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- In the Co-investigator item of this form the
co-investigators of the proposed research should be identified;
please have no more than six Co-investigators. Additional Co-investigators
should be put on separate sheets, but will not be entered into the
data base system.
- The Institute Endorsement item provides space for
the signatures of the institution authorising and supporting the
proposed research project.
- In the PI declaration item every proposer is
asked to state that his/her proposal has been submitted
to only one agency (NASA, SERC, BMFT) in the spirit of the rules
described in § 8.1.1
. If the same or a similar proposal is
submitted by the same or a similar group of individuals to more
than one agency, it will not be considered for scheduling.
Michael Arida
Tue Jun 11 16:18:41 EDT 1996