G 109.1-1.0

This superposition of a ROSAT image with optical photographs from the Palomar observatory shows, in
the middle, the explosion remnant (bluish) of a star which lost its life about 13,000 years ago in a supernova, nestled
among the luminous gas and dark dust clouds of the Milky Way. The two million-degree semicircular explosion cloud
radiates mainly X-rays and is barely detectable in the optical band. The remaining bulk of gas as well as the countless
stars shine mainly in the visible light and are rendered here in most probable natural colours. The supernova remnant
G 109.1-1.0 is about 15,000 light years away from us and has a diameter of about 140 light years; its apparent size
corresponds that of the half moon.
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HEASARC Guest Observer Facility
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