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User's Guide to SPECTRAL


SPECTRAL is a program for analyzing the energy spectra of point sources. The user chooses the form of the model that is to be fitted to the observed spectrum. The program then calculates the best fit of the model to the data. SPECTRAL is actually a shell which manages two main programs. One calculates a matrix that represents the response of EGRET to an incident spectrum; this part is called SPECMAT. SPECNLYZ uses this matrix in calculating the most likely incident flux.

Changes from version 2.2 to 2.3 (March 1993)

Changes from version 2.1 to 2.2 (January 1993)

Changes from version 2.0 to 2.1 (August 1992).

Changes from version 1.0 (January 1991) to 2.0 (May 1992).

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