&USERIN POINT=100.00,0.00, COORDS='GALA', SPECIN=2.10 PTIME=90, EVCLAS=1, SFACT=0.91000, ZENMAX=85.18, ENERGY=30, 100, OUTFLG=T, USTIME=12,01,1992,17,39,50,, UETIME=12,22,1992,12,21,55,, EXPHST='/analysis1/data/exphst/exphst.v01p0000', &END POINT(2) : Coordinates of the input point (RA/long, DEC/lat) COORDS : Coordinate system to use ('CELE' or 'GALA') SPECIN : Spectral index PTIME : Interval in minutes to print the intermediate exposures EVCLAS : Event class (1:all, 2:class A, 3:class B, 4:class C, 5:class A or C) SFACT : Scaling factor to apply to the exposure ZENMAX : Earth cutoff angle ENERGY(2): Energy range (min, max) OUTFLG : Generate output binary file flag (T: generate file) USTIME(7): Start time (month, day, year, hour, min, sec, mil) USTIME(7): End time (month, day, year, hour, min, sec, mil) EXPHST : Generic name of the exposure history fileAfter the namelist is modified, the program is executed with
nice +priority ptexpo -s &