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Namelist Description

The program may be run by editing the namelist file and bypassing the input phase. This is particularly useful if a windowing environment is not available. However, the normal error checking of the input program is also skipped so care should be exercised. The namelist file is named namelist.pte and should reside in the current directory. A sample namelist file is shown below and the meaning of each variable is given.
   POINT=100.00,0.00,  COORDS='GALA',  SPECIN=2.10   PTIME=90,
   EVCLAS=1,  SFACT=0.91000,  ZENMAX=85.18,  ENERGY=30, 100,  OUTFLG=T,

POINT(2) : Coordinates of the input point (RA/long, DEC/lat)
COORDS   : Coordinate system to use ('CELE' or 'GALA')
SPECIN   : Spectral index
PTIME    : Interval in minutes to print the intermediate exposures
EVCLAS   : Event class (1:all, 2:class A, 3:class B, 4:class C, 5:class A or C)
SFACT    : Scaling factor to apply to the exposure
ZENMAX   : Earth cutoff angle
ENERGY(2): Energy range (min, max)
OUTFLG   : Generate output binary file flag (T: generate file)
USTIME(7): Start time (month, day, year, hour, min, sec, mil)
USTIME(7): End time (month, day, year, hour, min, sec, mil)
EXPHST   : Generic name of the exposure history file
After the namelist is modified, the program is executed with
nice +priority ptexpo -s &
