Spectra have been extracted from either the cleaned, background subtracted and attitude corrected data cubes ( GINGALAC database) or the cleaned, background subtracted data cubes ( GINGABGD database), and are integrated over the entire observation interval. The top- and mid-layers are treated separately within both databases. Where the background subtracted LAC 2-10 keV count rate exceeds counts sec-1, both layers are simultaneously fit to simple absorbed power-law and thermal bremsstrahlung models. Plots of the spectra and best-fit models are available within both databases (see figure 5) as are the results of the fits with their errors. In addition, the top-layer spectra are fitted to power-law and thermal bremsstrahlung models with and without a narrow (intrinsic width much less than the energy resolution of keV) Gaussian emission line at -7 keV. As for the joint fits, plots of the best-fit models and results of the fits are available in the databases. If the presence of an emission line is significant at the 95% level (determined by an F-test), then the best-fit emission line parameters are also written to the database.
The spectral files within the GINGALAC database can be used to make more detailed fits to the data than has been performed in the pipeline. The spectra within the GINGABGD database can be used in two ways. First, the spectra can be used as a measure of Galactic emission at low latitudes ( ) where this is not already taken into account (e.g. when background data is taken from observations at high Galactic latitudes as is always the case with the universal background subtraction technique). Second, to provide spectra of serendipitous sources in the Ginga background fields of view. The format of the spectral files follows the OGIP FITS conventions (Arnaud, George & Tennant 1995) and these files can be used within the XSPEC spectral fitting package, which is part of the XANADU suite of software.