Recent ASCA Publications
"ASCA Observations of the Spectrum of the X-Ray Background" K.C. Gendreau, R. Mushotzky, A.C. Fabian, S.S. Holt, T. Kii, P.J. Serlemitsos, Y. Ogasaka, Y. Tanaka, M.W. Bautz, Y. Fukazawa, Y. Ishisaki, Y. Kohmura, K. Makishima, M. Tashiro, Y. Tsusaka, H. Kunieda, G.R. Ricker, and R.K. Vanderspek. PASJ 47, L5.
"The X-Ray Telescope on board ASCA" P.J. Serlemitsos, L. Jalota, Y. Soong, H. Kunieda, Y. Tawara, Y. Tsusaka, H. Suzuki, Y. Sakima, T. Yamazaki, H. Yoshioka, A. Furuazwa, K. Yamashita, H. Awaki, M. Itoh, Y. Ogasaka, H. Honda, and Y. Uchibori. PASJ 47, 105.
"New Transient X-Ray Source in the Scutum Region Discovered with ASCA" S. Yamauchi, T. Aoki, K. Hayashida, H. Kaneda, K. Koyama, M. Sugizaki, Y. Tanaka, H. Tomida, and Y. Tsuboi. PASJ 47, 189.
"Orbital Perid Changes of Cygnus X-3" S. Kitamoto, A. Hirano, K. Kenji, S. Miyamoto, F. Nagase, N.E. White, A.P. Smale, Y. Soong, M. Matsuoka, N. Kawai, and A. Yoshida. PASJ 47, 233.
"The Spectrum and Pulses of 1E2259+586 from ASCA and BBXRT Observations" R.H.D. Corbet, A.P. Smale, M. Ozaki, K. Koyama, and K. Iwasawa. ApJ 443, 786.
"ASCA Observations of th eLarge Magellanic Cloud Supernova Remnant Sample: Typing Supernovae From Their Remnants" J.P. Hughes, I. Hayashi, D. Helfand, U. Hwang, M. Itoh, R. Kirshner, K. Koyama, T. Markert, H. Tsunemi, and J. Woo. ApJ 444, L81.
"A Study of Coronal X-Ray Emission from Short-Period Algol Binaries" K.P. Singh, S.A. Drake, N.E. White. ApJ 445, 840.
"Neon Line Emission in the X-ray Spectrum of the Pulsar 4U 1626-67" L. Angelini, N.E. White, F. Nagase, T.R. Kallman, A. Yoshida, T. Takeshima, C. Becker and F. Paerels. ApJ 449, L41.
"Gravitaionally Redshifted Emission Implying ann Accretion Disk and Massive Black Hole in the Active Galaxy MCG-6-30-15" Y. Tanaka, K. Nandra, A.C. Fabian, H. Inoue, C. Otani, T. Dotani, K. Hayashida, K. Iwasawa, T. Kii, H. Kunieda, F. Makino, and M. Matsuoka. Nature 375, 659.