These are pictures of an instrument on board ROSAT that took many of the images in this archive. It is called the PSPC, which stands for Position Sensitve Proportional Counter. For those familiar with X-ray lingo, multiwire proportional counters such as this one provide a modest energy resolution, a high spectral resolution, and a relative time resolution of around 130 microseconds.
Inside the PSPC, the counters were enclosed in a mixture of argon, xenon, and methane gases. An X-ray photon would pass through an entrance window on the instrument, be photo-electrically absorbed by the gas producing a photo-electron which will be detected and counted.
Get the high resolution (300 dpi) TIFF format version of the PSPC.
Get the high resolution (300 dpi) TIFF format version of the Pulseheight diagram.
HEASARC Guest Observer Facility
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