Please send us your comments and suggestions regarding the HEASARC Cookbook. HEASARC Cookbook(version 0.9) The cookbook is divided into two main sections: These two sections address the topics listed below. Finding and Downloading DataWhat data are available at the HEASARC? Which X-ray satellites have looked at my favorite source? Which satellite can do the science I'm interested in? How do I download data from the HEASARC? Can I look at standard data products or quick-look data products for the observation I'm interested in without downloading the data and analysis tools? How do I decrypt data found in the HEASARC archive? Analyzing DataWhere can I find out about the basics of X-ray astronomy? What format are HEASARC data files in? What software will I need to do my data analysis? How do I get started in X-ray or gamma-ray data analysis? How to I extract a spectrum and analyze it? How to I extract a light curve and analyze it? How to I extract an image and analyze it? How do I do anything with these "event lists"? How do I convert X-ray flux/energy/etc. units to those used in my field? HEASARC Home | Observatories | Archive | Calibration | Software | Tools | Students/Teachers/Public Last modified: Wednesday, 01-Dec-2021 18:00:31 EST |