. [ML_EEF_2]

The total raw counts extracted within the aperture in the 0.6-2.3 keV band. [APE_CTS_2]

The background counts expected within the aperture in 0.6-2.3 keV band, excluding nearby sources using the source map. [APE_BKG_2]

The exposure map value in 0.6-2.3 keV band at the given position of the source. [APE_EXP_2]

The extraction radius in pixels in the 0.6-2.3 keV band. The aperture is chosen as a fixed one at 75% of the encircled energy fraction. [APE_RADIUS_2]

The Poisson probability that the observed 0.6-2.3 keV counts within the aperture are produced by random fluctuations of the background. Lower values mean lower chance that background fluctuations are cause for the observed counts and therefore the source is more likely to be an astrophysical source. [APE_POIS_2]

The background-subtracted 2.3-5.0 keV net counts for the source, measured from the count_rate. [ML_CTS_3]

The combined 1-sigma uncertainty in the 2.3-5.0 keV net counts. [ML_CTS_ERR_3]

The 1-sigma lower uncertainty in the 2.3-5.0 keV net counts. [ML_CTS_LOWERR_3]

The 1-sigma upper uncertainty in the 2.3-5.0 keV net counts. [ML_CTS_UPERR_3]

The net count rate for the source in the 2.3-5.0 keV band, based on PSF-fitting. [ML_RATE_3]

The combined 1-sigma uncertainty in the 2.3-5.0 keV net count rate. [ML_RATE_ERR_3]

The 1-sigma lower uncertainty in the 2.3-5.0 keV net count rate. [ML_RATE_LOWERR_3]

The 1-sigma upper uncertainty in the 2.3-5.0 keV net count rate. [ML_RATE_UPERR_3]

The flux of the source in the 2.3-5.0 keV band, in units of erg/s/cm2. The energy conversion factor (ECF; listed in Table 3 of the reference paper) between the count rates and fluxes is based on a power-law model with Gamma=2.0 and the total Galactic absorption column density at source position. [ML_FLUX_3]

The 1-sigma uncertainty in the 2.3-5.0 keV flux, in units of erg/s/cm2. [ML_FLUX_ERR_3]

The 1-sigma lower uncertainty in the 2.3-5.0 keV flux, in units of erg/s/cm2. [ML_FLUX_LOWERR_3]

The 1-sigma upper uncertainty in the 2.3-5.0 keV flux, in units of erg/s/cm2. [ML_FLUX_UPERR_3]

The detection likelihood in 2.3-5.0 keV band, based on PSF-fitting. This catalog includes sources with b3_detect_likelihood >= 12. [DET_LIKE_3]

The background counts, in units of counts/arcmin2, at the source position in the 2.3-5.0 keV band. [ML_BKG_3]

The vignetting-corrected exposure, in seconds, at the source position. [ML_EXP_3]

The enclosed energy fraction in the 2.3-5.0keV band. [ML_EEF_3]

The total raw counts extracted within the aperture in the 2.3-5.0 keV band. [APE_CTS_3]

The background counts expected within the aperture in 2.3-5.0 keV band, excluding nearby sources using the source map. [APE_BKG_3]

The exposure map value in 2.3-5.0 keV band at the given position of the source. [APE_EXP_3]

The extraction radius in pixels in the 2.3-5.0 keV band. The aperture is chosen as a fixed one at 75% of the encircled energy fraction. [APE_RADIUS_3]

The Poisson probability that the observed 2.3-5.0 keV counts within the aperture are produced by random fluctuations of the background. Lower values mean lower chance that background fluctuations are cause for the observed counts and therefore the source is more likely to be an astrophysical source. [APE_POIS_3]

Boolean flag (possible files of 0 or 1) which indicates that the source may lie within an overdense region near supernova remnant. [FLAG_SP_SNR]

Boolean flag (possible files of 0 or 1) which indicates that the source may lie within an overdense region near bright source. [FLAG_SP_BPS]

Boolean flag (possible files of 0 or 1) which indicates that the source may lie within an overdense region near stellar cluster. [FLAG_SP_SCL]

Boolean flag (possible files of 0 or 1) which indicates that the source may lie within an overdense region near local large galaxy. [FLAG_SP_LGA]

Boolean flag (possible files of 0 or 1) which indicates that the source may lie within an overdense region near galaxy cluster. [FLAG_SP_GC_CONS]

Boolean flag (possible files of 0 or 1) which indicates that the source contained no position uncertainty in the pre-processed version of this catalog. FLAG_NO_RADEC_ERR]

Boolean flag (possible files of 0 or 1) which indicates that the source contained no extent error in the pre-processed version of this catalog. [FLAG_NO_EXT_ERR]

Boolean flag (possible files of 0 or 1) which indicates that the source contained no counts error in the pre-processed version of this catalog. [FLAG_NO_CTS_ERR]

Boolean flag (possible files of 0 or 1) which indicates that the source is matched within 15-arcsec of a bright optical star and may be contaminated by optical loading. [FLAG_OPT]

Contact Person

Questions regarding the ERASS1HARD database table can be addressed to the HEASARC Help Desk.
Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Thursday, 19-Sep-2024 13:37:15 EDT