NICER Guide for Cycle 5 Budget Proposals

Phase 2 (Budget) Proposal Deadline

U.S. PIs of successful Phase 1 proposals may be invited to submit a Phase 2 (budget) proposal. These invitations will be subject to availability of funding, and based on the proposal rankings as assigned by the Phase 1 peer review process.

Subject to acceptance of the associated Phase 2 cost submission, proposals for standard observations (excluding proposals involving time-constrained observations) assigned a Category A rating will be eligible for funding immediately. Due to the uncertainty of their execution, the remaining accepted Phase 2 proposals will become eligible for funding only after the proposed observations have been carried out. US co-Is on proposals with non-US PIs are not eligible for funding. Phase 2 (budget) proposals are submitted through NASA's NSPIRES system.


The Phase 2 budget proposal deadline for NICER Cycle 5 is February 23, 2023 at 4:30pm ET.

Phase 2 Proposals for Awarded Time Critical or Target of Opportunity Observations

US PIs of proposals with TC, or ToO observations are invited to submit a budget proposal by the deadline given above. However, the PIs of these programs will not receive funding until a target from their program is observed.

As with all NASA ROSES proposals, final institutional submission is required. Please leave enough time for your institutional process. If your institution requires a NASA grant solicitation number, it is NNH22ZDA001N-NICER.

Phase 2 Proposal Submission Process

To submit a Stage 2 proposal, follow these basic steps:

  1. Log on to NSPIRES. If you do not have an NSPIRES account, you will need to create one and affiliate with your institution.
  2. On your NSPIRES home page, click on "Proposals/NOIs."
  3. Click the "▸Create Proposal from Solicitation" button.
  4. Select "NICER Guest Observer - Cycle 5" (NNH22ZDA001N-NICER)
  5. Enter proposal information and your institutional affiliation.
  6. When proposal elements are complete, use the "Release to Org" button to release the proposal to your institutional proposal office.
  7. Your institutional proposal office must then perform the final proposal submission.
A Phase 2 cost proposal consists of:
  1. Cover page (via NSPIRES forms)
  2. The abstract (via NSPIRES forms)
  3. The budget justification (12pt minimum font with reasonable margins), not to exceed two pages, including: a) a breakdown of the work assignments for all funded investigators, b) any major purchases including workstations, c) proposed scientific travel, d) publication costs, and e) any cost sharing applied to this project
  4. Confirmation of commitment (via NSPIRES forms) from any unfunded but essential personnel and from any necessary observing facilities on which time is not granted through the NICER proposal review process
  5. A listing of any current and pending support
  6. A budget prepared according to the guidelines of the PI or Co-I institution, detailing the requested itemized expenditures
  7. All required government certifications
  8. A 1-2 page CV for each PI or Co-I requesting support.

Grant Reporting Requirements

Information on the expected reporting requirements for a NICER grant can be found on the NICER Grant Reporting page. The technical officer responsible for grant reporting is Keith Gendreau.

If you have any questions concerning NICER or the NICER GO program, visit the Feedback form.

Last modified: Wednesday, 04-Jan-2023 15:45:34 EST