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The user input are performed through XView windows which allows for
full-screen input, and runs in a user-friendly manner.
The user is required to identify the input
counts map to be used in generating the output maps by simply clicking on
a file in the scrollable list. Note that only the counts files from the
FITS directory are included in the list. For each energy level of the input
map, the user specifies a spectral index and a scaling factor. The default
scaling factors for each viewing period are stored in a file normally under
EGRET_PROGRAMS/sequence/scale.factor. The default spectral indexes are
hardcoded to 2.1. If the corresponding exposure maps already exist, the user
must specify whether to reuse or overwrite it. If the file is to be reused,
then the scaling factor input is disabled since it is irrelevant.
The program also needs other user input which are not shown in the window
but written in the namelist file because they are expected to be seldom
changed. They are related to the ACS
sensitivity passed on to the sensitivity routines. These values are not
used at present but need to be in the namelist since they are read by the
program. The wall distance needed by the SENSTV1 routine is read from
the SAGE namelist normally found in MISC_DIR/pdbpre.cntl.name2.
The user need not be concerned with these input at all.
The INTMAP program uses 1 input window shown in figure 1 (larger).
Figure 1:
INTMAP Input Window
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