ASCAXRT Calibration Files: 19991111

The CALDB Index File lists the contents of each CalDB file.

Instrument DETNAM FILTER File Quality Last Updated CODE Description
XRT4 NONE NONE psf_sm2_02_05.fits 0 14/02/95 2D_PSF Smoothed XRT PSF for theta= 1.8 arcmin, phi= 5.0 deg and E= 1- 2 keV
XRT3 NONE NONE psf_sm2_04_10.fits 0 14/02/95 2D_PSF Smoothed XRT PSF for theta= 3.8 arcmin, phi=10.0 deg and E=10-12 keV
XRT4 NONE NONE psf_sm2_06_09.fits 0 14/02/95 2D_PSF Smoothed XRT PSF for theta= 6.0 arcmin, phi= 9.0 deg and E=10-12 keV
XRT2 NONE NONE psf_sm2_06_19.fits 0 14/02/95 2D_PSF Smoothed XRT PSF for theta= 6.0 arcmin, phi=19.0 deg and E= 1- 2 keV
XRT3 NONE NONE psf_sm2_08_35.fits 0 14/02/95 2D_PSF Smoothed XRT PSF for theta= 8.1 arcmin, phi=35.0 deg and E=10-12 keV
XRT4 NONE NONE psf_sm2_13_00.fits 0 14/02/95 2D_PSF Smoothed XRT PSF for theta=13.0 arcmin, phi= 0.0 deg and E=10-12 keV
XRT3 NONE NONE psf_sm2_13_22.fits 0 14/02/95 2D_PSF Smoothed XRT PSF for theta=13.0 arcmin, phi=22.0 deg and E= 1- 2 keV
XRT3 NONE NONE psf_sm2_13_40.fits 0 14/02/95 2D_PSF Smoothed XRT PSF for theta=13.0 arcmin, phi=40.0 deg and E=10-12 keV
XRT4 NONE NONE psf_sm2_17_00.fits 0 14/02/95 2D_PSF Smoothed XRT PSF for theta=17.0 arcmin, phi= 0.0 deg and E=10-12 keV
XRT2 NONE NONE psf_sm2_17_18.fits 0 14/02/95 2D_PSF Smoothed XRT PSF for theta=17.0 arcmin, phi=18.0 deg and E= 1- 2 keV
XRT4 NONE NONE psf_sm2_17_39.fits 0 14/02/95 2D_PSF Smoothed XRT PSF for theta=17.0 arcmin, phi=39.0 deg and E=10-12 keV
XRT1 NONE NONE xrt_ea_v2_0.fits 0 10/06/96 EFFAREA XRT Effective Area from Nagoya ray-tracing (version 1.3?)
XRT3 NONE NONE xrt_psf_v2_0.fits 0 10/06/96 RPSF XRT Radial Point-Spread-Function dataset from Nagoya ray-tracing

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Last modified: Wednesday, 20-Oct-2021 08:57:49 EDT