SIS: Castor/YY Gem
Image Credit: Dr. Eric V. Gotthelf, USRA/GSFC/NASA
ASCA SIS images of the Castor/YY Gem multiple star system, separated
by ~70 arcsec. The bottom row shows the smoothed images, while the
top row shows the reconstructed images, after taking out most of the
blurring caused by the ASCA mirrors using the Lucy-Richardson method.
Normally (middle column), YY Gem is much brighter than Castor in X-rays.
However, we observed flares from YY Gem (right) and Castor (left);
during the latter, Castor became brighter than YY Gem.
This file was last modified on Tuesday, 29-May-2001 16:18:36 EDT
Michael Arida (SP Sys);
HEASARC Guest Observer Facility
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