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Purpose: To combine all of the count, modelled background counts, exposure map, and mask into final surface-brightness images. If a mask was used in RATE and CAST_SSX, it need not be used here.
File Input:
1) Observation data set fits files - none
2) Other fixed input - after the band has been selected, the program
reads in the appropriate cast count (b_n.fits), background (ssx_n.fits,
lte_n.fits, partin.fits, partex1.fits, partex2.fits, and partap.fits),
and exposure (expose_n.fits) maps. A mask is also used. This can
either be the exposure map if the entire field is desired or an added
selection such as the point-source mask created by the program DETECT.
Interactive Input:
1) PSPC detector selection - 1 for PSPC C, 2 for PSPC B.
2) Gain control - 1 for high gain, 2 for low gain.
3) Band range - the range of bands to be combined for the final image
(i.e., 2 2 will produce band R2, 4 5 will produce band R45 as a 3/4 keV
band, and 8 2 will produce band R1L2, 4 7 will produce band R47 covering
bands R4, R5, R6, and R7).
4) Afterpulse control - 1 to add the afterpulse component, 0 not to.
This parameter is only queried for if the R1 or R1L band is used.
5) Mask image - enter image to use as a mask. Enter a carriage return to
use the exposure map.
Ascii Output:
A QDP file,
radial_n.qdp where n is the band or band range, is also produced of the
radial profile of the image. The utility of the radial profile depends
upon the intrinsic structure of the field and the removal of point sources.
For instance, the 1/4 keV band radial profile of the M101 image after
point-source exclusion is sharply peaked at the center, and flat for
off-axis angles greater than . The flat part of the distribution
indicates the surface brightness of the cosmic background plus residual
LTE contamination.
Screen Output
Average count rate and count rate uncertainty for the selected (unmasked)
region of the image. This count rate derived with a completely unmasked
(exposure map entered as the mask in input 5) above) can be compared to the
all-sky survey value to determine an estimate of the level of the residual
long-term enhancement contamination.
Image Output:
Fits files of the final images, particle background, and total
non-cosmic background (for use in the adaptive filter smoothing program ADAPT).
The files rate_n.fits and sig_n.fits (where n is the band number or range)
contain count rate and count rate uncertainty (in units of
counts s arcmin ) for the full image.
The files rate_bin_n.fits and sig_bin_n.fits contain the same thing except
that the data have been binned by 16 in each dimension. The file
part_n.fits contains the particle background and the file back_n.fits
contains an image of the total background counts.