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Purpose: To smooth the full images with an adaptive
filtering algorithm. For each unmasked pixel, the program will include
neighboring pixels within a circle of increasing radius until a selected
number of counts is reached. The original pixel is then given the average
surface brightness for the pixels within the circle.
File Input:
1) Fixed input - after the band range has been selected, the
counts_n.fits, back_n.fits, off_n.fits, and expose_n.fits for the bands
``n'' (counts.fits, back.fits, off.fits, and expose.fits for HRI data).
Interactive Input:
1) Number of counts for adaptive filter.
2) Fractional limit for mask - ADAPT will find the average
non-zero value for the mask and exclude all pixels where the mask
value is less than the fractional limit multiplied by the average value.
3) Binning factor - ADAPT will bin by 1, 2, or 4 pixels in each dimension
before smoothing, as selected by 1, 2, and 4, respectively.
4) Band range to be smoothed - the range of bands to be smoothed for
the image (i.e., ``2 2'' will smooth band R2, ``4 5'' will smooth band R45,
and ``8 2'' will smooth band R1L2). Enter ``0 0'' for HRI data.
5) Mask image - enter image to use as a mask. Enter the exposure map to
include all of the data.
Image Output:
Fits file adapt_n.fits where n is the band or band range, of
the smoothed image. The file contains the count rate in units of
counts s arcmin