Description | GINGALAC | GINGABGD | File Format | |
Top-layer and mid-layer spectra | Yes | Yes | FITS/GIF | |
Top-layer and mid-layer response matrices | Yes | Yes | FITS | |
Cleaned data cube | Yes | Yes | HDS | |
Background subtracted data cube | Yes | Yes | HDS | |
Attitude corrected data cube | Yes | No | HDS | |
Background subtracted top-layer lightcurves | Yes | Yes | FITS/GIF | |
Background subtracted mid-layer lightcurves | Yes | Yes | FITS/GIF | |
Plots of the 20-35 keV top- and mid-layer spectra for all | Yes | Yes | GIF | |
detectors in use | ||||
Plot of SUDa versus time | Yes | Yes | GIF | |
Plot of PI_MONIb versus SUD | Yes | Yes | GIF | |
Plot of YELEVc versus top-layer count rate in PHA | Yes | Yes | GIF | |
channel 4 | ||||
Plot of SUD versus top-layer count rate | No | Yes | GIF | |
Plot of DELTXZd versus top-layer count rate | No | Yes | GIF | |
Plots of top- and mid-layer count rates, SUD and SOL2e | Yes | No | GIF | |
rates, DELTXZ offset and transmission versus time | ||||
Plots of top- and mid-layer count rates, SUD and SOL2 rates, | No | Yes | GIF | |
and DELTXZ offset versus time | ||||
Plot of best-fit absorbed power-law model to both layers | Yes | Yes | GIF | |
Plot of best-fit absorbed power-law model to top-layer | Yes | Yes | GIF | |
Plot of best-fit absorbed power-law plus Gaussian | Yes | Yes | GIF | |
emission line model to top-layer | ||||
Plot of best-fit absorbed bremsstrahlung model to both | Yes | Yes | GIF | |
layers | ||||
Plot of best-fit absorbed bremsstrahlung model to | Yes | Yes | GIF | |
top-layer | ||||
Plot of best-fit absorbed bremsstrahlung plus Gaussian | Yes | Yes | GIF | |
emission line model to top-layer | ||||
Summary of the spectral fit results | Yes | Yes | ASCII | |
aSurplus above Upper Discriminator; LAC counts above 24 keV.
bPhysical Instrument count rate; Particle background monitor.
cAngle between the satellite pointing direction and the Earth's
dAngle between the observed pointing direction and the nominal
pointing direction.
eSOLid state electron monitor; soft electron counter.