NICER / ISS Science Nugget
for December 5, 2024
An X-ray view of the closest known source of repeating fast radio bursts
Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are short-duration, coherent radio flashes that are produced by unknown astrophysical objects located in distant galaxies. Uncovering the origins of FRBs is a major goal of modern astrophysics. Although numerous models have been proposed to explain FRBs, those involving magnetars are currently most favored. Magnetars are young neutron stars with enormous magnetic fields (< 1014 Gauss, where the Earth's field strength is about 1 Gauss). The decay or sudden rearrangement of these large magnetic fields often leads to a wide variety of high-energy phenomena, including giant flares, intermediate flares, and short X-ray bursts. A strong link between FRBs and magnetars was established on 28 April 2020 when an FRB-like radio burst was detected from the magnetar SGR 1935+2154, in our own Galaxy, using the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME) and STARE2 radio telescopes. A short X-ray burst was also detected simultaneously with this FRB-like burst from SGR 1935, suggesting that some FRBs may be produced by magnetars in other galaxies, and their X-ray emission could be detectable if they are relatively nearby.
In a peer-reviewed paper recently published in Nature Astronomy, A. Pearlman (McGill Univ., Canada) and collaborators describe results from a coordinated X-ray and radio observing campaign of the closest known extragalactic repeating FRB source, FRB 20200120E. In the outskirts of the M81 galaxy, FRB 20200120E resides in a 10 billion-year-old globular cluster - a location that challenges conventional models invoking young magnetars as the source of FRBs, since it is expected that there are no longer any massive stars in such a globular cluster that could form young magnetars via supernovae. Using sensitive X-ray (NICER, Chandra, NuSTAR, and ESA's XMM-Newton) and radio (Effelsberg and CHIME) telescopes, the Pearlman et al. study has placed the deepest X-ray luminosity limits on an FRB source to date in the soft X-ray band, for both persistent and prompt (i.e., coinciding with radio bursts) emission. The new X-ray burst energy limits are four orders of magnitude more constraining than the best previous limits. These prompt X-ray limits rule out an association between FRB 20200120E and magnetar-like giant flares, an SGR 1935-like intermediate flare, and ultra-luminous X-ray bursts (a class of unknown objects that produce bright X-ray bursts and have been traced to other extragalactic globular clusters). Other magnetar-like X-ray events, including some bright intermediate flares and short X-ray bursts, are also excluded based on the results of this study. Additionally, Pearlman et al. rule out scenarios involving ultra-luminous X-ray binaries or a young neutron star embedded in a Crab Nebula-like remnant based on their persistent X-ray limits from FRB 20200120E.
This study marks the first time many of these scenarios have been ruled out for an FRB source, thanks to major contributions from NICER. The study brings us a step closer to uncovering the types of sources responsible for FRB emissions. Pearlman et al. discuss the prospects for detecting X-ray emission from other FRB sources, using existing and planned X-ray telescopes, and show that future observations with NICER will greatly aid in illuminating the origins of FRBs.
Left: X-ray burst energy limits between 0.5 and 10 keV photon energy at the times of radio bursts from FRBs 20200120E, 20121102A, and 20180916B. The red and black curves show 3-sigma limits obtained with NICER and XMM-Newton, respectively, coincident with radio events from FRB 20200120E. The colored dashed and dotted curves correspond to a variety of fiducial spectral models, for comparison. The X-ray burst energy limits from FRB 20200120E are four orders of magnitude deeper than the limits from FRB 20180916B and FRB 20121102A. (Credit: Pearlman et al. 2024)
Right: Total burst energy ("fluence") distributions of potential X-ray transients from the distance of FRB 20200120E (3.63 Mpc, or 12 million light-years) in the 0.5Ð10 keV energy band, compared with the best prompt X-ray fluence limit from FRB 20200120E obtained using NICER (vertical magenta line). The red, green, blue, and orange histograms show the fluence distributions, respectively, of magnetar giant flares, magnetar intermediate flares, magnetar short bursts, and type I bursts from X-ray binaries containing neutron stars. Vertical dashed black lines indicate the fluences of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) believed to be associated with giant flares from extragalactic magnetars. The grey rectangle shows the range of fluences for ultra-luminous X-ray bursts (ULXBs) detected from nearby galaxies, and the shaded brown region corresponds to the range of fluences from "giant" (type II) binary outbursts. The vertical dashed red line shows the computed fluence of the X-ray burst associated with the FRB-like radio burst from SGR 1935+2154 in April 2020, if it were emitted from the location of FRB 20200120E. Transient emission with fluences greater than the vertical magenta line are ruled out for FRB 20200120E, based on simultaneous NICER observations during bright radio bursts. (Credit: Pearlman et al. 2024)
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