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The INTEGRAL mission provides a large data set for studying the hard X-ray properties of AGN and allows testing the unified scheme for AGN. This table contains some of the results from the analysis of INTEGRAL IBIS/ISGRI, JEM-X, and OMC data for 199 AGN (and 3 clusters of galaxies) that have been reported to be detected by INTEGRAL at energies above 20 keV. The data analyzed therein allowed a significant spectral extraction on 148 objects and optical variability study of 57 AGN. The slopes of the hard X-ray spectra of Seyfert 1 and Seyfert 2 galaxies were found to be consistent within the uncertainties, whereas lower luminosities were measured for the more absorbed/type 2 AGN. The intermediate Seyfert 1.5 objects exhibit hard X-ray spectra consistent with those of Seyfert 1 galaxies. When applying a Compton reflection model, the underlying continua appear still the same in Seyfert 1 and 2 with photon index 2, and the reflection strength is about R = 1, when assuming different inclination angles. A significant correlation is found between the hard X-ray and optical luminosity and the mass of the central black hole, in the sense that the more luminous objects appear to be more massive. There is also a general trend for the absorbed sources and type 2 AGN to have lower Eddington ratios. The black hole mass appears to form a fundamental plane together with the optical and X-ray luminosity of the form LV being proportional to LX0.6 MBH0.2, similar to that found between radio luminosity LR, LX, and MBH. The unified model for Seyfert galaxies seems to hold, showing in hard X-rays that the central engine is the same in Seyfert 1 and 2 but seen under different inclination angles and absorption.

A catalog of 199 IBIS/ISGRI detected AGN is presented. For those 148 objects significantly detected in the data set analyzed here, spectral parameters, fluxes, and luminosities are given. In addition, the photometric table of OMC measurements in the V-band (given for 57 of the AGN) is also included herein.

For objects with more complex spectra, notice, the results of a fit to a cut-off power law model were presented in Table 3 of the reference paper, but are not included in this HEASARC table. The JEM-X spectra of the 23 AGN detected by the X-ray monitor were fit with the IBIS/ISGRI data, and the results of this were presented in Table 4 of the reference paper, but are also not included in this HEASARC table.

Catalog Bibcode



The second INTEGRAL AGN catalogue.
    Beckmann V., Soldi S., Ricci C., Alfonso-Garzon J., Courvoisier T.J.-L.,
    Domingo A., Gehrels N., Lubinski P., Mas-Hesse J.M., Zdziarski A.A.
    <Astron. Astrophys. 505, 417 (2009)>
    =2009A&A...505..417B        (SIMBAD/NED BibCode)


This table was created by the HEASARC in November 2009 based on the electronic version of Tables 1, 2 and 5 from the reference paper which was obtained from the CDS (their catalog J/A+A/505/417 files table1.dat, table2.dat and table5.dat).

HEASARC Implementation

It should be noted that this HEASARC table and the CDS files from which it derives differ from the tabular data as published in the reference paper in a number of respects, including: (1) There are 3 extra objects in this table, all clusters of galaxies, which were not included in the published version; (2) the object referred to as NGC 2992 in the paper version is called "4U 0927-12" herein; (3) the note flags for individual objects, their black hole masses, and the X-ray spectral fits (given in Tables 1 and 2 of the published paper) are not included here; and (4) the 12 objects in the published Table 2 which had IBIS/ISGRI spectral index GammaAPL values for an absorbed power-law model were flagged as 'C' (and for which the results of fits to cut-off power law model were instead presented in Table 3) have actual values for GammaAPL (and their associated errors) listed herein.


The source designation.

The source type classification, coded as follows:

             0   = unknown AGN type
             1.0 = Seyfert type 1
             1.2 = Seyfert type 1.2
             1.5 = Seyfert type 1.5
             2.0 = Seyfert type 2
             3.0 = blazar/BL Lac
             4.0 = galaxy cluster

The redshift of the object.

The Right Ascension of the object in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000.0 coordinates to a precision varying from 10-5 to 10-2 degrees in the original reference Table 1.

