...rbnrmf) 3.1
Please do not forget to rebin the background spectra as well with the FTOOL rbnpha, if you are going to use the data taken from blank sky fields for background.
Note that this is suggested only for experimental purposes, and ASCA GOF cannot endorse the results obtained as a result of artificial gain adjustments.
... GIS33.3
You may use the addascaspec script for that. See §8.10 for detail.
... at3.4
This file was made with the FTOOL rbnrmf with the following command from the 1024 channel RMF: rbnrmf infile=gis3v4_0.rmf nchan=128 cmpmode=linear outfile=gis3v4_0_128ch.rmf
... files4.1
A better name would have been Residual Dark Level map, since RDD originally referred to the spectral distribution of Dark Levels over the entire chip, whereas these maps are the spatial distribution of Dark Levels.
... files8.1
As of January 2000, xrt_ea_v2_0.fits (effective area) and xrt_psf_v2_0.fits (point spread function) are the latest.
... screening8.2
This is possible since bit-assignment is written in the GIS spectral file keywords (copied from the event file header; see §3.4) which ascaarf checks.
... distribution8.3
If there are significant spectral variation within the region of interest, spectral analysis based on the concept of ARF is no long valid. See also §10.7.
Note that the background spectra do not have to have the same detector region or exposure time as the source spectra, as addascaspec automatically normalized the exposure time and detector region (§8.10.3).
... file8.5
Cross-check that this spectrum is almost identical to the ``pha0'' spectrum corpileup outputs.