PSPC: Orion

ROSAT survey image of the Orion region. The three famous belt stars can be seen slightly less than midway up the left-hand side. The diffuse enhancement at the lower left is the region near the Orion Nebula; this nebula/star formation region contains a number of hot massive stars such as the Trapezium as well as a large number of very young (3 million years old) lower-mass stars. Because of its large intrinsic brightness at optical wavelengths and its moderate distance (450 parsecs), the Orion Nebula can also be seen with the naked eye as part of the `Sword' of Orion.
Get the high resolution (300dpi) TIFF format version, of the X-ray image.
Get the high resolution (300dpi) TIFF format version, of the optical image.
HEASARC Guest Observer Facility
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