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The ADDMAP program may normally be run from any EGRET cluster directory in a windowing environment. The user should type:
This is the simplest way to execute the program. However, it is recommended to 'nice' the program which will give it a lower priority and prevent excessive slow down of the system. In addition, the program should be run in background to free up the window. The program's priority is an integer between 0 (highest) and 20 (lowest). Once the program is running, its priority may be found with the top or ps -aux command. Here are other ways to run the ADDMAP


Running the program in background with a lower priority

nice +priority addmap &
Changing the programs' priority
renice priority processid
Running the program if the path isn't set
Suspending execution
Resuming execution
Another program feature is the ability to bypass the input phase which is useful when a windowing environment is not accessible. To do that, the user should edit an existing namelist file (named namelist.add) and put it in the current directory. Then the command
nice +priority addmap -s &
should be executed. Caution should be used in that case because the window error checking is bypassed. However, the namelist file should be fairly easy to modify because of the limited input required. See the appendix for a description of the variables.

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