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Up: Flux conversions
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It is important to note that it can be extremely difficult to make accurate
count rate predictions for the WFC,
principally because it operates in the XUV, a waveband largely unexplored
to date and in which absorption is very important. The following general
considerations should be borne in mind before attempting
any feasibility calculations:
- Observations in the XUV are extremely sensitive to absorption
in the inter-stellar medium (ISM). This is illustrated in
Figure 12.2
which shows the mean free path (i.e.,
distance for
) as a function of wavelength for an assumed mean ISM
hydrogen number density
(e.g., Paresce, 1984, AJ, 89, 1022), corresponding to
a column density
is the
source distance in parsec. At 125 eV (
Å) the mean
free path is
pc, but it falls below 10 pc for E < 40 eV
Å). A detailed discussion of the ISM
density distribution is
inappropriate here, but it should be noted that it shows considerable
spatial variation. Although there may be
directions for which the mean column density
is lower than assumed for
Figure 12.2
, there are certainly directions with
substantially higher
. - The predicted count rate for the WFC is relatively sensitive to the
form of the spectrum assumed. This presents problems if the
appropriate spectral form is not known, since in the XUV band the differences
between simplified spectral models (e.g., approximate thermal bremsstrahlung
or black-body distributions described by only 2 parameters) and the `correct'
description (e.g., detailed optically thin spectra or model atmospheres)
can be much larger than at higher photon energies. Any predictions based
on simple spectral models should therefore be treated with some caution.
- Given these complications, it should be clear that simple extrapolations
of results obtained at higher energies (e.g., with Einstein or EXOSAT)
to the WFC band can be very misleading. Section 12.5
some guidance on this point.
The conversion factors given in this section apply only to on-axis sources. For
off-axis sources the WFC vignetting (Figure 5.3
) will reduce the
predicted count rate (although this is probably negligible for prediction
purposes), and the degradation of the point source response (see
§ 12.8
and Figures 5.4
and 5.5
will increase the minimum detectable
count rate (§ 12.2
since a larger
size is implied (note however that the point source
response is approximately constant within a radius of 1 degree from the centre
of the field of view).
Next: Count rate predictions for
Up: Flux conversions
Previous: Flux conversions
Michael Arida
Tue Jun 11 16:18:41 EDT 1996