The Declination of the object in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000.0 coordinates to a precision varying from 10-5 to 10-2 degrees in the original reference Table 1.

The Galactic Longitude of the object.

The Galactic Latitude of the object.

The effective ISGRI exposure time, in seconds (s), for the object.

The effective JEM-X exposure time, in seconds (s), for the object.

The logarithm of the mass of the central black hole (log MBH) in the object, in solar masses. The references from which these masses were obtained are noted in the original reference Table 1.

The upper 1-sigma error in log MBH.

The lower 1-sigma error in log MBH.

The method which was used to derive log MBH, coded as discussed in Section 2.1 of the reference paper.

The IBIS/ISGRI 18-60 keV band detection significance (number of sigma) for the object.

The intrinsic absorption (column density) to the object, in H atoms cm-2, as taken from the literature. In cases where no absorption information was found, Swift/XRT and XMM-Newton data were analyzed by the authors in order to determine the level of the absorption. The actual column density used in the XSPEC spectral fitting to the IBIS/ISGRI spectrum was the sum of the intrinsic and the Galactic column densities.

The observed 20 - 40 keV band flux of the object, in erg cm-2 s-1, as determined from the best-fit absorbed power-law (APL) model. For the 12 objects where a cut-off power-law (CPL) model gave a significantly better fit to the ISGRI data (Mrk 348, NGC 4151, NGC 4388, NGC 4507, NGC 4593, NGC 4945, 4U 1344-60, IC 4329A, Circinus Galaxy, GRS 1734-292, IGR J17488-3253, and IGR J21247+5058: full spectral fit details given in Table 3 and Appendix A of the reference paper) the quoted fluxes are based on this CPL model instead.

The observed 40 - 100 keV band flux of the object, in erg cm-2 s-1, as determined from the best-fit absorbed power-law (APL) model. For the 12 objects where a cut-off power-law (CPL) model gave a significantly better fit to the ISGRI data (Mrk 348, NGC 4151, NGC 4388, NGC 4507, NGC 4593, NGC 4945, 4U 1344-60, IC 4329A, Circinus Galaxy, GRS 1734-292, IGR J17488-3253, and IGR J21247+5058: full spectral fit details given in Table 3 and Appendix A of the reference paper) the quoted fluxes are based on this CPL model instead.

The photon index, GammaAPL, of the best-fit absorbed power-law model to the IBIS/ISGRI spectrum of the object, found using XSPEC version 11.3.2. When the ISGRI significance was below 5 sigma, the photon index was fixed at GammaAPL = 2.0.

The upper 1-sigma error in the photon index, GammaAPL, of the best-fit absorbed power-law model to the IBIS/ISGRI spectrum.

The lower 1-sigma error in the photon index, GammaAPL, of the best-fit absorbed power-law model to the IBIS/ISGRI spectrum.

The logarithm of the 20 - 100 keV energy band luminosity of the object, in erg s-1.

The median OMC Johnson V-band magnitude of the object (available for 57 of the ~ 200 objects). The V filter is centered on 5500 Angstroms, and has as an effective width of 890 Angstroms.

The average of the error estimates (1-sigma) of the V-band magnitude for each photometric point given by INTEGRAL OSA 7.

The logarithm of the V-Band luminosity of the object, in erg s-1.

The optical to X-ray spectral index Alphaox between the V band and the hard X-ray band. Alphaox is measured as the slope of a power law between these two energy ranges, i.e., Alphaox = -log(fo/fx)/log(Nuo/Nux), where fo and fx are the monochromatic fluxes at the frequencies Nuo (5500 Angstroms) and Nux (20 keV), respectively.

The number of OMC photometric points used in the analysis.

This flag parameter is set to 1 to indicate the potential contamination of the V-band photometry by the presence of a nearby star; a value of 0 means that there is no contamination problem.

The HEASARC Browse object classification based on the value of the source_type parameter. Notice that entries with source_type values of 1.2 (meaning Seyfert 1.2) have been given class values corresponding to Seyfert 1.0.

Contact Person

Questions regarding the INTAGNCAT database table can be addressed to the HEASARC Help Desk.
Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:29:10 EDT