ROSAT Acronyms & Abbreviations
- AO: Announcement of Opportunity
- AMCS: Attitude Measurement & Control System
- BMFT: Bundeministerium fur Forschung und Technologie
- CEM: Channel Electron Multiplier
- CDHS: Command & Data Handling System
- FITS: Flexible Image Transport System
- fov: Field-of-view
- GOF: Guest Observer Facility
- GSFC: Goddard Space Flight Center
- GSOC: German Space Operations Center (Weilheim, Germany)
- HEW: Half Energy Width
- HRI: High Resolution Imager
- HV: High Voltage
- IUC: International User's Committee
- LHEA: Laboratory for High Energy Astrophysics (at NASA/GSFC)
- MCP: Microchannel Plate
- MDR: Master Data Record (raw data from GSOC)
- MJD: Modified Julian Day
- PE: Max-Planck-Institute (fur Extraterrestrische Physik)
- NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- OGIP: Office of Guest Investigator Programs (at NASA/GSFC)
- PI: Principal Investigator, or Pulse Invariant
- PROS: Post Reduction Off-line Software
- PSPC: Position Sensitive Proportional Counter
- PVC: Performance Verification & Calibration (phase)
- ROR: ROSAT Observation Request
- SAA: South Atlantic Anomaly
- SAAD1 & SAAD2: South Atlantic Anomaly Detectors 1 & 2
- SAO: Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
- SASS: Standard Analysis Processing System
- SERC: Science and Engineering Research Council (UK)
- STC1 & STC2: XRT Star Trackers 1 & 2
- UT: Universal Time
- WFC: Wide-Field Camera
- V&V: Verification & Validation (of SASS products)
- WFC: Wide Field Camera
- XMA: XRT Mirror Assembly
- XRT: X-ray Telescope
- XUV: Extreme Ultraviolet
HEASARC Guest Observer Facility
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